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Everything posted by ag_smith

  1. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Once again, glad you like it and thank you for your feedback. I'll make sure all these bugs are sorted out. @wheres my rabbit ?, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll find my way around. @Acecombat, that's a very interesting read. I will think what I can do about providing you with appropriate setting for this scenario. Yes, I know what you mean... but let's put it this way: normally the snow caps should be on the north mountain slopes above 1000m ASL. In order to maintain realistic proportions, one moutain would take half of the map area. Plus, what philcommando already said, OFP engine doesn't handle that high mountains very well.Yet, we can always pretend, that it's spring time, it's not that hot and the snow haven't melted yet. This is quite correct, because, even if it's desert, winters are very cold in Afghanistan. @fighter, stop teasing people, cause they'll think it's ready... I'm a little bit occupied with other things now, so it's gonna take me a week or 2 to release an update.
  2. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Hmmm, that's a strange thing you're saying about file sizes. AFAIK the proper .pbo size are: - old version 2 (the one with the big city, includes custom textures) - 81MB - old version 3 (base version for this update, includes custom textures) - ~75MB - my current version (custom textures removed) - 38MB I'm not aware of any other versions, especially the one Acecombat have (224MB!!! Â ). Now, the plan is following: - there will be an update to my basic version (BIS textures), featuring some new objects added here and there + modified desert foliage by fighter. The file sie will remain ~40MB (<20MB zipped) to keep small download size in case you only want to use this as objects pack for your custom islands. - there will be additional .pbo containg island as above, but with all the custom textures. Expected additional .pbo size is around 40-60MB. I hope you all will be satisfied. I also hope people will start making quality missions for this island. CTI conversion would be nice, too. Â
  3. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Visitor2 does it automaticly for you about 5-10min work. There we go... thanks Berghoff.
  4. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Sorry, this could happen... as for the rock with ladder, I'll make sure it will go back where it was. The waterpools are gone for good. They didn't look good nor realistic (thanks to OFP waves) so I decided to remove them.
  5. ag_smith

    High Detailed Combat Zone

    I like the screens, but the addons you're using... well, that's gonna be a hit for performance - Tonal + CAT's afghanistan is a lot of MBytes to be loaded into memory... hopefully thanks to small island size it won't be as bad as I think (maybe...).
  6. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Hello everybody, I'm very glad you like it. To answer a few of your questions: 1. I tried to keep it as lag-free as possible. I managed to keep object count below 25K and I think I achieved a very good effect. During testing, in most places I could play with viewdistance of 3000m and this is the first island that allows me to do that on my crappy PC. So no worries there. 2. There WILL BE an update. Thanks to fighter I got this nice trees: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics4/des_akat_01.jpg http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics4/des_akat_02.jpg http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics4/des_akat_03.jpg They'll replace the current ones. You have to admit they blend in much better. I'll also add some more objects to the western part of the island which is still quite empty. I'm going to start working on it in a week or two, so that I could include any other suggestion, that you might come up with. 3. What you all are asking about... textures... Reverting to BIS textures allowed me to cutdown .pbo size by 50MB. CAT's original textures still miss many transitions, so if somebody shows me the easy (automated) way to create transition textures, I could consider making SE version, that will use the old texes. A side note, the original CAT's textures were the same resolution as BIS ones, 512x512. ... Yea, I know they added the unique feel to the island.... I liked them too.
  7. ag_smith

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Thx. Actually, I had it online for like 10 hours now, but I had to wait for a mirror with sufficient bandwith. And then ofp.info came to rescue.
  8. ag_smith

    Semper Fidelis

    How come it's that BIG? How big is a single model file? You've to take into account that after binarization model sizes will decrease.
  9. ag_smith

    Uh... What about the tools?

    1. There's no need to create a new thread just for asking this question. 2. Some links work, some don't. Everything is mirrored and can be found on ofp.info, eg. this. There's a tiny little search box on the left menu bar, meet your new friend. Makes note: write to ofp.info to ask them to move the search box to the very top of the page. Take it easy, mate.
  10. ag_smith

    Preventing front wheels from turning

    --- ehhh, never mind ----. thx 4 help
  11. ag_smith

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Here's my current wallpaper. I took the picture in Las Vegas, NV in September 2004. Love the lady on the billboard....
  12. ag_smith

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    This might give you the clue. I'm only updating/fixing original map and objects.
  13. ag_smith

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    huh? Mudjahedin leader observes Soviet airfield Somewhere in the mountains of Hindukush... Soviet Hind hoovering over Afghan village Yet another Afghan city... To be released within next 24 hours, so sit down and wait patiently. :P Munk, sorry for offtopic in your thread.
  14. ag_smith

    New Project

    That's why I don't see them getting any use, cos this method will enable people to cheat. Â
  15. ag_smith

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    This will go great with CAT's Afghanistan Revisited tomorrow. Â
  16. The pic that TomiD has shown is an old model made by ?. It's far from being finished. It needs plenty of textures to be fixed and scripting, etc. implemented. It'd be great if you could finish this one.
  17. ag_smith

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    All the problems you've listed are already known and unfortunatelly some (eg. collision problems) are almost unsolveable. Well, after all BIS never expected trains to be implemented in OFP, so what do you expect? Even with all this problems, it's one of the most amazing scripting achievements ever made in OFP (and quite fun to play with).
  18. ag_smith

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    hehe, your one and only criticism on beta pics... and released addons  this should be fixed on the pipelines and other stuff of mapfacts oil addon now. Well, what can I do about the fact that proper model lighting is the most often forgotten part of model making. Yet, it really takes minutes for something as simple as a rifle and it does make the model look a looooot better! Really, models with proper normals look like made by professionals.
  19. ag_smith

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    Looks like you need to fix the normals on the model by using sharp & smooth edges in some places. Apart from that, it looks top notch.
  20. LOL. why not just play Splinter Cell, instead of trying to do something that will never work well in ofp...
  21. ag_smith

    Tunnel again

    If any Geo LOD exceeds 64 meters in size, it simply won't work. Maybe that's your problem?
  22. ag_smith

    PDW + Barrett M95

    C'mon, if he wants to make a semi-fictional gun, why not? I, for one, would check it out (especially when Jurrasic Park mod releases their dinos).
  23. ag_smith

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    They are way over the limit, so you should better make links to them instead of hotlinking. And yes, it looks great.
  24. ag_smith

    M4A1 Pack

    Am I missing any details or it's enough to select vertices at the end of the M203 barrel and simply drag them to the right to make it shorter? Simple as that? Â Â
  25. ag_smith

    M4A1 Pack

    Am I missing any details or it's enough to select vertices at the end of the M203 barrel and simply drag them to the right to make it shorter? Simple as that? Â Â