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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Either to troll or to look more believable to make a point. But you are missing the most important point, which makes me believe that you have a personal interest in this beyond being accepted to a server that you havent played on yet.
  2. andersson

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    I wouldn't be surprised if sbush308 is a duplicate. Caiden leave and a profile is created for what should look like a random innocent player who within 6 posts show similar behaviour as Caiden. Anyway, that user seems very selective in what he/she replies to and want to understand. edit: ninjaed deluxe, this thread moves fast...
  3. andersson

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    They are earning money on other people's hard work. Imagine that you spend a year putting your heart into a car and release it to the public, and then another one use your hard work to get easy money. Why shouldn't you have that money? You made it. The answer is that you shouldn't have that money as it is against BI EULA and neither should the other person using your car for cash...
  4. Steal the car is a classic ;)
  5. Challenging yes, authentic no. Look at St. Jimmy's post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182228-Weapon-Inertia-amp-Sway-Feedback-(dev-branch)&p=2806257&viewfull=1#post2806257 The barrel should move, but not the stock as that is fixed against the shoulder. BI is getting there but they should try to make it more authentic. I'm sure more RL shooters like me find this weapon sway strange. Ok if I fold the stock and only hold the weapon in my hands maybe, but that's not the case with the A3 weapons.
  6. andersson

    PhysX Discussion (dev branch)

    Couldnt the tanks use a set of invisible wheels in between the normal wheels to give a better illusion of tracks? It should help the tanks from getting stuck and it would look like the track itself is supporting.
  7. andersson

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    You can start a dedicated on your local computer and then join that very server. It's a convenient way of testing stuff as both your server and game uses the same files and the connection is as good as it gets.
  8. They already gave us an explanation: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183119-Bohemia-Interactive-please-comment-on-whats-hindering-you-to-introduce-Ponds-to-Arma3&p=2790634&viewfull=1#post2790634
  9. It looks like the weapon inertia (movement lag..) is towards the stock, not the barrel. That makes it look so wrong as the backside of the gun should be against the shoulder.
  10. andersson

    X-Cam prototype map

    Don't rush it please, I would suggest earliest 2018.
  11. andersson

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Or in the mission itself.
  12. The force is strong with this one.... Can't wait....
  13. Ok, I see. I never played with less than 100% so never experienced that. + now when I re-read I get the point, no inertia... Yes, an exploit for sure and it should be fixed.
  14. I'm of the opinion that inside the deadzone the weapon should be 1:1 and when you hit the border and the avatar start to turn you should get sightalignment problems. That's the way it was in OFP, armed assault and arma2, and I love it. Aiming deadzone is just moving your arms/upper body (shooting platform) and just like in real life it's very stable and quick. But as soon as you need to start rotating your body using your legs it gets more difficult. Enable deadzone with 100% and look at your avatar from 3D perspective, it makes sense. So I don't see it as an exploit. Imo it is as it should be. I have always played with 100% deadzone, since 2001. With it I can properly track targets and I can also move the gun away for a better look at the area. I personally hate the 1:1 normal FPS run and gun without deadzone. I don't mind other players using it and I think it's really good that we can choose whatever we like. Too bad deadzone doesn't work with trackir in A3 due to a bug that has been there from the very start....
  15. I think the answer is this: If YOU want to create it then do it. Imho I think that's really all to it. Modding is all about creation and noone should hinder anyone to create anything. So when you have done it for yourself share it, it can be other players just as you that would like to have it. Don't pay attention to the ones that do not have interest in it or think it's a bad idea. They can decide to not download it.
  16. It's very handy when you navigate and need to hold the course for longer periods. It's very taxing and less precise to hold your arms up infront to constantly watch your gauges and compass that are on your wrists.
  17. andersson

    X-Cam prototype map

    How is the AI on the map and also in constructions like that, do they have any pathfinding problems? Hope not :)
  18. andersson

    X-Cam prototype map

    BIS has to take performance into serious consideration.
  19. Now that you said it we want it. Give us a van! :D
  20. andersson

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Probably OFP dragon rising.
  21. andersson

    Tao Folding Map

    Yes. It would also be very nice to have a completely "dumb" map that doesnt change side automagically. But I guess I might as well print out my own paper version then.. Would still be nice to not get any help at all while navigating.
  22. andersson

    CZ75 No Chain

    Good job! I would love to see a mod that removes all icons, or place them in the corner. It's so annoying to have them pop up in the center, specially that reload icon!
  23. I will start to bitch and moan about this ignored bug: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=116 It was reported 2013-03-05 15:36 and has priority high, severity major and reproducibility always...