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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    An Honest Review

    Yes I know, thats why I put the apology there. There were many posts above mine that I responded to as they kept going on about their experiences through the VR games, which imho boils down to missions and servers. Which, as you say, is offtopic. In respons to your thread I did give you cred for constructive feedback. I do know what the thread is about and I agree with you, I just couldn't sit silent about users replying about how to play the game and how it has changed. Anyroad, once again my apologies.
  2. andersson

    An Honest Review

    I personally see no big difference between OFP, armed assault, arma2 or arma3. They all offer the same sandbox for me and my friends to do what we have been doing since 2001. And what have we been doing? We make missions and play them. Sometimes it's random sandbox scenarios, sometimes more linear missions. The author of this thread do have some valid points. Luckily all the games have had their problems that BIS + community iron out over time. Constructive feedback is needed. But to them complaining about gameplay on servers and missions: Nothing stops you from making that mission you want, or even start a server for TvT, DM, Coop whatever. Nothing in OFP, armed assault, arma2 or 3 have ever stopped anyone from creating any type of mission, or starting a server. Was the gameplay better in older VR games? Was it more fun on the servers? Well, it's probably up to the missions created at the time and the players on that server. One cannot blame the core game for that. Sometimes I have a feeling that players join any public server expecting that "magical" gameplay this game can deliver. No, sadly, it's not that easy out of the box. It really is up to us the players. It has been so since 2001. Name any famous official, unaltered, BIS mission played on servers since ever? Yes, OFP had many good missions, mostly SP, but the ones played in competitive or coop on servers were made by the players. So please dont blame the game for shitty servers and bad missions. Remember there are no official servers, all of them are put up by a player/group and they did it the way they like it. I personally disagree with most of the server settings and missions, and that's why I mostly play in locked servers with friends/groups I know will give me the experience I'm looking for. Noone should expect anyone to fix the gameplay you want. But be sure you are not alone in the way you like to play. Create what you like and people will join in and some will stay because they like it! Most public servers will naturally attract new players unknown to the game, and players just out to make a mess for their own twisted fun. That is a bad mix and to keep that one working a strong moderator is needed... My apologies for keeping this thread offtopic, but I couldn't help myself..
  3. andersson

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    What if you walk around? AI do have ears.
  4. Thank you for this! 8 digit coords please :) I miss the humming obelisk lol
  5. Time to buy IF (via affiliate). Thank you all!
  6. andersson

    Virtual pinball machine

    Thats very cool! I have tp try to make a setup like that one rainy day :)
  7. Exactly. Careless makes them truly careless. Good for cut scenes or scripted events when you dont want the AI to react on enemy presens. Put a few enemy units on careless and you can walk around them, kill them, do whatever and they will not care. They are "careless". So if you put them on a sentry WP they will not care when they do get some info about enemies. If you want them to be "human" you choose safe.
  8. Why wouldnt it? Then they walk around safe looking for the enemy. When they see an enemy they will automatically change modus and engage. On what occasion do you want to use careless on a sentry WP??
  9. A quick way to end a groups WPs are to place a S&D in SAFE mode and a CYCLE next to it.
  10. So I was right all the time, you didnt compensate for the bullets flightpath (bulletdrop) ;)
  11. And you have adjusted for bullet drop?
  12. Common sense. I have never had any bigger problems with this. If the ground is dangerously close to the sight the barrel is probably obstructed. Also it's possible to move the head down do check the barrel before making that first important shot. Use the free look key or trackIR.
  13. andersson

    Clipping issues

    Just look at the earlier 101 geometry pictures provided by other members and give it some serious thought. Wrong. The barrel is not on the same line as your eyes/sight. The barrel is lower down and can be obstructed while you have a clear LOS. The AI is shooting at your head that is behind your sight. Your head is bigger that your sight and can easily be shot. In addition if you are laying down prone on relatively flat ground so there's also a big chance of the top part of the shoulders to be exposed. As this has been explained before, even on the level of crayon/paint-level, I have a feeling I'm feeding a troll...
  14. GiorgyGR: Forget about Careless, that behavior is for special occasions only. AI will never shoot or acknowledge enemy presens. IGCNightmare: The AI do share information. Not only within groups. I remember that BIS explained it a few years ago that there is some kind of central for the AI. I wish I could find that information again. Maybe in an old blog..?
  15. andersson

    Clipping issues

    I think it would be nice if the barrel wouldnt be clipped into the ground. In your case that would mean you loose the ability to aim as low as you do as the rifle would be forced to point more up. Just like in real life. In any case, clipping or not, I dont see the game breaker here. You expose your head and part of your shoulders in order to get your rifle above the crest. Until you do that the angle you can shoot downwards is limited. As it should be.
  16. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I would like that! I like thinking independent AI, but sometimes they are too stubborn and put the group at risk and very often die.
  17. andersson

    Behaviour "careless" is useless

    Careless should be what it is. It's been called that since 2001. If you want another behaviour it needs a new name. But then again, why dont you use safe, set the AI on never fire and disable autotarget...? This seems to be more of an issue with your selected suppressed weapon. Find a silenced weapon instead (addon or what not). You can never be stealth with a suppressed weapon, they have lower dB but are still loud.
  18. This clipping issue and no weight is a step in the wrong direction. One of the "cater to mainstream" decisions from BIS that scares me. In arma2 I never had a problem handling long heavy weapons in doorways. Maybe because I use 100% freezone and trackIR, thus enabling me to lower my weapon and still keep my visual awareness. Ofcourse a shorter lighter weapon was always a better more agile choice as it was easier to get the sight on target. As it should be. No need for weapon specific limitation-lower-anims if the weapons handles differently. A long sniperrifle will be more cumbersome than a MP5.
  19. Thank you! But why no tags?
  20. andersson

    Behaviour "careless" is useless

    = don't give a shit. And that is the purpose of the behavior careless. Sometimes you want/need the AI to not give a shit. If you want them to care when they need to use safe.
  21. andersson

    Development Blog & Reveals

    :clap: nice one!
  22. andersson

    Behaviour "careless" is useless

    If you wan't a helicopter och plane to fly somewhere without engaging enemies a careless WP is very handy. Scripted bombing run for a plane, same. You don't want your plane to go around in a circle and strafing enemies while your bombs drops all over the place. Sure, it can all be scripted, but it's very convenient to use a careless WP instead.
  23. andersson

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I wish for a jungle map. But I'm sure they will not touch that due to the difficulty to get a good foliage and performance. Realistically I wish for savanna / Africa.
  24. I am sure the reason that we do not have a GPS as drivers is that BIS do not wan't to spend time building interiors for the tanks. They have said it before in interior discussions. It's too much work for something they consider unnecessary. This is just an effect of that decision, it's not a design decision not to have GPS. They have to do a workaround if they wan't to enable it for us, or change their view on interiors. Personally I completely disagree with this design decision. Warning, I will digress a bit.. I honestly doubt they will fix it. From other design decisions I have a feeling they cater more for players using more UI and 3D views. Maybe most players play it that way, I don't know, but it sure seems like BIS design their content in that way. Why put a start marker in a mission when you can turn on waypoint markers in the UI setting (there are official missions where the information of where you start is not there..). Why not dump a lot of enemies without thought how it will be if players turn of all difficulty settings, maybe most play with enemy tags on anyway..? Why fix this GPS issue when we can look at the tank from Lara Croft perspective and get a GPS? Sure, turn all the difficulty options off and you will get a harder more challenging experience. The thing is, I don't want it more challenging, I want it more immersive. In OFP the missions and features played out nice regardless of settings, now it feels like I have to enable some help to not nerf myself into a frustrating situation.
  25. andersson

    Buildings devoid of life....

    There were furniture in CWC too. Not much but enough to give the impression of atleast a former living household. We have had furniture in OFP, A1 and A2. Never been a problem for me, and a lot more immersive than empty clean houses. If BIS wont add furniture for any reason I hope for a community script that adds the objects. I dont need "the perfect living room", but a chair here and a cabinet there.. Enough to give more life to a house.