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Everything posted by ace21

  1. ace21

    Tow's aav7 version 1.1 released

    I read that the U.S. State Department sources confirmed that Russia had indeed sold a wide variety of banned arms to Iraq as recently as one or two days before the allies struck. The Russian equipment included a variety of night vision gear, GPS jamming equipment - included software and Russian engineers who have continued to work inside Baghdad - and a number of AT-14 Kornet anti-tank missiles.
  2. ace21

    Tow's aav7 version 1.1 released

    I read in a military magazine that iraqi`s 2. tankdivision " Al-Medina " destroyed 2 M1A2 abrams near kerbala. they used a new russian heavy antitank weapon called AT-14 Kornet which destroyed them completely. the tanks even burned out. a teenager also shot down an apache with a rocket propelled grenade
  3. nice work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like your addons very much, especially the russian units. you are a very talented addon maker. go on and make more units.
  4. ace21

    CRIMECITY research

    antitank weapons should be: normal LAW (also for terrorists) HK 79-A1 40 mm-granatlauncher rpg-78 (for terrorists)
  5. ace21

    CRIMECITY research

    i think there should be the following weapons included: for police units: Franchi SPAS 15 M14 and Ruger Mini 14 walther WA-2000 sniper rifle the SIG 551-swat, with three magazines a scope and a torch SIG SSG 3000 Sniper rifle several versions of the mp5 like Mp5-k/KA4 short one mp5-A3/A5 FN Minimi (us M249SAW) light machine gun CZ200 Assault rifle short/long Colt m16A2 with RIS and remington 870 police shotgun(Knight master key) for terrorists: Steyr SPP-police Carabine I.M.I uzi micro,mini,normal Maybe an RPK for terrorists