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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    how big are the LSD or the LST?
  2. Badassdom

    Eurofighter typhoon screens

    what about super-cruise? read this
  3. Badassdom

    Chinese army

    there all replica's the su-27s aren't su-27s there chinese built planes
  4. Badassdom

    Chinese army

    so anybody know if there is any progress
  5. I thought i would be cool to have a apache or hind with downwash and systems of an bas uh-60 And as the originals where pretty good someone could modiefy these as this would be a lot easier then ceating a new addon at least that is what i thought(maybe i'm wrong)
  6. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    the destroyers to? how come ?
  7. are the helmets going to change?
  8. Badassdom

    Northrop f-5e, beta 1

    dude this is asome man you should talk to vit he's got some great tex
  9. Badassdom

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    yep that did the trick
  10. Badassdom

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    hope not but it works fine when i use the regular shortcut or anything else but if it is what could i do about it?
  11. Badassdom

    Real world

    I'm 17 and doing mi final year of highschool(vwo dutch system)and applied for KMA(royal militairy academie)where if chosen militairy arts whitch is basicly the workings of politics and war (NATO) and this is a 3 year bacholor(?) plus 1year officers training
  12. Badassdom

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    still no sound what does the FDF shortcut you get with the setup of FDF connect to ?
  13. Badassdom

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.0 released!

    I made a new shortcut but the sound doesn't work what did i do wrong? i put in location D:\OperationFlashpoint\Flashpointbeta.exe -mod=finmod
  14. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    will the Hermes have weapons on board and if so will they be single units or intergrated in to the ship cause when I tried to put some Swiss mod rapiers on the 1968 Hermes they kept firing into the ship
  15. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    could the guys give a rough release date for the beta versions of the ships?
  16. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    yes this is it
  17. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    some guy made a video somewhere showing a tank with mutiple turrets don't remeber where (still looking)
  18. Badassdom

    The need for improved manpads

    to shoot down a heli with a stinger or something similar you have to be near it fight path and then its still difficult but the succes very much depends on the skill of the soldier look at iraq the rebels have just shot down one chopper because they aren't well trained ,but if they get trained their succes rate will go up look at the mujahadeen in afganistan against the russians their succes rate was much higher because of the CIA training they received But with the Bas blackhawks the rocket bents away from the chopper after ignoring the flares(at least that is what it looks like to me)
  19. OpFr Airpack 2.0 OpFr Vechicelpack 1.0 Hardrock's Typhoon Falklands Carrier Bas Seals BW Leopard 2a5/a6 BW Tiger BW Gepard BW Soldiers(new)
  20. Badassdom

    Chinese army

    Does anybody know any thing about a possible release date ? cause i dont read chinese to well
  21. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    yes and you coundn't hold any planes or other objects on deck but i sort of hoped that falklands mod would fix that thinking of their harrier
  22. Badassdom


    you mean someting like the malvinas mod made? they made this weapon whitch you carry like a rifle and their is ad other guy with extra rockets