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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Mod Team Needed

    What's your plan to break the 144 limit?
  2. This is the only feature I miss from OFP; interiors. Then you could as driver use all forward viewports for better positional awareness AND it would enable you to look at your GPS. Today you can choose tunnelvision or awareness when turned out with the risk of getting shot in the head. Unless you go to 3d view, which my friends and I have disabled. So I just avoid playing in tanks, which I loved in OFP. As BIS don't deem it worth the effort to build interiors (that's what they told us in past discussions), they should atleast give the driver awareness through a GPS in optics view. Modern and future 2035 tanks shouldnt be limited to WW2 standards. It's the driver that should see his position in the group and keep it, not the commander that should micromanage his movement. As maturin said, he is busy finding targets.
  3. It's almost as bad as the button (the circle left of the clock) that zooms the map view to players location. No need for any navigational skills now. Impossible to make a mission where you are lost and must rely on map and compass. Such an amazing game series, and this last A3 is a big improvement, yet they nerf it with new stupid design decisions that are forced upon us regardless of difficulty.. wtf BIS..?
  4. As they have no interiors we are forced into optics view. Please give us interiors... It's not only for this issue.
  5. andersson

    Binocular sway

    I fully agree. They should make a different sway to simulate the difference in weight. Binos should be much more stable with more quicker smaller movements, the heavier markers should sway more and slower. Ofcourse prone should have them both steady. And the eyes are compensating already as you can look at one object even though it's moving on your screen.
  6. andersson

    KEYS: No action menu

    Smart. I will copy that. The problem is when Sakura_Chan's addon is released, then I would like to keep the mouse wheel for doors. I need a secondary mouse wheel...
  7. I totally agree. They have a perfect effect in A2:OA, why not use it?
  8. From what I can read from the first post you will not pay for user ported content. If you want hi-res textures you have to buy the game arma2.
  9. If it's ported you cannot claim it to be an integral part of your arma3 60€ purchase, can you? It's fair to pay for the full arma2 assets as it is another game. See it as a compability-bonus to get lo-res versions for free. This is not arma3, and therefore not part of what you paid your 60€ for. Or am I wrong here?
  10. andersson

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    Looking at the icon difference between the first video and update #1 I would prefer not to have the icons visible all the time. It's not only immersion, I don't like too much UI, but I like the idea to search around a new cockpit until you find what you need. When you learn and know one helicopter you don't have to search anymore. Jump into an unknown and it will naturally take some time to find your way on the panels. Maybe you can have some user setting to enable/disable constant icons? And thank you very much, this should have been part of the vanilla game!!
  11. Well, this is about arma2 assets.
  12. Looks lovely! I'm very happy you will not drop this project even though it seems like you will not get it 100%.
  13. After playing a few missions in OFP I opened up the editor and took a car ride around Everon. Omg that feeling of "this is all mine to do whatever I like on".
  14. No blame should be put on any generation, and yes easy simple games have always existed and fills a purpose. What I do would like to blame is the "money-decisions"; how to make more money on the expense of actual gameplay. But then again, if it's good business and people also like the games who am I to say anything.. The sad part is when "good games" are dumbed down for a quick buck. I understand why, but it's sad.
  15. I had some random problems with CWC 1985 until I updated to the latest beta. If you haven't make sure to update.
  16. I have no chance in fast pace FPS MP games as my skill is so low compared to the others. That is human vs human and a completely different gameplay than SP as you are competing against another human brain and skillset. However if you look at the SP experience it has changed dramatically. I have played a few maps on the SP campaign in BFx or MWx (can't remember which..). Sometimes I had absolutely no clue of what was happening around me and everything was going *boom* and *flash*. I was almost randomly giving inputs into the controller as the truth is; I'm shit and my brain can't keep up with all the action. I still managed to survive and move on to next "mission". Then I gave it up as I see no reason to play the game as it more or less turned into an interactive movie. But MP, that's another thing. Whatever game, simple or complex, can be highly competitive as you play against other humans.
  17. I had my sisters 10 year old son try AvsP gold edition, which is one of my all time favorites as it's so gritty and hard. He didn't like it as he never managed to get through the first level, and he is a "gamer". My sister told me that todays kids are not used to get any kind of real challenge out of games, like actually have to fight for ones survival without any feedback that your doing good. We are used to "beat the game", they are used to get instant gratifications.
  18. andersson

    Head Tracking

    Agree. It also doesn't work properly when you have floating zone on (I use 100%).
  19. andersson

    Simple pool do you play with dead zone on?

    I use max dead zone. Used to it since forever. Problem though is it borks the TrackIR..
  20. Get shot for shooting civilians isn't anything new in the arma series.
  21. andersson

    Realistic navigation difficulty setting??

    This must be an option. Just because BIS developers want to play in 2035 and we have smartphones today doesnt mean we all want to play in that era or with modern tech. What will I44 and unsung do when they start working on A3? Worst case I just disable the A3 map completely and print out paper versions I can keep on my desk. The problem then is to show my markers to the group I play with. Or to have a proper briefing.. On a, maybe, related note. I have the impression that BIS made the missions to be played with all UI bells and whistles. I disable all that by habit, and in one mission I couldn't find a marker or note of where I start and I didnt have a GPS for some reason. I guess it was expected that I would see it due to magic mapmarkers... :(
  22. Yes please. I so want the A1 and A2 islands as stand alone in A3. Pretty please :)
  23. I did really read your first post, and I read it the way that you tried DAC A2 "as is". I missed that you were already involved in the threads I gave you :) I did a search on my own as I'm also very hooked on DAC and thought I would share them. Well well... Too bad then... Hope someone with code-skills help us all out one day.. Or the best would be for Silola to resurrect!