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Everything posted by _William

  1. I recommend FRAPS. Works great for me (Win7).
  2. For your first map, I recommend doing one thing very well and have the map stand-out because of it's 1:1 mapping and historic context. Use the time you save by carving out trenches to iterate improvements. Nothing is stopping you from redoing the map afterwards with objects. IIRC, Old Bear also went back to [ADO] Brik to redo it as [ADO] Brik 2. Wrt mission making: provided the map is "AI friendly", I'll cover it with automatic (single) player mission generation at PlannedAssault. Looking forward to your further updates and results.
  3. Cold War battles (and nostalgia) Behind the screens, I've been busy preparing a server software-stack upgrade, which should allow me to speed up mission generation and support many more map (areas) than today. You'll see that upgrade soon. To test the server software-stack, I prefer to create new missions with new add-ons (catch two birds with one stone). In this case, supporting the CWR2 and P85 add-ons, this turned out be a large and nostalgic effort, with great results. The CWR2 team did a great job recreating the OFP:85 units, missions and islands in Arma2. In the PlannedAssault unit database, I've expanded on that by adding proper squads and platoons according to the 1980's TO&E (thanks to Nero at Vilas' forums), for US, Soviet and FRG (West Germany) troops. I've also used Arma2's capabilities: that means M47 Dragon launchers and RPG-18s, AI using backpacks and tripods to move and man crew served TOW launchers, and AI manned howitzers and mortars. Vilas P85 units and vehicles are great to complement the 1985 US Army units with camouflaged variants, and add FRG forces. I remember from mid-80s news papers and TV clips the images of heavily camouflaged NATO infantry with blackened faces on exercises in German woods and plains. I've created a small script to pick and set camouflaged faces for a group of infantry, and added 'camouflaged face' variants of mechanized infantry squads to 1985 US Army and FGR Panzergrenadiere squads. (I couldn't find images on the web confirming a Warsaw pact practice of camouflage faces at that time; if that was the case, please let me know and I'll happily add camouflaged cold war KLMK infantry squads). I'd like to use Vilas M119 Palladins, but the config lacks a ballistic table and the life time for 155mm shells is set too short. I know how to fix these, but depend on Vilas to release an update of his P85 config. I also wouldn't mind adding more Warsaw Pact forces when given good TO&E data. Having seen many Cold War era aircraft from close-up at the Hermeskeil museum this summer, I've added the Su-17 Fitter, Su-24 Fencer and the F4-E Phantom II. See this post for more info. William
  4. Interesting choice. Look forward to the result. Will you model the historic terrain (once you get to grips with the editors and content pipeline), or stick with today's satellite data? Rhenen town seems to have grown considerably compared to 1937 aerial photographs, such as this. Great site, btw.
  5. @PvPScene: Good spot. Also fixed A2 1.10 patch version. Wrt VME PLA: assuming VME PLA resembles ACEX-PLA, I can give it a try. I'm fond of the PLA digital camo pattern. There's one thing that would be of great help: a documented class list. I can read all of config files (at DH) and load each of the vehicles one-by-one in the armory but this is time consuming. Another (optional) thing is documentation of the PLA infantry squad composition, anti-tank squad composition, and mechanized platoon compositions. For ACEX PLA, I wasn't able to find much, except a few tidbits at orbat.com suggesting 4 man fire teams, 11 man squads. I've been assuming Eastern Bloc style 3 vehicle mechanized/armored platoons. If we're able to represent the PLA more accurately, this will benefit all. William
  6. Additional fast-roping heli's, random wind direction and strength Small update (due to some larger behind-the-screens updates): Norrin released an update of his fast-roping add-on, and I've added the additional helis, and their variants in other armys (UK Chinook, ADF SA-70 Blackhawk, ACR Mi-35). Norrin's update is not backwards compatible, which means you have to upgrade to 0.8 or newer. Furthermore, it seems the fast-roping addon now is more likely to hang, preventing helicopters to leave the scene. Didn't happen with the previous version, so I reported the problem to Norrin. Triggered by a dramatic video that used smoke and strong winds, I took a look at BI's wind scripting, and added random wind (strength random up to 7 Beaufort, direction random) to the Arma 2 weather module. See this post for more info. @PvPscene: the FAQ section was given a make-over. I'm aware of the broken links for VBS2 addons in this update, and will fix these also shortly. William
  7. Hi Norrin, thanks for the update. I really appreciate the additional helis. Using the new scripts in my mission, the helis occasionally get stuck in fast-roping behavior. I've seen helis deciding to move away with ropes still hanging, and I've seen helis hovering indefinitely with ropes hanging (with cargo still present, and without cargo present). From eject_unit.sqf (lines 95-103), I get the impression the script fails to detect a few situations that might cause it to hang: - cargo member becoming incapacitated before or during eject - cargo member being ordered back into the heli by his group leader (when the leader is ejected later than a group member) (FYI, I'm use fast-roping for groups with multiple helis (typically two Blackhawks) carrying three groups (8 men squads), one squad being split across the two helis. This worked OK with the previous version). William
  8. I just updated the server with a fix for this problem, which originated from a mistake in plan generation, not properly linking grouped ground attacks from multiple landing zones and not taking the LZ as a base for the ground attack. I recommend replanning your air assault missions. Thanks for reporting this, Alvando. Fix for Tropica link is ready for next update. Good spot on the mod selection, but this is an intentional change. I changed the mod selection screen to show up mods covering multiple forces/nations under each nation, otherwise it is hard to find a mod. I did this because when adding the Australian RAAF F/A-18Fs to Meatball's mod, the F/A-18F mod would no longer show up under US Navy but as ADF instead. Let me know how this works (or doesn't work) for you.
  9. _William

    Improved BRDM2 units

    Hcpookie, thanks for a superb job. I'm really happy with the C2 variant with observation mast and camo net, and even more with the crew-served AT-5 and AT-3 (these deserve a bit more attention or even a separate release). Great job on the documentation of the add-on as well! I've done some digging in the configurations, and worked out enough to instruct the AI to set-up and use crew served weapons in missions generated by PlannedAssault. I also added entries for the BRDM2s (Russian and Takistan units) to the mission generator's unit database. Looking forward to more of your work.
  10. BRDM-2s, OPFOR crew-served ATGMs, T-80 variants, FV432 Bulldog and RAAF F/A-18s Here's some stuff that makes me love Arma and its community. Hcpookie not only created several BRDM-2 variants but also went the distance to add a C2 vehicle with observation mast and camouflaging options for parked vehicles. I've hacked a configuration offering this static vehicle, with matching net and raised observation mast. I don't think the vehicle is very effective in scanning and observing, and the way I initialize the vehicle doesn't stop the engine, but hey, we have a camouflaged vehicle with observation mast up in the game and I love it. Hcpookie also put in the effort to create crew-served ATGM weapons (these are intended for multi-player crews to dismount, take the vehicle's weapon and move into a forward ambush position). The ATGM launchers look superb (especially the Sagger/Malyutka, with its remote control station). I've added two-player crew served weapon teams for which PlannedAssault generates the instructions to move into position, construct and man the weapon. See this post for more info. Other additions included RHS's T-80 pack, cleggy's FV432 Bulldog APC and the RAAF F/A-18F fighters. Mando's MMA is now configured to not show the scoring. Under the hood are improved terrain representation, providing better knowledge of the road network to the planner. @Alvando: I'm reworking the order generation system, and will take a look at the problem you describe (wrong task being active for airborne infantry). It might be a problem with order generation, but also might be a problem of too much going wrong early in the battle for the generated plan to make sense (Murphy / FUBAR effect). William
  11. TheSun, all: fyi, I've just added to my PlannedAssault mission generator all ACR add-ons I could find: L159 ALCA, JAS-39 Gripen, TheSun's Mi-35 and Mi-17 helis, and the woodland/desert infantry. So, if you're in need of (single-player) air assault missions or other large battles, you're welcome ... I'll be checking this thread to make sure coverage of the ACR stays good. William
  12. Czech Armed Forces, and USN/USMC F/A-18F Super Hornets, heads-up on activities Back from holiday (although the server never stopped crunching on your missions)! New: all the add-ons I could find covering the Czech Armed Forces (air force L-159 ALCA, JAS-39 Gripen, Mi-35 Hind and Mi-17 Hip, and army woodland and improved desert units). In addition, I've added a couple of infantry squad equipped with the Czech large ('bergen') backpack. See this post for more info. The unit database also contains Meatball0311's US Navy and USMC F/A-18F Super Hornets. I've fixed the problem with the fixed-wing CAS script failing when invoked by the AI on spotting threats in front of their defensive sector. I'm working on several improvements simultaneously, and I'm not sure which end up being out first: more extensive VBS2 support, urban attacks, speed improvements (enabling larger missions) and figuring out what it takes to generate proper multi-player COOP missions (long-term). William
  13. _William

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Thanks for this add-on and your efforts. I'm covering the planes as part of my mission generator. Looking forward to your updates. 1.4 config bug: the mar_f18f_VFA14 is referring to a non-existing faction "USNavy" (without space between US and Navy) which causes the plane to not show up properly in the editor.
  14. Have a go at (my) PlannedAssault mission generator. What is does different is offering a web based UI, and generating a meaningful attack or defense, with maneuver units, air assaults, artillery and close-air being coordinated in their actions. It combines well with most AI mods, and has ready-to-use units for the most popular mods. The PlannedAssault home page points to three Youtube videos offering a quick impression. PlannedAssault has its own thread on this forum.
  15. FYI, I've added support fast-roping to PlannedAssault's (single-player) mission generator. This may come in handy if you like to create (large) missions with fast-roping but have troubles getting it right with the mission editor and scripts. Supported are this (Norrin & DeanosBeano's) add-on and ADuke's MH-60 variants add-on (which include an older version of the fast-roping scripts). When creating an A2 or A2:CO mission, make sure to select the "MP fast rope script" add-on mod or ADuke's add-on, and select helis that have 'fast rope' in their description. For PlannedAssault specific questions / problems, please use this thread.
  16. Fast-roping insertions, and (optional) hand-picking of air assault LZs Now supported: fast-roping insertions and hand picking of LZs (one of the most requested features). Fast-roping is a really cool feature (thanks to Norrin & DeanosBeano add-on, which is also used in ADuke's MH-60 pack). It's scary to do, and brings you to the action quicker (typically, you insert amidst the action, if you make it that far). As usual, PlannedAssault adds 'large scale' to it, enabling groups of helis to fast-rope together. Hand-picking of LZs is enabled for all new and existing missions (for existing missions, you might have to disembark en reembark a unit for the hint icons to show up). Feel free to experiment with hint placement or not use the hints at all; it's both supported. Just be prepared to accept casualties if you pick the LZs : ). See this post for more info. As an aside: I'm a bit disappointed nobody extended Norrin's scripts to cover the helis Arma2:OA and other mods. The changes required seem fairly simple, defining rope hook-up points for helicopter types. I'm aware the ACEX mod has fast-roping enabled for almost all their helicopters (and defined the rope hook-up points in their ace_sys_fastroping.dbo). However, ACEX lacks an AI script to direct the roping activity. William
  17. WIP update: landing zone hints and fast-roping FYI, I'm currently working on map placeable landing zone hints, to offer more control over landing zones. These hints are optional (mission planning falls back to planner selected LZs if you don't provide hints). There's probably no better way to test this feature than fast-roping heli insertions of infantry. I'm first targeting norrin's MP fast rope script addon for Arma2 first, and will have a look at fast rope for VBS2 later. I don't have an ETA, but I have draggeable LZ icons working in my test environment. @Choki: RACS is on the to do list. They have some really cool vehicles and camo schemes.
  18. JCOVE/lite aka VBS2/VTK 1.22 support No new Arma II stuff today. Instead, I spent the past weeks adding support for VBS2, JCOVE content to PlannedAssault. It's funny and frustating at the same time how similar and different Arma and VBS2 are. Some commands do the same but are called differently (currentWaypoint is called waypointCurrent), some commands only exist in Arma2 (landStatus to check if a heli pilot can land, findEmptyPosition), and others only in VBS2 ('vector math', line-of-sight checks). Also some of problems I put behind me when switching to Arma2 pop up again. See this post for more info. I'll be traveling next week to a game AI conference in Paris, so don't expect big updates soon.
  19. Assuming you're referring to landing under fire in LZs with nearby armor, then this behavior is by design (and added as a feature to the PlannedAssault mission). The default Arma behavior would abort any attempt to land a helicopter when being engaged, leaving the heli hovering indefinitely. I got the helis to land under fire by repeatedly issuing a land command, disabled use of landing lights by using STEALTH mode, and allowed the onboard gunners to engage without the heli straying from its intended path by disabling the AI 'targeting' behavior. There will be situations where this behavior isn't perfect, but it is pretty reliable and gives players what they ask for (air landings), which the default Arma2 behavior won't. See here , here and here for a background on the tweaking performed. One way to avoid the problem you're running into (IFVs in/near the LZs) is to position OPFOR vehicles away from their objective and BLUFOR LZ. As long as there are a few defenders near the OPFOR objective, it will be fine. OPFOR vehicles will be directed to the objective and arrive later, perhaps after the insertion. In case you're simply unhappy with Blackhawk target selection, I don't have answer.
  20. @Delta99: thanks for coming here and providing feedback! enjoy your missions. @Kyle_K_ski: thanks for going all the way in reporting these problems. I've downloaded and tried your mission which ran without issues for over 10 minutes. The file to check for issues is the arma2oa.rpt file in c:\<user>\Appdata\Local\Arma2OA. Here, I did see the 'threat/ not an array' warning. My understanding is that his warning originates from a badly configured add-on, most likely one of the P:UKF rifles. From checking the readme file that is part of your mission, it seems you've selected more mods than you've used units from (the DPV, F-15E, Exa HMMWVs, ...). In general, that's not recommended for two reasons: - loading the mission may take more time (since more add-ons have to be loaded) - it increases the probability of add-ons interfering with another I do suspect your CTD originating from one of the add-ons. One possible work-around (but not for everybody) for creating large scale attack missions on maps offering little maneuver space is to work with smaller units (tanks section instead of platoons), generating the mission and editing the generated mission to add more tanks / soldiers etc. From your earlier post: - suppressed SCAR configs: provide me the weapon and ammo class names to remove, and the weapon and ammo class names to add, and I'll add a unit definition. Tier One, I assume? - option to (manually) place LZ and FUP (form up points): more users are asking for this. Adding it is a matter of finding time and balancing priorities with other improvements. - BLUFOR / OPFOR freedom: I've experimented with this (to play US Army vs USMC). Won't add it until I've added a text search ability for specific units across mods ("Javelin" showing all mods and units featuring Javelin in their description), so the number of units becomes easier to handle. - fast-roping: didn't have time too look into this @all: This week, I'm busy adding support for JCOVE/lite (VBS2 freeware variant supporting a good range of UK Armed Forces equipment, Iraq's As Samamah map, and some Iraqi freedom fighters).
  21. Tropica Toba area (new island/map), TF86 Navy SEALs and Emery's DPVs Of all the maps I experimented with, Tropica caused the least amount of problems for my planner and for the Arma AI. Hence I've added Tropica's Toba area for mission planning. To populate your Toba missions with something new, I've added ardvarkdb's TF86 Navy SEALs (all camo variants), Emery's desert patrol vehicles (DPVs), and updated the Exa HMMWVs units to include the M998 variants released recently. To mimic Desert Storm DPV actions, I've defined a custom 'mod' manning empty DPVs from Emery's addon with DCU uniformed Navy SEALs from Ardvarkdb's add-on. See this post for more info. Before you all jump on me with requests for your favourite map (no offense intended, I do like your feedback): - yes, I really try to add more islands (the server has capacity for more) - no, I won't add islands which cannot be handled by Arma's AI. For example, Pantera and part of Lingor offer steep hills which Arma's AI fails to navigate. Vostok's Vostok island and Lingor's southern airport feature extensive gates without gaps, causing the AI to get stuck. It wouldn't be fun to create a mission, download it and then notice the mission not progressing. - no, I won't add islands that I cannot plan decent missions for. At this time, the planner doesn't handle amphibious operations (western Lingor) or operations in dense urban areas (Fallujah). I do want to be able to generate missions for this, but it won't happen overnight. - no, I cannot add Shapur since all of the British Forces DLC is encrypted, preventing me from getting the .wrp in the .pbo and parsing the map's terrain and objects. Maps that look suitable for inclusion are ToraBora and (Tup) Qom. William ---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ---------- @Kyle_K_Ski: thanks for your extensive feedback. My response is a bit shorter (also check the post above): As a rule, I won't bother with individual soldier's load-out (or the player's load-out); focus is on company level combined arms battles. I'm not prepared to do data entry for each and every unit, potential weapons, etc. Keep in mind the database at this time includes over 4500 soldiers and vehicles. Exceptions can be made (for example, adding a variant A2:OA's of US Army soldiers armed with M4's instead of those SCARs, getting face camo right for certain SF or Dutch units). I intentionally send transport helicopters home after inserting their cargo, even if they are armed. I'm not aware of doctrine that keeps these birds around to engage hostiles. If hostiles need to be suppressed as part of an air assault, dedicated attack gunships and aircraft are made available. Again, one exception (and already implemented): if the transport helicopter has an AT capability, it is enable to engage hostiles after inserting troops. Think Mi-24 Hind! Generally, I don't aim to control helicopter behavior outside issuing it waypoints and forcing it to land. PlannedAssault missions should work great with the AI mods you list. Occupying building is something I'd like to have and spent time on. However, the problems are with the Arma2 AI. Assuming we have buildings with positions to occupy, the only way an AI group is manning these positions is by sending each group member to a position and halting them once arrived (otherwise, they'd move back in formation with their group leader). When you achieve this, then the group won't move when threats appear.
  22. CMA_Mi28_N_RUS = Ataka missiles loadout CMA_Mi28_RUS = Vikhr missiles loadout
  23. What's happening is: - the attack is synchronized on all groups reaching the form up area and occupying their designated spots - these groups got attacked before reaching the form up area, most likely resulting in wounded men staying behind and taking hours to crawl to the form up area I've seen this behavior often: Arma groups waiting forever for battle incapacitated members to join them, tank platoons slowing their speed for running and bailed out crew from a damaged tank. One way of avoiding this is to ensure enough space (separation) between the opposing forces, and ensuring aircraft are placed near the map edges so they don't spot and engage forces moving to their form up area. Another approach is to run a script in the background that removes crew without vehicles from vehicle groups, and heavily wounded men from infantry groups. I'm tempted to write such a script, but it would interfere with some of the Arma2 AI behavior (such as helicopters touching down to pickup crew from abandoned helis). I'd love to use a different way of synchronizing the form up and attack (using time-outs, for example). However, at this time Arma is not giving me such a tool.
  24. You can call in artillery, just not on the objective because your Grisha D30 122mm battery has a minimum firing range of 2.4km. To ensure artillery is capable of firing on the objective, place the artillery in a corner of the map or use lighter artillery. For this mission, replacing Grisha by a mortar section would work fine. Artillery units indicate their minimum and maximum firing range when you hover your mouse across them. ---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ---------- Here is an explanation of what the mission planner attempts to do, which might help you avoiding the problem. To attack an objective, the planner does the following: - it splits the attacking force in one, two or three groups depending of the objective type chosen (Clear 1, Clear 2, or Clear 3). - for each group, it attempts to line up all combat units abreast, and attack the objective. To that purpose, it picks a form-up position some 900m to 1200m away from the objective. It then picks an avenue of approach from there to and through the objective. The planner runs into trouble when one or more of the following happen: - it cannot find a form up location wide enough to assemble all of a group's combat units abreast - it cannot find an avenue of approach wide enough to move along with the combat units abreast For reference, a infantry 'platoon' is 20m wide and a mechanized/armor platoon is 60m wide. When you attempt to seize an objective with a single group of 6 infantry platoons, and two motorized platoons, this requires 6 x 20m + 2 x 60m = 240m maneuver space in the form up area and avenue of approach (AoA). An AoA has 240 m of maneuver space if there's path 240m wide without large groups of buildings, steep inclines, dense forest along the route. Generally, Chernarus/Vybor, IslaDuala/Bola bonga and parts of Takistan/Nagaro Oilfield are good for single large group maneuvers. Other maps less so.
  25. _William

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Here are the class names (last column) Su-33 Flanker-D air superiority (blue) RKTSU33AA Su-33 Flanker-D air superiority (desert) RKTSU33TAA Su-33 Flanker-D bomber (blue) RKTSU33B1 Su-33 Flanker-D bomber (desert) RKTSU33TB1 Su-33 Flanker-D ground attack (blue) RKTSU33AG Su-33 Flanker-D ground attack (desert) RKTSU33TAG Su-33 Flanker-D multi-role (black) RKTSU33MR Regards, William