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Everything posted by andersson

  1. So the guys responsible for the AI should stop doing the jobs of the guys adding sounds?
  2. andersson

    Stance Adjustment revised

    What if..... the mousewheel changes the stance and LCtrl+mousewheel is for the action menu..? I would like that as stance should be more fluent than accessing the menu.
  3. @.kju regarding Patreon: Even though this is a touchy subject times are changing. Some time ago I would never had considered to support any modder with money and today I signed up as a Patreon to you. I guess the "good old days" are gone... As many modders you have done a lot of hard work over the years. The difference for me is that you deliver what I want and without giving up. Your work is what will make me return to this excellent game series. What you create is what I miss in A3. Thank you.
  4. andersson

    Favorite conflict setting poll

    Cold war, Us vs Ru.
  5. I bought a new computer in anticipation for avp2 as I love avsp gold (still love it). Avp2 was my biggest disappointment. Looked like CS... (Luckily I found a game called OFP which changed my life). Than ofcourse colonial marines. Looked very promising but I will never buy it I need a good aliens game!
  6. Ah yes, Feint! Very skilled modder so I'm glad he is working on an A3 version :)
  7. Can't wait for this to be released for A3 :) Thank you for all your work!!
  8. Regarding the depth discussions. Most of what are said in this thread are right, but people are talking about different situations regarding scuba gear/free diving. Free diving, really no known limits except time. Oxygen: 100% oxygen, max safe depth ~6m. Air (79% N2 and 21% O2), max safe depth ~60 m (although the Nitrogen will probably give you Nitrogen narcosis somewhere between 30 and 60, depends on individual and situation. The "Martini rule" says "it's like drinking one martini every 10 m"). Trimix and other systems can take you much deeper, where decompression and gas mixtures comes into play. Exposure over time is also a big factor. The clue is the partial pressures of the gases. Oxygen becomes potentially dangerous at a pressure of 1.6 bar, and will affect the nervous system with all kinds of random results. There was a quite elaborate dive-mod made for Arma2, don't know if it was ever released. I would also like a more simulated underwater experience, there is a big potential for a mod like that in A3!
  9. Before A3 I used 100% free floating zone. Inside the zone the weapons were fast/fluent and when I moved the mouse more the body started to turn with a slower feeling. For me that system was very intuitive and good. As a TrackIr user in A3 I have to choose either free float or trackir as the two together are bugged. So I'm not really playing at all...
  10. andersson

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    No it has changed. Many new users that are very impatience and demanding. Lack of common sense and respect. Also it looks like some don't see the border between BIS and the community. Good to read that you are still improving the mod Opticalsnare!
  11. andersson

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    One trick is to go "Thread tools" -> "Show printable version" -> "Show 100 post(s) from this thread on one page" and then use your browsers search function on the text. Sorry for OT...
  12. If you want to do tests one a dedicated just start a ded-server locally on your computer, then start A3 and join. All you need is to create a config for it and then look for it on LAN, it will use the same folders as your normal A3 so it will use no extra space. I always playtest my missions that way before going through the hazzle of uploading it anywhere.
  13. My arma experience is based on DAC. Thank you so very much.
  14. andersson

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    Yes I would pay for it.
  15. Maybe you could limit the movement so we can't lean when a backpack is in ventral position. An explanation could be that it's difficult to do with a pack on the chest..?
  16. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Thank you!!
  17. andersson

    High Quality Addons Project [HQAP]

    What is high quality? Something that looks good or something that is made good? Ofcourse a good addon has both, but many good looking addons are not of high quality due to unnecessary high poly and what not, or have other faults and errors that the user don't see but affect performance. Who can judge without full access to the addons internals? And who wants to be judged? My 0.02€
  18. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Taosenai; can one wish for an updated papermap with those fixes please? :)
  19. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Thank you! If I may ask, what features is it missing? For me the important thing is that it behaves as a normal paper map, so I guess that features is not so important for me. No gadgets or help at all please :)
  20. andersson

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    Excellent Sakura_Chan, can't wait!
  21. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Can I find the old paper version anywhere? I would prefer to use a paper map.
  22. I fully agree. When I hold a familiar weapon in my hands and wait for the T-72 to come closer I'm there. When I hold some strange gun waiting for some vehicle I don't recognize I'm playing a game. Luckily we have mods, because the rest is better.
  23. andersson

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    I miss the 100% free floating zone with trackIR in A3 (bugged). I twisted my avatars body a few times in armed assault before my brain got the hang of it, but since then it's been second nature to use trackIR and floating zone as infantry. God I miss it...
  24. andersson

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    You can assign lean to the head tilt too. Personally I have lean by both moving and tilting. The left-right head movement has a very big dead zone and then linear steep ends. So it's easy to get a full lean quickly. Then in addition I have a slower lean-movement by tilting my head for more precision or slower, more stealthy, peak-around the corner moves. This way I move my head to get into the approximate lean angle and then I can tilt it to get the exact lean. + I have keys setup for the quick full lean.
  25. andersson

    Development Blog & Reveals

    So as BIS is out for the moment we can do whatever we wish! PArty!!