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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Something Scifi

    Would be interesting if you'd be chosen as leader for a couple of ppl you rescued. You face a destroyed environment, ppl you need to be careful with and an enemy trying to seek you out with patrols. Survival part could include missions like: - find a good place for a base (2 entry paths, 1 is oneway for escape reasons) - find food & water - find weapons & ammo - find generator & fuel to get electricity in your base - find & repair old vehicles with spare parts - fight enemy & take his equipment back to your base and study it - use his technology against him and force him to retreat I surely would play this, esp if missions are randomized
  2. -)rStrangelove

    civilians as enemies

    CreateUnit / Join them into a GUER group and use the setFriend command to make GUER friendly to EAST and EAST friendly to GUER. When the action should start use both commands again to make them enemies. I don't think it's possible to invent a 'custom' side via a config.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Rainbow Six team?

    I never saw the R6 AI going thru walls. Now that i think of it there was never much AI in the R6 titles (the early ones), Ts just reacted to events and CTs were only doing what their waypoints told them to do. SWAT3 and 4 both had much better AI so in case somebody wants to design T vs CT AI routines for ArmA he should def study those games. (demos still available)
  4. -)rStrangelove

    The wonderfulness of SQF

    I think it depends what you want to do with your scripts. For quick tests i'd prefer sqs atm but that's because i'm not used to write sqf's. You surely don't have to use SQFs just for the sake of using a shiny new technology. I'm pretty sure a bad scripter can make a laggy SQF while a good scripter could move mountains with some SQS scripts.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA Script:Dynamic Weather and Time Flow Modifier

    Sorry guys, i'm such an idiot. I've edited my post with the right version of the script. It should run fine in MP this time.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Rainbow Six team?

    Ok, Hereford it is. Wasn't sure. The whole concept screams for MP coop btw, several teams having different tasks to fulfill within a strict timeplan. And it should be rather difficult to succeed, like: - once entry team is compromised hostages will be killed within some seconds/ bomb is triggered within seconds - if a T sentry does not respond to check calls other Ts are alarmed - if only engaged from 1 side, Ts will try to escape I have yet to see a game that creates such an atmosphere. R6:Lockdown was a joke, Vegas also is, but looks better. :P
  7. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA Script:Dynamic Weather and Time Flow Modifier

    Here's a MP compatible time accelerator i've written for OpF: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> SkipTime (random 22); Stime = daytime #timeloop ~0.1 ;Daycycle ?((local Server) AND (daytime >= 5.5) AND (daytime <= 18.5)): goto "dayskip" ;Nightcycle ?((local Server) AND (daytime > 18.5) OR (daytime < 5.5)): goto "nightskip" ;Client timeshift to keep up with the server ?(Stime > daytime):skiptime (Stime - daytime); goto "timeloop" #dayskip skiptime 0.00036 Stime = daytime publicVariable "Stime" timephase = "Day" goto "timeloop" #nightskip skiptime 0.00036 Stime = daytime publicVariable "Stime" timephase = "Night" goto "timeloop" Untested for ArmA yet. A gamelogic named "Server" is needed. If someone wants to rewrite it/ include random weather changes be my guest. Â
  8. -)rStrangelove


    I've made a simple script that creates a marker for an object with its group as markertext. It's great for debugging reasons. If object dies, marker is deleted again. Call with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this] exec "obj_watcher.sqs" from an init-line of a unit: obj_watcher.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _obj = _this select 0; _markertext = format["%1",group _obj]; _marker = createMarker [_markertext, getpos _obj]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "DOT"; _marker setMarkerText _markertext; #refresh_marker ~0.5 _marker setmarkerpos position _obj; ?!(alive _obj):deleteMarker _marker;EXIT; goto "refresh_marker"; Marker will be named like this: GUER 1-1-A WEST 1-1-A CIVL 1-1-A EAST 1-1-A etc.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    STALKER like gameplay in Arma

    It surely can be done, but it's a lot of work esp with ArmA scripting still green behind the ears. I'd say it's not so much about ppl don't use their imagination, but in fact to do & test a mission like that would take months. I agree it could be an interesting scenario (surviving, fighting, collecting & selling & buying things) so it's ok to startup a thread such as this to give ppl ideas. my opinion though
  10. -)rStrangelove

    Rainbow Six team?

    Imo a Rainbox6 team without the proper missions (+ custom terrorist AI) wouldn't go very far. I love the idea though. Doing it in ArmA would give us the chance to actually recreate everything about a classic R6 missions: cutscene with a terror act, the R6 HQ in Halford(?) being called up, the simulated flight from Halford to the local area, a quick overview & briefing, preparations, team going into position, action part and afterwards a little escape mission to avoid the press lol.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    OFP addons into ArmA!

    I hope to see JungleEveron (2.0 ?) for ArmA, along with some jungle units.
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Entry tools

    Great ideas really. Those charges will come in handy. Any chance for a knife tool / special spray that would cut holes into metal fences ? (spray scene appeared in "The sum of all fears" movie)
  13. -)rStrangelove

    Something Scifi

    So, it's like 2 alien races have fought war on Earth, then 1 race looses and makes a deal with last human forces to actually cooperate ? Sounds like a nice background if you ask me. The 1st race could have landed here in need of help, then one day the 2nd race storms in and engages 1st race & allied human forces. I'd love to see a dark atmosphere, maybe with the 2nd race in control of huge war machines (MECHs). Missions only at night, taking cover in rubble from enemy aircraft (Terminator style). Now that would rock.
  14. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA Script:Dynamic Weather and Time Flow Modifier

    @ColSanders, is it multiplayer compatible mate ?
  15. -)rStrangelove

    No-Grass islands released!

    Great idea & much appreciated. Well, i do have a dual core but i'd rather see my cpu resources put to good use (to have more details on buildings or vehicles for example). So THX! Somebody mentioned 'cheating': now i dunno what this is all about - if everybody plays on a nograss island then all players share the same 'advantage' right?
  16. -)rStrangelove

    Modleader searching for a team!

    Before we see 10+ WW2 mods started and never get finished for ArmA, wouldn't it be wiser to startup a huge WW2-theme website for ArmA and let all mods contribute into 1 huge TC? Same could be said for any themen mod tbh.
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Dynamic Mission Notes

    FSM = Finite state machine ? for DMA ?
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Tonal withdrawl :(

    @Ebud: in the future plz don't change the codenames of ur units mate, i'd like to use them for scripts. Â Â (...if you can avoid it) If someone wonders whether its worth DLing them (u shouldn't): (left-to-right: east, resistance, west units)
  19. -)rStrangelove

    3rd Infantry Division Units

    Good to see more Us desert troops. But if that camo is supposed to be 6 color desert (chocolate chips), where are those white stones (the chips) in it? If i just made a total fool of meself just ignore me.
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Happy new year!

    Just found meself asleep on the toilet lol. Time to go to bed! I wish u all a happy new year /& all the best for 2007 lads / ladies !
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Diemaco Texture

    Save bmp to tga 32 bit non compressed, then convert it with PAA-Tool back to a paa. Afterwards re-PBO the whole weapons.pbo and put it in a modfolder. Works for me.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    jpg to paa/pac ?

    I had no luck with saving a PAA from Photoshop - textures looked all black in ArmA. It works when i save the texture as TGA in PS and then have it converted by PAA-Tool back to PAA. Do i have play around with Filter/Dither settings in PS ?
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Dynamic Mission Notes

    Yes, terrain is something what wasn't mentioned yet i think. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make scripts that read the whole island and mark up strategical places for the AI. I myself thought of that about 1 year ago. Turned out that OpF(ArmA) islands are so open that you can go around any choke point. An ArmA AI shouldn't be based on terrain calculations, but instead assume any attack can happen anywhere from any direction no matter where you go. The only thing i found easy to get infos from are VILLAGES/CITIES. Imo urban areas are the only real interesting combat areas we have in OpF/ArmA. Structure provide cover from outside tanks or air vehicles passing over. Some fireteams armed with RPGs or AAmissiles pose a great threat in an urban area. (Again BlackHawkDown comes to mind) Add some civilians and you'll have a very tricky environment for any mission. Players can't just call in airstrikes or ari because of civilian losses so the infantry has to move in and do the job as best as they can, backed by small ground vehicles and helis / satellite recon from above. So, i'd say it would be important starting to calc positions of villages/cities and the connecting roads (street pos can be 'collected' by civilian vehicles driving around at the beginning of a mission).
  24. -)rStrangelove

    Dynamic Mission Notes

    How do you tell the AI when to do what ? Wouldn't it be necessary to first know what situation the AI faces atm ? I'd start with something simple like: Offensive Everything is available in great numbers. To keep the initiative send out lots of recon troops to make contact asap. If something is found setup a major attack force there. Careful Losses occured. Priority is to hold the ground we already have by setting up strong defenses. Regain everything what was lost by setting up supply lines until we've got enough resources available to get back into the Offensive state again. Defensive The losses are very high and we have to retreat for the time being. Fall back and use terrain to slow the advancing enemy down by passive traps (mines, barricated cities/canyons, hidden spotter teams for artillery attacks). Regain strength by shortening supply lines and combining troops in important areas until we have resources enough to stop the retreat and hold ground again (Careful state). But i don't see what this has to do with Dynamic Missions. This would belong into a CTI AI thread, wouldn't it ?
  25. -)rStrangelove

    Dynamic Mission Notes

    Honestly, before attempting to script hundreds of events for an island-wide war campaign i'd start off by placing many helis, tanks and infantry groups for each side and let them engage anywhere on the island. Then see how much your fps drop. If it doesn't work it'll save you months of scripting and testing.