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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom

    Some stuff...

    yes please do well it doesn't really matter what you make just make something
  2. Badassdom

    Mmp marder is released!

    Â Â Â i love M.M.P-BW whow with this standard i really hope they will release a leopard pack
  3. Badassdom

    Footmunch gear

    i love footmunch his plane's, but the always have there gear down when they start in "flying" mode how do i fix this?
  4. Badassdom

    Addon everyone wants

    huh im not making one yoyo was but i heard he left the community some one on the ofrp formum said he gave it to a swedish mod ofrp forum
  5. Badassdom

    Little higgens project

    could you make a modern version
  6. Badassdom

    Operation northstar down maybe for good

    well that sucks good luck i guess
  7. Badassdom

    Tarawa class lsh

    an thats in juli or something?
  8. Badassdom

    Tarawa class lsh

    what happend to the OPGWC Tarawa
  9. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    wow looks nice this would be a nice replacement for the ofp standard one
  10. Badassdom

    Us landing craft

    yep US Navy Mod Lookie here they've been silent for a while do, don't know if there still doing something
  11. Badassdom


    there some inn the malvinas pack
  12. Badassdom

    Nby carrier

    where did you get that drawing?
  13. Badassdom

    Nby carrier

    strange the tower on the left, I tought they stopped making carriers with the tower on the left in WW2 as pilots are more likely to sway to the left where did you get these drawings? it does look very cool do
  14. Badassdom

    Operation frenchpoint release

    great stuff I love OFrP
  15. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    yes that sounds logical
  16. Badassdom

    Nogovan army?

    Euro Army means?
  17. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    is the population count being based on the original island?
  18. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    yes but its not so where makeing it an economy so just play along
  19. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    the cayman island are very similar(exept for the climate an position) Nation master LOL also checkout the Budget (expenditures): very surprising
  20. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    this is a posibility for an nogovan economy Service sector 74% Industry 14% agriculture 12% the primaire and secundaire sectors (agriculture and industry)on Nogova would both face the same problem, being that Nogova is simply to small for these sectors to have any major export capabilties.The secudairy sectors would sell most of there products on the domestic market, whitch is to small to have a large industrial sector and the agricultural sector wouldn't have enough land to use for farming more then the domestic demand. (the size of the industrial sector does rely on the precence of any major mineral depostits and or oli flields in Nogova. these are not present in my assesment) the main sector in the Nogovan economy(service) could be split in two groups. the 1e being the recreation industry wich would focus on wealthy tourists who like a quite "elegant" vacation the reasons that there wouldn't be any mass tourisme is that Nogova is to far away from Europe and the US to for cheap travel and the climate doesn't suit the demands of mass tourisme the 2e would be business this group would consist of all kinds of business . A 3e sector could be a banking sector ,but this would only exist if there whould be bank secrecy.
  21. Badassdom

    Car bomb

    maybe someone could make a car with BOH tomahawk scrips (it explodes at a destroy waypoint)/that would make use a lot easier.
  22. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    Good point. That is one of the things to be thought about first: establish timeline. (maybe that idea of a minister of time wasn't that bad after all) Either way, you sound like a good minister of finance, or prime minister. @Kooky: Gone too far? How? Never played a sim, TDG or RPG? And if you don't want to play, that's no problem either. Just don't spoil the fun for us. As for final decisionmaking, thats done by the people using polls, not by the government. i accept
  23. Badassdom

    Improved nogova

    what about the hi-res everon and malden island there improved versions right?
  24. Badassdom

    Nogovian government?

    when will all this take place as in now, in the 80's or in an other era? cause the infrastructure and the economy would be very different (modern nogova, everon and malden islands?)