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Everything posted by andersson

  1. From what I know they moved the centre of gravity on the 5.45x39 bullet back, just so it will tumble more easily when it hit a body. The flip side of that is its less stable flight path. So per definition its not a HP bullet, making it legal. But the effect is the same. Read it some time ago so it might have changed or I could be plain wrong...
  2. Yes, remember that DayZ is a mod. Mods do get some support from BIS but it is up to the mod creators to update their mods, not BIS.
  3. andersson

    Urban Conquest by tvig0r0us

    I like what I read :) Will for sure check it out in a later stage. Sometimes all I want is "simple" urban combat.
  4. andersson


    If you played CTI on a server the "AI discrepancy" can be explained. On servers the AI is as per server settings, when you do a local mission your settings take effect. So if that server has harder settings on AI compared to your local installation you will see a difference. IF you played the CTI locally on your computer it must be something in the mission.
  5. If you want to play on pre 1.62 servers yes. Then one could argue that you screwed up your installation, not Six Updater ;)
  6. andersson

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    If the textures can dePBO'd they will be used to texture the lite ACR too, which is not in BIS interest.
  7. andersson

    Vehicle Quality

    For me tank interiors are very important. I stopped using MBTs since armed assualt as I struggle with being glued to the optics all the time. In OFP I also used the view ports while driving. In armed assault and arma2 I'm limited to one viewport only when Im turned in, which give me less overview. Then its also important for me due to immersion. I would be very glad if MBT internals came back in arma3.
  8. People please read up, the change doesnt affect the normal settings it only limits exploits by manually adding extreme values in the player profile file. You can still change gamma and brightness, you just cant exploit it to the extreme anymore. edit-addition: this game is not about winning for me, its escapism. Personally I rather die in pitch black then "win" in an ugly cheating environment. But thats me :)
  9. If you want a script, or parts of a script, run only on a server and not on the clients you can do a check to see if theres a gamelogic present. Gamelogics are only on the server, not on the clients. To find out if there are gamelogics on the machine you can name one and check if its present. So its very common to give a gamelogic the name 'server' and then check in a script if "server" exist or not. If it return false the script is run on a client, if it returns true the script is run on the server. You can name a gamelogic whatever and check for that name, but 'server' is commonly used.
  10. Thank you for the links Orcinus! I missed that thread when searching. I will see what I can do with this new info :) I use ALICE on chernarus. I have a feeling the civ AI disappeared as I left the town because ALICE cleaned it up, just as Katipo66 suggest. My AI was still in "busy mode".
  11. I'm making a mission where you are to save civilians. The civilians are ALICE AI and I made a big trigger that gives each civ an action that when activated put them in the players group. That all works fine. A minor issue: they have a will on their own (ALICE is spooking). When ordered into cars they jump out and walk back, sometimes they do whatever they like and you have to keep ordering them to where you want. I find this quite fun and ok as you have to "convince" them to leave their town and go away with you. Kind of fits the scenario. The big issue: When you manage to get civilians in your car and drive away they disappear when you are away from their village. This is the big show stopper. Is there any way to release them from ALICE when they join the player group? Right now Im thinking of a workaround, just delete them and spawn a new civilian in the place of the ALICE AI. I would prefer not though.
  12. Oh, I missed that. Thanks! :)
  13. I havent bought this game yet but Im really curious if DAC can be used? As it is scripts I guess it will work just fine, but who knows? DAC is my cornerstone in mission making...
  14. I will buy it. I like to have my games on hard copy (you never know when you end up without internet and your hd has crashed..). I also want it on my shelf next to the other BIS games :)
  15. andersson

    How to turn off new mouse steering?

    You can disable and enable the trackir ingame, so one would guess that the game knows if there is an active trackir or not. If trackir enabled -> turn of headturn feature?
  16. I had a look for it but couldnt find it. Link or is it not allowed?
  17. A few pages earlier there was a brief discussion about something more to do, some bigger plan/mission. What if you survive x amount of hours, or maybe manage to repair/build a helicopter and fly away you can later join other servers that were previously locked for you? Maybe they could have another side mission so you can unlock another server and so on, atleast the "advanced server" should have some interesting tweak to the gameplay. That would keep this "wild" gameplay but for the few that manage to survive and achieve some hard side mission can then join a server where the gameplay is a little bit more structured. If your character dies you have to start all over and you loose your "advanced server" privileges. Just a thought.
  18. andersson

    Diving Under Water

    I agree, I have not one key as default.
  19. This and hard copy, time to buy! Thank you BIS :D edit: Hard copy bought, when it arrives its time for the Hind DLC. When will you make ToT (take on tanks?) ;)
  20. Ok, then its all good. Then I wont suggest the same in your diver thread ;)
  21. Can you put the unit closer to the ground, so its built "on the ground" instead of in the air? One thing I personally dont really like is UIs center screen. I would love to see it in the lower right corner, or center right. You are inventing very cool and useful addons, cant wait to play with them :)
  22. andersson

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Very good :D The best track sounds I heard so far. I also like the turbine of the Abrams. I would love if you could make the T-series engines more audible over distance (T-72 and the rest). I have experienced them in RL and you can hear the diesels very far and its very intimidating! The distance the tracks become audible is perfect imo.
  23. Try to spawn a vanilla T72 to see if its CWR2 or not. It would be very strange if it was.
  24. andersson

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Supersonic ammo creates a sound bang no matter how silent the weapon is, subsonic doesnt.