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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    jesus i cant wait to its realeased
  2. he said it would be finnished soon
  3. Badassdom

    Raf tornado

    loved the other tornado's and this is a good improvement but why does have its gear down when it starts in flying mode? and how do i fix this
  4. is there any plan for a AS-532 Cougar?
  5. Badassdom

    Eurofighter typhoon screens

    yoyo was busy making one but i heard he gave it to some swedish mod but nobody seems to now whitch one
  6. Badassdom

    What happend to the kuznetsov carrier

    well falklands mod also made the harrier whitch also seemd impossible to do maybe someone could make a autolandingscript for carriers
  7. Badassdom

    What happend to the kuznetsov carrier

    yes but he said it was almost finnished and has't said anything since i think the runway is sloped but its to far away to be sure do acecombat
  8. Badassdom

    What happend to the kuznetsov carrier

    is that the same carrier in the background?
  9. Badassdom

    Swedish forces pack 4.0 update

    any pics of the visby corvette? (it hot as hell)
  10. Badassdom

    What happend to the kuznetsov carrier

    he said this in june!!!