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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I´m happy with this patch! No texture bugs, same FPS and more features. I think the distance grass looks ok. It looks like the soldiers are sunken down into the ground a bit, its good enough for me. The NV-goggles works much better now! Now you can use them in cities. STOVL is excellent! The gun sights... Wow! Impressiv! I havent done any deeper performance/bug analysis but the things that I did test works like a charm.
  2. andersson

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Fantastic news!!
  3. andersson

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Very nice changelog!! But when will we get interiors in tanks? and: Why? They wear t-shirts and shorts, not combatgear.
  4. andersson

    Full report on Armoury in ArmA

    I`m looking forward to WGL. They had the most realistic values.
  5. andersson

    Answer me frankly, plz.

    In my experience arma is more difficult to play than OFP. That is because there is more simulation when controlling a soldier. I wasnt impressed in the beginning when playing as a soldier because I was used with OFPs controls. But if I compare OFPs control over a soldier to the "normal" FPS with the floating arms, I think OFP is difficult. It did turn away of some my friends, they couldnt frag the way they were used to. You had to get used to the more sluggish way OFP simulated soldiers. I think ArmA has taken that a step further and made it more realistic. When I accepted that I really start to like the new way you must controll the soldier. Its much more realistic, in my opinion. When I compare it with my own experience from real world, I´m not so quick and good as a soldier in OFP. I´m closer to the more slow sluggish movements in ArmA (for the record, I am trained and also used to move and shoot). Go out in the forest and run around and go prone, crawl around and get up. Compared to that ArmAs soldiersimulation is more realistic than OFPs. But I had to really get over OFP and accept the new feeling before I could appreciate ArmA. But now there is no reason to go back (maybe to everon for nostalgic reasons). Soldier-simulation and getting used to that aside, this is what I think is better in ArmA compared to OFP: AI - they are much more aggresive and you cant take them out ''delta force way". They do notice that someone is shooting at them and try to find you. That is better. I cant think of one thing where they are worse than in OFP. Flying - You must think ahead and practise, but the feeling of flying is there. In my humble opinion much more realistic than OFP (I always fly with joystick) Driving - I feel the weight of the car much more now, I think its a big improvement (and when I use a wheel itsreally fun to drive) Grafics - cant compare ArmA and OFP. And yes, the grafics makes it more realistic. The only thing moving in OFP was friendlies and enemys. You couldnt get the sun in your eyes. More difficult, like in real life. JIP - OFP needed that badly Multiturret - OFP needed that to.. Editing - More scripting commands This is MY experience, mostly based on the demo with the crappy missions. I miss Steal the car and 1985  edit: grammar...
  6. andersson

    Answer me frankly, plz.

    I have only played the demo. But I think that arma is much better than ofp. From what I have read on this forum it looks like the missions and campaign in arma are bad. But the game/platform is much better! There are so many good memories from OFP that you cant relate to when playing arma, but I´m sure that when you have played arma for a while and you try OFP again you will see the difference.....
  7. andersson

    Getting a corpse out of the car

    Also if AI thinks the vehicle is to damaged they will not mount.
  8. andersson

    A Question!

    In OFP I always killed the leader first if I could. That made the group disorganised for a while and if you took out 2-3 soldiers more the group often runned away. I guess when you kill the leader the second in command has lower rank, so the group "looses rank" and soldiers -> they flee. I think that I quite realistic.. This is ofcourse with a default group. If you have a group where all have high rank they dont flee so easily.
  9. andersson

    TrackIR Explained

    I have TrackIr4Pro and TrackClipPro. I have no problems using it. When I first tried it in IL2 it was so natural I didnt think so much about it, I just looked around as I would in real life. In the arma demo I had to tweak the lean to get it right (more deadspace in the middle and steeper curves). I also had to adjust to moving my head and body independently as I do not use haircross. But after a short whle that wasnt a problem more. Right now I dont think about it, and I use all axes (up-down, left-right, lean and zoom). The only problem I had in the begging with this device was that the upper LED on the trackclip reflected on the lower trackclip-arm and the result was yerky movements when I looked left-up. Some non-reflective tape on the arm solved that. The biggest issue with this (for me) was the price. Its very expencive. But I had the extra money so I bought it and I dont regret it. It should be cheaper, but its still worth the money. edit: I have tried cam2pan and similar programs, and yes - if you dont want to pay for trackIR its a good solution (alot better than nothing). But trackIR is better (less hassle, better response). I will not try to tell people to buy or not, but I thought Id share my experience with the product. I have read here and there that some people need to get used to it, and some (like me) its totally natural.
  10. andersson

    Icons, when rearm etc

    Good to know and hope it works... All the icons reminds me of vanilla oblivion.. Immersion killers.
  11. andersson

    Polygon limit?

    8000 polys for a vehicle, is that the biggest lod or all lods together?
  12. I believe that WGL had (have) the most realistic weaponvalues. They have put alot of effort into their work. Maybe talk to them?
  13. andersson

    Gamma Correction, a massive change.

    I will make a "test-picture". When I get arma
  14. andersson

    Gamma Correction, a massive change.

    I always adjusted the brightness and gamma in OFP as default was too bright. The way I did that was to start up a mission in the editor in the middle of the night, then I adjusted brightness and gamma until I had a nice black colour and so that I could see, but barely, the closest surrounding. First I adjusted the brightness so I get a true dark colour, not a grey tone like a washed out black t-shirt.. After that I adjusted the gamma to get a realistic feeling. Then it looked nice and realistic nomatter the time and I had to use NVgoggles during the night. With those settings I could navigate ok without NVgoggles if it was in the middel of the night during summer with clear skies, but if it was 12:00 30.dec and rain I couldnt see a tree until I hit it. Just like in real life. And ofcourse the days looked realistic, and the sun in the morning/evening was beautiful. I know that some people like to have high gamma to see better. But I dont play OFP-Arma to win, I play it for the experience (escapism into another world). Too bad that you cant force all players to have the same gamma-brightness as you have to adjust it accordingly to the monitor. So you never know if someone can see in the night as it was day while another one is in pitch dark. Ex, a friend of me had even darker settings than me and he always had to put on NVgoggles about 30 min before me to see anything.. edit: Maybe I should make a mission with objects of different colour and at different ranges as a test-picture that anyone can adjust the settings after..? "This colour should be black, that grey. If you can see object #3 you have to lower the gamma, if you cant see object #2 you can put it higher" That way everyone would have the same view regardless of monitor...
  15. andersson

    VOIP Suggestion

    Will you make it possible to disable the radio and only use speech? That would be great!
  16. andersson

    VOIP Suggestion

    Is it possible to disable the radio and only have the "muppets" speak? So you can use TeamSpeak as radio and in addition talk soldier to solder (muppet to muppet) ingame through VOIP?
  17. andersson

    New Interview with BIS

    I hope they will add internal views in tanks. If I´m not wrong BMPs have very weak armour, so maybe its not that unrealistic?
  18. andersson

    Navigate by the stars?

    I started the demo to check that out, and I found the North Star quite easily. But there are something funky about the two Dippers, but I guess that is because of Sahranis position and I´m used to see them from where I live. Is it possible to find out where Sahrani is from the star constelation? You have the date and the positions of the stars... edit: the small dipper looks mirrored, maybe the whole constelation is mirrored? I dont know. I suppose it is because of Sahranis position..
  19. Why would anyone not choose #3? Its a honest question, are there any reasons to choose 0,1 or 2?
  20. andersson

    TrackIR use...

    Yes, if I look at it (that 1 sec I told you about). But often the gun is pointing downward. But yes, I believe its just to get used to it.
  21. andersson

    TrackIR use...

    I bought TrackIR last week and I tried it on the demo. It takes some time to get use to in arma compared to IL2 and similar simulations, but its not a problem. I´m really glad its supported. There is one thing thou.. As I play on veteran with no crosshair, I have no referens of where I´m going except my movement. It works really ok after a while when you get use to it, but there is situations when I´m not 100% sure where my body is going. It only takes 1 sec to find out, but anyway. I am against all "gameplay HUD help", but sometimes I wish for a small dot or something that will show the direction of my body. Preferably a small non-intrusive dot against the lower screenframe. I dont know.. I´m not sure I will need it in the long run either, maybe I will learn?
  22. andersson

    ArmA install: Not to default HDD?

    I´m no expert, but I know this much: its not enough to save your C:\Documents and Settings\'user name'\my documents\ArmA I´m 99% that you need to reinstall arma. There might be some registry magic-fixing-something so you can get it to work. But I dont know any, and I doubt there are.. If there is a way I guess its longer than reinstalling..
  23. andersson

    Joysticks. A question for BIS.

    I would be satisfied if you could have multiple devices even if they shared the same axis... That way you can just keep the wheel centered when you use the stick and vice versa. But ofcourse true support for multiple devices are preffered.... @Darkninja:..... why not use joysticks...? The feeling when flying a helicopter isnt there for me when I use mouse+keyboard compared to hotas. I would also like to have a wheel when driving so that I only use the mouse+keyboard when I´m soldier.
  24. andersson

    ARMA demo and memory utilization

    Hello. I have 1024mb memory. I put this in my shortcut <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...wherever...\ArmADemo.exe -maxmem=768 You can try a higher number as you have more memory. edit: here is a quote from Chris Death from this thread.
  25. andersson

    ARMA demo and memory utilization

    Hello. I have 1024mb memory. I put this in my shortcut <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...wherever...\ArmADemo.exe -maxmem=768 You can try a higher number as you have more memory. edit: here is a quote from Chris Death from this thread.