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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom


    its been a while since they released any news but are the guys from MMP still working on stuff for ofp?
  2. Badassdom


    good luck with those problems then
  3. Badassdom


    i know but sometimes mods just fade away or get put on a backburner
  4. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    well was worth a try
  5. Badassdom

    Falklands mod progress

    im could you release some more pics of your carriers?
  6. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    some highways don't have lights at all
  7. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    looks nice, maybe it already is cant see that much but try and make it realistic as in make it logical easy to guard, parking space out of direct view
  8. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    mosques ? why ? nogova is mostlikey christian(all the churches and all)
  9. Badassdom

    International Politics Thread

    over here NL most party's(?) are pro EU (very trade based economy) but some want less and others want more EU regulation
  10. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    owkay keep up the great work can't wait
  11. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    will you increase the urbane areas some or not at all didn't fully understand your reply  cause what i ment was a small business centre and urbane area. a couple of towers(or smaller offices) and some more houses in lipany, petrovice or modrova to have some kinda urbane ops area on the island
  12. Badassdom

    International Politics Thread

    people should definetly vote, also if you don't like the EU cause its probably going to stay around for a while at least personaly im going to vote for a centre party ,cause bote sides(right and left) are right but in a certain amount. you need a good economy to properly support the less fortuned and have prosperus(?) lifes (with computers for ofp) but you should still help the people with less abilities . also its the least crappy party in my country the Netherlands (D66) . well thats my opinion anyway
  13. Badassdom

    Flashpoint celebrities

    Bas crew what can i say .... go and play Mathijs and the CoC team for his work with CoC and his Lowlands(international soldier) work
  14. Badassdom

    Nogova 2004

    em maybe a new brige over the bay inlet? ,more suburbs and a business centre with some tall buildings just a example of what I mean (Sinai)
  15. Badassdom

    Ofp limitations

    coc made working divers do (men becom vehicels or something like that)
  16. Badassdom

    Swedish force pach 4.0

    yep totaly agree, another reason for the time it takes is that they dont work on their addons al the time cause they(most of them anyway) have lifes
  17. Badassdom

    Swedish force pach 4.0

    in ten years like all the other good mod(well almost) so i suggest(?) you be patient
  18. Badassdom

    Us marines

    thats helicopter and the probebly mean a hoovering or slow moving one , its an at missle an advanced one but an at missle its not designed for aa
  19. Badassdom


    i was making a mission were a poltical conference was attacked by terroist and gave dmx police units new weapons after previeweing the mission a few times ofp quit my question to any who will help me is why did ofp quit and how to fix this i tought of some possible reasons. maybe the dmx police units cant handle so much rearming (some 15 units) as other units dont give this problem maby i had to many single man groups
  20. Badassdom

    Eurofighter typhoon screens

    whats the status?
  21. Badassdom

    Uss arleigh burke project

    any progress pic for us junkies?
  22. Badassdom

    Uscg pack beta

    hablo inglish? i already said klink is re-doing the cutter model and the herc model. and he donated this to us already. as you can see here em, em .......... doh
  23. Badassdom

    Uscg pack beta

    any coop with col klink? liferafts life jacket
  24. Badassdom

    Large ships

    why hasn't anyone made a large war ships? the only project i found (besides falklands)was this a very early la fayette
  25. Badassdom

    Helicopter startup time
