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About _sonic

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  1. _sonic


    BIS made it themselves. Even if icculus did the work at least there would be the chance of a nice installer on the CD for noobs (such as myself). I suppose i meant official port/native version whatever.
  2. _sonic


    Icculus could do probably make a port without too much trouble. I guess it's them that we should be putting pressure on - and i suppose a bit of a nudge from BIS would convince them ;) It would probably happen that you buy the windows CD, download the files from icculus needed for the port, and RTFM to the word A native version would be nicer of course...
  3. _sonic


    What i meant by that was they have alot of experience creating directx layers in linux, which could be relevant to OFP2 .... just kind of came out wrong I use wine for lots of things benu, no need to tell me Trillian, MS Office etc. The thing with lokigames is that their ports didn't come out near or at the same time as the main windows game, which caused a lot of people to turn it down in favour of a windows version, as you said. If a Linux OFP2 client came out at the same time as the windows client, and was publicised enough to stop Linux users from buying the windows version, the story would be different. That's not to say it wouldn't have to be BIS doing the port.. could be some clever people out of BIS with some experience in these things.
  4. _sonic


    Well, BIS have answered neither thread so i guess we can only speculate... but i think that means they're geniunely undecided so far. Releasing source code as mentioned in the other thread by der bastler could cause a lot of problems... even if it results in a third party port to Linux. Most OFP Linux users would pay about $60-75 i think. It takes someone who has the OS to know how much we want this Hmmm... economics.. .very roughly. lets say 10,000 copies of OFP2 Linux are sold for $60. That's $600,000, take away tax + expenses. Valuable and loyal community, that would easily surpass original OFP's, would attract many more players from both OSes and make OFP2 all the more popular. Benefits could be huge. Just look at games that port to linux.... they get a huge, skilled, and very loyal fanbase. That has to be good If OFP2 is going to depend on directx, then yes, it would be a lot of work, but if not, I don't think it would be too much trouble for BIS.. and worth it.
  5. _sonic


    This is one thing that I think would be really excellent. I can name so many OFP players that are die-hard fans and WILL be getting the second game and only keep a windows partition just for it. Off the top of my head I could name more than a few. I'm one of them ;) Recently more and more games have been ported to linux - UT2003, Quake, WolfET... etc Companies like transgamers and wine are always looking for more games in linux, and they have a lot of experience with porting. I would be happy to pay a lot of money for OFP2 on Linux - about $20 more than a windows version. The way I see it - $60 to get rid of my windows partition for good and i get OFP2 in the process. That's a good deal Also, I think that once games are ported to linux, all of a sudden they tend to get a lot of third party tools and expansions added to them. As we all know, this is one of the things that kept OFP1 alive for so long, so seeing something similar, but larger, happen with OFP2 is a great thing. By porting OFP2 to linux you would make A LOT OF friends in the linux community. ATM there are no real games that come close to OFP on linux, it's all FPS shoot 'em up style stuff. It would really mean a lot to me, and many many others. Thanks