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Everything posted by andersson

  1. I dont think wind affects the bullets in arma (please prove me wrong! ). You can experience that your bullets are falling left or right, but thats because you arent perfectly horisontal. This is from OFP and is still in Arma. Explanation: If you are laying flat (on the runway) your bullets will be centered. If you are laying on a slope and aiming along that slope (not up nor down the slope) your body (model) will have the same angel as the slope. Then your scope will be moved relative to the muzzle and the bullets trajectory will be to the left or the right depending of to what side you are tilted. In real life you will have your rifle and scope horisontal, but the arma model doesnt do that. You will still see the sightpicture as if the rifle was perfectly vertically aligned as you cant tilt the view (do a roll and you see that...). So what you see is not according to armas "reality".. This is only when you are laying down! If you kneel or stand up when aiming along a slope the bullettrajectory will be centered with the scope as the rifle and scope is vertically aligned. Test it yourself. Find a steep slope, lay down. Aim up or down -> centered shots. Aim along the slope -> shots to the right or left. Kneel -> all shots centered. EDIT: I havent played enough arma... I tested this and to my surprise and joy; the rifle was always perfectly aligned vertically!
  2. andersson

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    ~Medium/high  settings are playable. Good thing with Kegetys SoftTH, you can choose lower res for the left/right screens for better performance. MfG Lee Ahh, thank you! I have to fix one more monitor and a cheap suitable GFX-card then I`m thinking of buying fresnel-lenses to get bigger screen and get rid of the borders. Not near Dslyecxi`s setup, but anyway
  3. andersson

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    This was played on: - Asus Socket 939 SLI Board - AMD A64 Socket 939 CPU 3800+(2400 @ 2900MHz) Singlecore - 2GB DDR1 PC400 Ram - GF 8800GTS 640MB as primary card - GF 7600GS 256MB as secondary card - 3x Samsung Widescreen LCD 205BW - Kegety's amazing SoftTH, special thx to him!! The resolution was 5340 x 1050 3x 1680 + 2x 150 for the lcd frames, so the game is "behind" the frames and not stretched there: [img ]http://lee.plankton.ch/ArmA_108_Triple2.jpg[/img] MfG Lee I had the same plan as you, but never had the time to play so I put it on ice. I have almomst the same specs as you, just a little better I think.. So my question is, if you would be so kind to answer: what are your settings and FPS?
  4. And when I turn my head with my trackIR?..
  5. andersson

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    You can tweak deadzones to get it just as you like it. I always use trackIR in arma. Flying, driving and running, no matter what. But I have tweaked the profile. Looking around - no tweak as there is a small but distinct "snap" when you look into the sight (but its possible for those who like to have more deadzone to make the aiming easier). Zoom - Nothing happens until I really moves forward. A big deadzone and a steep linear curve at the end. Leaning - Changed it from leaning my head to moving head left/right. More natural that way IMO. + bigger deadzone. If someone is interested I can send my trackIR arma-settings when I get back home next week?
  6. andersson

    Stopping to Reload

    Yes, that is an issue. If someone can implement that it would be great. BUT if you do cancel a reload, the gun should be empty so you have to reload again.
  7. andersson

    Stopping to Reload

    The problem is that its difficult to simulate that its dumb.. In RL you can reload on the move, but if you fumble its not good. Because of that you do not reload on the move. If you could reload while moving in arma, why would you ever stop to reload? There is no drawback as you do not fumble ingame. So you get a less realistic game. Its the same thing with empty mags. Yes, in game you can leave mags all over the place as someone is kind enough to supply you with real mags. But keeping the reload times more real makes the game more realistic.. (I wouldnt mind picking up small ammoboxes and having a long reload mag anim when you want to fill up a mag or two ) I will not mention all the things you could do in game that you cant do in RL if the developers/modders made some changes, as that is not the purpose of this game.
  8. andersson

    Stopping to Reload

    Probably. Thats what you need to do, you need the empty mags to reload later (in RL).
  9. andersson

    a-10 feels weird

    Would you mind to bring up the throttle also in bugtracker?
  10. andersson

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    Cant blame him for not having perfect english, and I cant see what wrong he did by reporting the miss (he included pictures and everything).
  11. andersson

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    AvP is still the scariest game for me and back then it was hard as hell. Before the patch you couldnt save so you had to play through a whole level, I still play that way. But the top 3 games in that list are my favorite games and the only games I play. edit: I also play Minesweeper, sometimes too much...
  12. andersson

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    AvP is still the scariest game for me and back then it was hard as hell. Before the patch you couldnt save so you had to play through a whole level, I still play that way. But the top 3 games in that list are my favorite games and the only games I play. edit: I also play Minesweeper, sometimes too much...
  13. andersson

    A.i. skill.

    Computerplayers are used to be a hero and take on AI in masses. Even in OFP you could do much damage with a group on a big enemy force. I think Arma has very good AI as its very hard, almost impossible, to win against a bigger force. You do not attack a bigger force alone or with a small group, atleast not without very good tactics and strategies.. And the AIs ability to "snipe" you from distance, change the configuration and its very rewarding (I dont remember the name of the file, do a forum search). I have relative high skill and low precision on the AI. They miss as much as me
  14. andersson

    a-10 feels weird

    One of the biggest issues for me is that the thrust isnt directly connected to the throttle. Explained here.
  15. andersson

    One tweak that will change alot

    Too bad this is not implemented yet... This will be very interesting to toy with, searching the best balance. No more need for HD mags, like in JAM, as you can set the "shaking" value of the enemy higher, for example. I hope they get it working very quickly ! Malick You dont need hd-mags in arma. Lower the AI precision and have the skill high. Then they are aggressive and lay down more bullets on you, but alot of bullets miss you. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">skillFriendly=1.000000; skillEnemy=0.750000; precisionFriendly=0.700000; precisionEnemy=0.350000;
  16. andersson

    RACS M60A3

    OFP version has. The re-model currently does not. It uses BIS style hidden crew+forced optics like other tanks from the game. But it can surely be added if needed. No problems with that. The internals now have just crew proxies and simple basic geometry (all black). Its badly needed, I havent played with tanks in arma because of that. I want/need internals to enjoy sitting in a tank. Its one of the mayor flaws of arma in my opinion..
  17. andersson

    RACS M60A3

    Very good! And I hope this tank, as it is an OFP-port, has internals?
  18. andersson


    Try to be a gunner in a stationare M113. Very anoying to rev the engine when you move the turret....
  19. andersson

    One tweak that will change alot

    Maybe the good hearing is to simulate smarter AI, so they come after you and "search" behind buildings and hills? But the hearing should be less precise, the "keycats flagpole" should be near you but not exactly on your pos.
  20. andersson

    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    @5133p39: Your project sounds great! Good to use FSM and other inbuildt features instead of heavy scripting.
  21. andersson

    AMAZING TWEAK -Floating Zone & FPS

    I use Rivatuner but I cant find that setting. Can you help me to the right tab, please?
  22. andersson

    everyone happy with VOIP or not?

    I lowered effects volume to 5 and cranked radio up to 10. Then I can hear my buddies. But ofcourse the AI are very audible... It would be good to have a separate volumcontroller for VOIP.
  23. andersson

    Autorotation landing

    As there might be alot of people unaware of the possibility to do an emergency autorotation landing with your chopper, I thought I should give some info about it. About autorotation. If your engine stops for some reason (out of fuel or engine damage) you must decrease your throttle to the minimum as fast as you can. If you do it quick enough your rotor do not slow down and your chopper will decend slowly (but steady..). So during that time you need to find a spot you can land on and carefully manouver over there. When you are a couple of meters above the ground you give full throttle so you brake the speed a bit before touchdown. If you are too slow with your throttle and the rotor slows down (doesnt need much..), you better have enough altitude.. If you are high enough (~1000m, maybe lower?) you can hope the rotor will pick up speed. I have tried to figure out what you can do to speed up the autorotation, but I havent found anything. Sometimes it works and sometimes not... If you do this right you can get away with very little damage (my best is ~5% damage loss). But often the landing is a bit hard (~50% damage loss), and you should always be ready to jump out incase the chopper is too damaged and explode.. I only play with joystick with throttle so I dont know how this works with mouse/keyboard. I suppose its the same, but I`m not interested to find out as I think flying without joystick is boring.. The only thing I would like to have changed regarding this feature is alittle more time before the rotor slows down. As it is now you need to slam the throttle to min almost simultaneous as the engine stops. Maybe it is realistic, if so I´m happy. Maybe there is some trick, if so please inform me. I have tried this with a trigger that put the fuel to zero (as I cant shut down the engine when using the lates beta-patch). I suppose you can as a safety measure pull the throttle to min the moment you are taking serious hits/damage, and you are afraid you will get a serious problem with fuel/engine? Ok, into the editor and practice emergency landings now! Its very exciting to do it above forrest, in the dark or when flying low and fast! In the next MP session with my friend we will take turns as co-pilot shutting down the engine when the pilot least expect it, just to practice this Â
  24. @sickboy Good choice, I like it. @Panda[PL] As I wrote about FDF I would like to clarify that I didnt want the FDF loadout as default. It was just an example as not all armies use the US-loadout. In default arma there are also RACS and SLA, not all default units nor weapons are US.. And maybe the FDF-loadout would fit SLA better? Once again, I used it just as an example. (Not everyone plays as US in arma...) I quoted an earlier reply that, I thought, explains my view: Yes, FDF have their own rifles and configurations. But my point was that maybe SLA uses tracers different than US, and they are default BIS. Then again RACS probably uses the same system as US since they are trained be them? Not all play as US in arma... But I think I have totally misunderstood you Panda[PL], I thought that you gave information about how the tracers should be implemented, period. But now I see that you are researching about US-forces. And as RACS and SLA are fictional they can be configured any way.. And you are totally right that any upcoming mod/addon can configure their own magasines. Thats promising! But your default choice are very good in my opinion.
  25. Yes, FDF have their own rifles and configurations. But my point was that maybe SLA uses tracers different than US, and they are default BIS. Then again RACS probably uses the same system as US since they are trained be them? But I think I have totally misunderstood you Panda[PL], I thought that you gave information about how the tracers should be implemented, period. But now I see that you are researching about US-forces. And as RACS and SLA are fictional they can be configured any way.. And you are totally right that any upcoming mod/addon can configure their own magasines.