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Everything posted by andersson

  1. Tanks is probably the most immersive breaking for me right now. Tanks were so intimidating in earlier versions when they heavily rolled over the battlefield. Now they are speeding past you like dune buggies to suddenly jump and change direction like terrier dogs.
  2. andersson

    Feedback tracker administration

    Players avatars movement has a 100% reproducible bug. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24801
  3. andersson

    Can't turn with sights up

    This is not fixed in 1.52. BI; this is a bug that affects the players avatar movement. 100% reproducible. Please please fix...
  4. I started arma3 after quite some time without playing and updated it to the latest stable patch (1.50). I play with 100% bounding box, meaning I can move my weapon quite a lot without turning. The problem is that I can only move my weapon and I can never turn while I have my sights up. If I make the bounding box 0%, the weapon stuck center, then I can turn while looking down the sights. This is a big show stopper for me. I found a ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24801
  5. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The rule is to not mix in mods into dev feedback. Is BI responsible of how the AI behaves in GL5? No, the developer of GL5 is who you should adress. For sure, the AI could have some problems and you see it manifest in GL5 mod, but you/we can't know until you try without that mod. So if you try dev AI without any mods and find the same timid behavior, or something else which is not to your liking, then it's a good thing to report. But right now it's quite wrong for BI to change their AI so a mod that you uses will work better.
  6. andersson

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    AK? Maybe it's the mod who is not compatible with BI protection system?
  7. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Maybe BI have improved AI so the "fixes" in AI mods are no longer valid or need some tweaking. Lets hope that is the case, and what jona33 wrote is really promising :)
  8. andersson

    Arma 3 Eden Editor Sneak Preview Live Stream

    Anywhere I can see that twitch broadcast?? I'm so curious to finally see a proper 3D editor!! My only small worry is this: I hope the 2D mode/view will be very much like the old 2D editor. I have a laptop I use for missionmaking when I travel, it's good enough to test simple scenarious in the very lowest graphical settings but works just fine in the 2D editor. I'm a bit worried that the 3D editor will be too heavy for it..?
  9. No, the arty unit itself doesn't shoot. It's very strange. But I tried to name the arty unit and use a trigger instead and that works just fine. So I can make my mission no problem. But I'm sure there is a strange bug when trying the above mentioned scenario. Unless it's the normal Bohemia fraggles again. You know suddenly it just stops working or a different outcome happens. And the day after it works again (after you have wasted many hours in research and alternatives trying different workarounds...).
  10. I'm experiencing something weird right now trying to make a simple mission. I used a RHS USMC as player and a RHS BM21 on Chernarus. In the BM21s init I have "this commandartilleryfire [getpos T1, getartilleryammo [this] select 0,5];". At a distance perfect for shooting (not to far not to short) is a Game logic named "T1". I started next to the game logic expecting to see explosions but nothing happened. So in the editor I put my unit close to the BM21 to see what happens and restarted. Then it shoots and I can hear the rockets exploding in the distance. If I move myself back to the target nothing. If I moved my unit halfway I could hear the shots, see the rockets and hear the explosions. If I moved myself almost to the target I got the same result. But as soon as I was "too close", or further away, nothing happens. It only kept shooting if I moved away after being close to it. If I moved closer from the target to the BM21 nothing happened until I was really close. Then I could move away from the BM21 and it kept shooting... This move is in the editor so it's a restart between the attempts and I ended up using the same spots. So I tried the same setup on Altis with NATO as player, a 2S9 Sochor and the same game logic at the same distance with the same code. I get the same result. This is stable 1.50 with no mods active. For some time It didn't shoot at all so I changed unit to CSAT and stood close to the 2S9 and then it started again. Until I have my unit too far away. If I add zeus and move the camera to the 2S9 i can see that the gun is not raised. Wtf?
  11. andersson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    If I have tanks to drive slow they still go very fast if it's downhill bumping around like radio cars. First time I tried to do an ambush of a couple of T-72s in convoy I missed them as I couldn't get ready in time as they raced by like race cars. I tried limited speed but it was almost the same. It's a shame that the tanks have no impression of being strong and heavy, but I guess I can blame PhysX limitation? Any feedback trackers I can vote up?
  12. andersson

    Help me understand something..

    But as long as you don't interact with them it's alright no?
  13. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Don't waste cpu on things that you don't need to simulate if the observed result is the same?
  14. It was time to learn Zeus as I haven't tried it yet. So I thought the best way was to start the Zeus tutorial... Makes sense? Ok. First attempt. It started and I was prompted to press Space, so I did. I'm on a platform looking at a vehicle shooting another vehicle. I hear a system ping and I read the text "Ping Zeus". Ok..... I think of #ping but I have no chat as this is SP + it make no sense. I start moving around to see if anything gives me a clue, but realizes it can't be so difficult as this is a tutorial. But what is "ping"? I look at the notes in my map and all I can see that I have an assignement to "ping Zeus". It's raining. I suddenly think of my controls! I go in there and yes! There I can find Zeus controls and I also find the key to "ping Zeus"!! Good! I ping Zeus and I see the flash destroy the vehicle. Looks fancy but I don't understand why that vehicle had to be destroyed..? Ok. I pinged. What now? Maybe I can't play it in Veteran with my normal settings. Maybe I need to see some UI or whatever? I have had that problem in other tutorials...... Decides to restart as recruite. Press Space. A vehicle shoots up another vehicle. Assignment "ping Zeus" Pinging Zeus (I'm learning!!) And a new assignment!!! open the Interface. Ok. Goes back into the controls to have a look. Find the key. Go back to tutorial. Doesn't work. Nothing happens. It's raining. Goes back into controls to double check. Tries again. Nothing. Restart mission. Decides to restart as Veteran again as I had no more clues as Recruit. Press space - vehicle bang poff - ping Zeus - flash and thunder dead he is. The interface assignment is another fail, can't get it to work. Pings Zeus again to piss him off. What? A new interface!!! Good. And now the interface key is working. I can turn it on and off :) And a new assignment - Move Camera (I can see some text floating out there with a small arrow or something. Ok I probably should move the camera to that point. Goes back into controls - move camera..... No nothing except that I can move a camera to a selected entity. Ok goes back out to mission to select an entity. After a few attempts at clicking on objects I go back to controls - how to select an entity? I can't find anything but how to select multiple entities. Ok back out again to the mission. Left Ctrl and clicks away. Can't select anything. How am I supposed to move the camera then?? Realizes that I can select myself so I do it and yes I can also move the camera to look at me. But the text "Move Camera" hovers out there in the rain. And here I am now. I can't deselect me, I can't select anything else. I can't move the camera. It's raining. Maybe I can, but I don't know how. Very good tutorial. NOT! So I have 3 choices now. 1 - Restart mission and see if anything else happens. 2 - Read up on the forum where the threads are mostly about more advanced scripted features and try to figure out the basics there. 3 - Turn off Arma3 and go to bed. Good night! :)
  15. andersson

    Zeus Tutorial - clueless

    Woke up, looked at youtube and read the biki. I know understand and it's quite simple. Now I can do the tutorial, but I don't need it anymore.
  16. Link worked just fine. I got one pop up for a casino but that is quite normal on free hosting sites.
  17. andersson

    Help me understand something..

    It's actually quite a nice feature. Let's say you join me in MP and I have the Marksman DLC. Instead of you getting kicked for not having the same content as I you can still join and play and I can still use the stuff I payed for. The good thing is that all the features that came with the DLC is included for free in your vanilla game so you can adjust scopes and support your weapon with bipods. So yes you can't use the weapons I bought in the DLC, but you can still play together with me. BI made it this way so they could earn some money while supporting/improving arma3 without dividing the MP community in "who owns what DLC". In arma2 it was the same, but there the DLC units where with lo-res textures but fully playable. Then people complained about buggy units as they didn't understand why some were of lesser quality. As you only pay for the few vanilla weapons/units and get all the features for free I like to look at the DLC's as a donation for BI's continuous work on improving this series. I have no problem what so ever to purchase the DLC's as the value I have got from BI in this series for the last 15 years is so much more.
  18. I downloaded and tried all this. Got the white screen and did what Horus found out. Got ingame no problem and everything worked just fine. Shut down the game and tried to start it again. White screen again. I deleted all Real Light as a quick fix (late and wanted to play). I will try again today and see what result I get.
  19. andersson

    Can't turn with sights up

    It seems like the more aiming deadzone the slower the avatar can turn... If I have 0% I can turn really quick while walking with sights up, 50% is a bit slower and if I have ~75% I turn very slowly making it very hard in CQB. Anything more and I can't turn at all.
  20. Use the side of the compass and measure the distance. The compass is always in the direction of the head so you can turn it on the map using your ingame head. Then you zoom the map so one square fits the compass in one way or another and then you can measure the distance quite good by moving the compass between the arty and the target. Just like in real life.
  21. I have used NV goggles in the Finnish military, both a monocular version and a version with one for each eye. I can't see me using NV goggles together with sights, it pains my neck just thinking about lining it up. Clunky comes to mind... I used a laser mounted to my weapon and that works.
  22. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I wish for BI to get there so we all can benefit.
  23. In Norway the door on official buildings must open outward. This is due to safety reasons as if people need to evacuate the building (in case of fire) it's easier if it opens up the way you are going in a hurry. There are examples in UK where people have been trapped inside as people are pushing on and the guy at the front can't open the door against the stampede. In Sweden the way doors open in stores seems a bit random. In the Nordic countries I have never encountered a door on a private house that opens inward. Probably due to snow. And why cram the space inside with a door when it's out of the way on the outside? Anyroad, this particular door that we are supposed to discussed should just have the hinges moved to the other side. Problem solved.
  24. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I'm sure KeyCat wasn't analyzing hardware, he was analyzing AI in devbranch. As he gave his settings and wanted others to try it's assumed you would have the same settings. As the result was so different and the only thing he could see was that you had more cores he was probably trying to find if that was the reason why. Until you told us you 1 - use a different setting (0.1) which will change the test scenario and make it hard to compare. And 2 - You use an AI addon, specifically made to alter the AI behaviour (ace AI)! Then your test is of no use in testing the dev branch AI. So please disable all addons, specially all AI altering addons. Set you settings to what KeyCat use and try the same scenario again. Then KeyCat can compare and we can get some conclusions of the dev branch AI :)