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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Thank you megagoth1702 for your last two posts. I listened to that video and it sounded so cool and fake. It's also true that overall weapons sounds very similar, a very loud bang. You can distinguish some weapons but the sound itself is the same, it's more from dB due to caliber and load and ofcourse the rate of fire in some cases. edit: a few years ago I measured the dB from different suppressors on an AR15. The measurements were taken from shooters ear, different distances from the muzzle to the side, front-side and front. IF I can find that old USB stick and IF it's still alive I can post those values somewhere here on the forum. We also took measurements without suppressor and without muzzlebrake. It has nothing to do with the sound as we only collected the dB, but can be interesting anyway.
  2. andersson

    Issues I would like BI to fix

    I'm quite sure that when a programmer is working on some code he can at the same time do small bug fixes like that. They are not worth the time to dig up and fix but when the programmer is in the code anyway they get fixed. I guess?
  3. andersson

    Help setup Arma3 tools (Please!)

    Not the best forum, try this: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/166-arma-3-bi-tools-troubleshooting/
  4. My friends and I played Seb Nam 2, La Drang valley. Since AA it was Unsung.
  5. Johnny Mandel. But the Manic Street Preacher version is good too!
  6. andersson

    Legal Violations / Realistic cars in Arma 3

    Ouch. They are probably not aware that they are in risk for legal repercussions from Toyota, this could have serious consequences. :/ ;)
  7. andersson

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    What about hex-editing? If a cunning person makes a batch file it could be run locally making a modfolder with the hex-altered models. Then no BI models are distributed and DL size is next to none.
  8. Chickenhawk is one of the better books.
  9. Better to ask here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/162-arma-3-addons-configs-scripting/
  10. andersson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What makes me uncomfortable is people that can't read the thread, not even a few posts up, and keep asking the same things. And the constant wish list. I don't see the hostility from RHS, they seem fed up and tired of battling the same shit page after page. No wonder :)
  11. andersson

    BIS, any work being done on Voice Over Network?

    If you look at Squad (I haven't played it myself) it seems like the gameplay should be quite easy to copy/make with an A3 mission, A3 as a game also seems way more mature (no surprise). But why is it not worth to create that mission? VON is the reason. If we had a reliable good VON we could have the same gameplay on open vanilla server, and that is a gameplay which imo A3 is perfect for.
  12. Sarcasm and dry humour are Brittish inventions. ;)
  13. andersson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I been in situations when a feature like that could have been handy. When you have no binoculars and a rifle you can't mount the optics on that are laying around mounted on weapons with no or no much ammo (or RPGs).. But it's not a very common situation and the solution would be quite complex to achieve so it's not worth it.
  14. andersson

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That would be a good feature! I guess it's difficult as the optics need to be changed into binoculars, which in itself is not so difficult to script (remove and add), but to do that when a player drags it over the binocular slot in gear is another matter.
  15. Say what..? :D I need an explanation for that. edit: Maybe he means 'Battlefields'!? :) That I have played many times and wouldn't mind to play again!
  16. I care so much I get emotional. Because this is the only game and has been the only game since 2001 for me. So yes BI remember that we all love you even when it looks like we are not. You are the dealer of my drug and I get grumpy if I don't get my hit or if you change the drug too much in one go. Armaholic is the word.
  17. I aim down the sights to hit the target (I play without floating crosshair). I have also changed the default doublebinding so I can zoom and hold breath independently.
  18. Sure. I understand what "reward" means in this case and I also support the idea of different sways depending on stance. What rubs me the wrong way is it seems like BI is trying to use that feature to balance the game instead of trying to get an immersive authentic sway. If they try to make it authentic the "tactical gameplay" will come automatically, but if they try to force "tactical gameplay" by tweaking that feature it's the wrong way around imo. Just look at the latest patch Nexus and all the comments. Is the sway in the direction of authentic/immersive, or is it more of a way to balance/force players into what BI consider tactical? To force a tactical gameplay through difficult/unintuitive weapon handling....?
  19. I must say that this looks really good for an alpha. The island is really inspiring for gameplay! I really like the tunnels even if they are "in progress". Is there a way to have it dark inside or is it an engine limitation?
  20. Is a fire geometry even needed on a grassy bush like that...?
  21. Tweaked: Adjusted the magnitude of weapon sway levels; increased stability in rested and deployed states to provide more benefit for active reduction of weapon sway and reward tactical gameplay I don't like that. Why would BI "reward/punish" how we play the game? Is it an effort in balancing the game for us on official servers? A reward for tactical gameplay should be the positive result of a planned and good executed maneuver, regardless of weapon sway. The weapon sway should give us an authentic RL feeling immersing us into the game, not used as some kind of mean to control/balance us. Wtf....
  22. andersson

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    They tried with the result that no side is satisfied.
  23. Thank you! TIme for another tour for me and my friends :)
  24. andersson

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    I saw this ad and I thought it to be a bit sad and a hint to the current way of doing things: Since 2001 a patch is a patch and it's released to fix things broken in the game. Sometimes a new feature is added which has so far been welcomed. The need to write that it's free is probably needed as many other companies are selling their games in parts nowadays. So thank you BI for not being like everybody else. Another sad thing is if it wasn't for free I would probably not buy it... I am getting more and more concerned about what looks like BI is trying to make the game more "accessible" to the average gamer. Sure they probably make more money by selling more games, and who can really blame them for it, but for me the same process is making my gaming sessions more frustrating. I'm used to play around bugs and ignore graphical problems, but to be hit with design choices that are strange I can't ignore even if I wished for it. But then again who am I compared to the money out there. I can only wish that BI will continue to stay with the same vision as before, an authentic sandbox. One thing I'm certain of is that the modding community will keep the game as I like it and that I also thank BI for as their game is modding friendly and that they give us so many commands and what not. I just hope they can fix what the modders can't, like driving AI, tank physX and other under the hood irritations. I don't really know if I have a point to end this saturday beer bs, but I'm emotional for this game series for good reasons. And that I thank BI for too.
  25. andersson

    New Fatigue system

    And we told them over and over in the dev branch. Still they did it, and that without any discussion or explanation except one post about them working on this for very long.