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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. The installation went clean and smooth, the game runs great. Only thing was (as title says) that i lost all settings and had to invest about an hour to get it all right again (played thru all training missions). Just thought i'd mention that and i seriously hope that this WON'T be necessary for all next patches! Thx  [edit] Looked into it a bit more. It looks like the profile start parameter is handled differently now. I use: -profiles=C:\projects\ArmA so my old Arma.cfg file was in that dir. After patching to 1.05 the cfg is in C:\projects\ArmA\users. So a copy & paste job would've saved my time (why didn't i think of that yesterday evening!
  2. What units are known to use this thing atm? Anybody knows?
  3. -)rStrangelove

    No Names in editor

    Ok, one more french word i learned then
  4. You don't have to actually delete the whole group, just all units in a group but the leader. It will reduce lag. (DAC used that trick i think)
  5. Mmmmh ... maritime SF units? Interesting. Imagine R6 (RavenShield) realism mixed with driving boats / diving to shore and then dealing with tasks behind enemy lines - WOAH!
  6. -)rStrangelove

    No Names in editor

    I guess he's using German addon units and the addon creator hasn't provided french translation names for it. (whole editor is french, but Grade(Rank) is "Soldat" which is German for "soldier")
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Glad that BIS didn't give in to 'Ragdoll'

    Monty Python comes to mind somehow. Imo any realistic shooter needs ragdoll - the only thing that makes it feel less annoying in ArmA is the fact that i shoot enemies on higher distances usually - so the lack of ragdoll is not that noticable. Heavy on CPU resources? Not quite, if it's done properly. In the ArmA options it could be very customizable: - the nr of ragdoll objects appearing at any time (all other units would use static animations like now) - the time period how long a body would change its stance (not longer than 3-4 secs would suffice) - bodies should be very heavy by default so they drop in a fast, realistic way. (would further decrease time period) So i really hope ragdoll will be added in a later patch. Even if done next year or so, it would be great. ArmA's realism would greatly increase with ragdoll fx.
  8. -)rStrangelove

    Need an unbiased opinion from a veteran

    Some old OpF vets obviously have a hard time to let it go... if you really loved OpF just buy ArmA. My German v1.02 is so much better than the demo (SP/MP) - esp flying helis is much more realistic than OpF now. Everything else you may find annoying is just hairsplitting and wotever it is, it'll be fixed with patches at some time anyway. I wouldn't wait any longer for ArmA tbh. Btw: IGnitor - i'm not a blind ArmA advertizer, i must've played the original Opf demo over a thousand times really, so i guess we both have the same personal taste.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Just saw the M16A2 textures were fixed, can't wait for the patch really (..the other fixes are not bad either lol)
  10. -)rStrangelove

    Realism soundpack v1.0

    I used modfolders and rePBOed the appropiate files into that folder. Works for me. (German v 1.02 though)
  11. -)rStrangelove

    GDCE2 for AA

    Sounds very interesting mate! If you're staying close to the DMA 'style' i guess i'd like to see taking control of enemy areas on a per mission basis. For example: - at start you only have your homebase as a friendly area/zone/AO. missions happen in enemy areas, scattered all over the island. - everytime you win a mission in a certain area, you take control of that area (you could add an AI convoy driving up from the homebase to the new area, unloading units/crates. units 'build' tents, a helipad, etc) - now you can also start a mission from that new area. from now on it's some sort of a forward outpost. You can repair/rearm/refit on men here (heli brings recruits from homebase) - here's the fun part: forward outposts have a far more higher chance of being attacked than your homebase. whenever you screw up a mission in a nearby area/ or fail to defend your outpost, it's overrun by the enemy again. (maybe enemy artillery renders outpost unusable) Basically it's like classic DMA but adds a moving homebase and a CTI feature (capture & hold) to the campaign setting. Would be great if you could post more specific infos about the direction you're going with ur concept. There may be more ppl like me who dunno how the dyn campaigns in Falcon4/IL4 etc work.
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Where to Get 1.04

    I've also been searching lately lol - can't wait for the new marker scripting commands
  13. -)rStrangelove


    How about deleting all AI grps / wildlife / civilians / wreckages after the last human plr left and then have probability scripts calculating how the conflict would've developed into a static state? Areas still at war are now under full control of the side that had an advantage of some sort in that area. When a plr connects again he finds the conflict has settled into a static situation and (even better) before going on a mission he'd have to recon what's going on now.
  14. -)rStrangelove


    As long as it's released some day who cares what the title is... do you buy games because of the title ?
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Something Scifi

    So you're going to the 'close' futuristic look ? Looks like a future G36, but imo there's nothing really special about your design (a bit boring). My advise to you is to see if you can find some Shadowrun weapons with Google. I remember they had some pretty neat designs of futuristic Steyrs, M16s, etc. I'd use these to get some fresh ideas. Also, the alien weapon looks totally off balance - you'd fall over holding that thing in front of ya
  16. -)rStrangelove

    WANTED: texture template

    I had issues with the PS plugin, whenever i save it back the textures ingame look black. When i use the old converter program it works. What settings do you need to save your work with (when using the Plugin directly) ?
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Random position for object

    Hehe, nice discussion (for such a small feature). If i put a name into the name line of an object, can i get the name 'back' in a script, like _name = name _this ? If that's possible then missiondesignerwise i'd say it would be cool to have a sqs/sqf that works like this: - Name an object in the editor (example: soldier1) - Put the sqs/sqf into its init-line (this exec *sqs/sqf) - make an empty marker with the name "rndpos_soldier1" - copy it as many times as you want random positions for the object (resulting markers named "rndpos_soldier1_1", "rndpos_soldier1_2", "rndpos_soldier1_xxx", etc etc etc - make the script like: a.) get name of object b.) loop: make templatestring via _marker = format["rndpos_%1_%2",<name>,<loopcounter>] c.) see if a marker of that name exists via ?((getmarkerpos _marker) select 0 == 0): d.) put all found markers into the _allpos array (+ the 1st marker) e.) select 1 randomly & setpos object there Hope you guys catch my drift  Basically you'd see how many positions you have for an object in the editor.
  18. More on random object coords over here: <<click me>>
  19. -)rStrangelove

    Something Scifi

    I like the idea of intelligent alien soldiers making high speed HALO jumps, maybe in special life support cases (remember the beginning movie of Quake2 ??) falling down to the surface. It would add tension to any mission because you'd have to watch the sky constantly for incoming alien soldiers.
  20. A direct cooperation wont be happening, too many ppl will start making ArmA addons and not everyone will read this forum / thread. The best thing we could hope for would be another JAM/MAAM and various model-replacement packs/configs. What's really annoying is that ppl aren't satisfied with just replacing models/sounds but also 'increase gameplay experience', forcing players to play with increased ai shooting range, horrible breathing sounds and unrealistic weapon aim/recoils. I say let's keep it all in SEPERATED packs. Model packs, sound packs, island packs, realism config packs etc etc. No more MONSTER packs plz.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Some new objects

    Reminds me of the UN base in the BlackHawkDown movie.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Data storage

    Would be great if this thing works - we could have AI scripts saving & reloading data from prior missions. A learning AI would finally be possible. Imagine storming into a city and getting shot from windows and sidestreet because the AI uses trial&error data of great sniper & cover spots already.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Random position for object

    Write into init-line of your object: [this] exec "randompos.sqs" ..and save this textfile into your missionfolder: randompos.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _object = _this select 0; _allpos = [pos1,pos2,pos3]; _pos = _allpos select (random (count _allpos - 1)); _object setpos _pos; Replace pos1,pos2,pos3 with the coords of your choice Not tested Â
  24. -)rStrangelove

    Los Angeles

    Hehe, looks familiar. A large airport, a containe harbor and an industrial area of some sort would come in handy, too.
  25. -)rStrangelove

    Los Angeles

    I want Arnold with a leather jacket. And a gunshop. And a 'tech noir' disco.