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Everything posted by andersson

  1. "Single addon". Massive re-download for the community when a terrain is updated...
  2. You know why polar bears don't eat penguins? Because polar bears are living on the north hemisphere and penguins on the south ;)
  3. andersson

    Possible Solution to Stamina/Fatigue Conundrum

    It's not much to discuss really. It doesn't matter how much I want to old system back when BI has decided what they want in their game. A lot of players, me included, have been vocal and given feedback long before it made it into stable, but BI's mind was set. I have a feeling it has something to do with end game..? To create a MP friendly gameplay that would attract more casual players. A lot of man hours for BI and they started to tweak it back to what was, but for some reason they will not accept the losses and go back. I'm wondering if any of the servers that had disabled fatigue have enabled stamina..? I wouldn't be surprised if all this did was to have more servers disable that feature. So even if I fully agree with you and I would love to see a solution I'm convinced BI will not spend more time on it. They seem to be happy with stamina and claim that it fulfills their vision. It baffles my mind...
  4. andersson

    ASR AI 3

    Local AI on machines that run ASR AI will be affected. So if you join a server with ASR AI all AI local to that server will have changed behavior, regardless if you use the addon or not on your client machine. But a client without ASR AI and that have local AI (group leader of AI or if the mission distribute the AI to the clients in one way or another) then they will not be ASR AI but vanilla. So then you will end up with a mix as the servers AI are ASR and that clients AI are not. If the clients machine do not handle any AI then it doesn't matter if they have ASR AI or not. Hope it makes sense..? :wacko:
  5. andersson

    Are AA3 players tank shy?

    I loved tanks in OFP, but then they removed the interiors and that killed the immersion for me. Probably doesn't matter for most people but for me it does. During the "dull" transports in OFP I could look around inside the turret and I had an overall view through the view ports, but in A1+ I'm always stuck in the sights unless I turn out and expose myself. For me it's the difference of being in a tank and floating around in console world. And now in A3 PhysX doesn't help with the frustrating driving skills of tank AI.
  6. This is a feature implemented since arma2. It is there to simulate a unit partially hidden in grass.
  7. andersson

    Unrealistic lowered weapon shooting

    Hold a rifle, or a broomstick/whatever as a rifle (shouldered) it looks just the same. It's called perspective. And you can't fire from the hip in this game, what people call hip fire is when the sights are not aligned with the eyes. And yes the bullets do come out from the rifle in this game. There are defined points for breech and end of barrel in the model.
  8. andersson

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Oh yes hell yes. They have annoyed me since armed assault..
  9. andersson

    My summer car

    Amazing game. Brings me back just looking at him playing :)
  10. andersson

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Misunderstanding :)
  11. andersson

    Difficulty Overhaul

    I have no use of the stamina bar and turn it off. It just doesn't help me in any way so I disagree.
  12. andersson

    Write scripts within the game.

    Alt-tab is quick, windowed is also beneficial. Scripting on the go would be fun but I can't see how that would work. @alex150201: you'll get the rank you deserve, my service goes back before 2003 when ofpec was the place for me.
  13. You must mean "safe", "careless" would make the mission quite boring..
  14. Yes true. I use 2x DSR and the text is really small in 3den.
  15. andersson

    Eden controls?

    If anyone finds this thread BI knows about it and will fix it. Very pleased! https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184951-eden-feature-requests/page-9#entry2985935
  16. andersson

    Eden controls?

    I need to know what the eden controls are, and how to change them. I use my own setup and nothing is like default. My movement is based on the numpad. I tried to use WASD but nothing happened, probably as I have changed my movement keys to numpad. But when I tried numpad the camera was looking up or down too. In "Development" (bulldozer settings) I rebinded some keys and I manage to solve that problem. So it seems like some movement are connected to bulldozer... But there is no way to change a units Z-position (up or down) so I thought maybe it's like in Zeus. But it's seems like no, I'm not sure... I have num+ as key in Zeus to change a unit up or down. BUT if I try that in Eden the camera zooms in. And I can't find any setting anywhere where num+ is bound to zoom in.... Nor can I figure out how to change a objects Z-position... BI, I can't use Eden as it is right now. To use default keys are a no for me, I been playing on numpad since 2001. I have no problem to use WASD or whatever for Eden, but it's not working as I changed my movement keys and I have no clue what keys Eden use or how to rebind them. A start would be if anyone can tell me what keys move a unit up or down? I tried right mouse button, I tried the Zeus key, and I tried randomly. Can't find it.
  17. I played with VAC back in OFP and it was very good. It's very nice to see another program! I don't want to use any of your free keys as I will not have time right now to test it, but I will look back for sure! Programs like this is very nice in games like this. Thank you!
  18. Interesting. So if you change UI size it will get better? How do the other *x*.paa look like?
  19. I like the fact that the font is not so futuristic as I don't play 2035. It kind of feel familiar to earlier arma games, so I like it. Then again, on my 1900x1600 screen with small UI it's very easy to read.
  20. It must be something to do with resolutions/settings as some of have it crisp and easy to read. Can you please post your settings? Screen resolution, A3 resolution, interface size and other settings that might affect this?
  21. Same settiings and it looks just fine for me too.
  22. andersson

    Eden controls?

    What I find strange is that bulldozer keys are somehow connected to Eden. But is there some kind of documentation on keys? How to find alt+leftclick as an example? I couldn't move the camera up or down until I realized that I remapped bulldozers up/down to page up/down. That doesn't work so I had to remap it to Z and Q. edit: I find this ridiculous. Why can we rebind some keys but not all? I use the WASD area to different functions, programmed them to my CH flightstick and functions I don't use much or in a hurry. I can try to free up the vanilla keys for Eden, but to do that only because I can't remap up/down functions (Q,Z, alt-mouse).... Wtf BI.
  23. I was curious to see the font after all the discussion on dev branch. I must say I like it. It's clear and easy to read. Makes me wonder why it doesn't work on some setups, this can't only be about taste because it seems quite a few really struggle reading this new font.
  24. andersson

    Eden controls?

    Thank you!
  25. andersson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    People demanding period. It brings nothing to the table except an egocentric wish. It shows a lack of understanding regarding the amount of work involved, that the work is a hobby for the addon makers own pleasure and most of the time that they even can't bother reading the topic, not even a few posts up. Annoying and derails topics.