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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Desert US Vehicle Pack

    New link: http://colonelsanderslite.armaholic.eu/addons....ex.html I also got the problem with floating replacement vehicles in MP. :P
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Graphic freeze,Game seems to run though

    Got the problem too (XP SP2, 8800 GT, 2 GBRam), but i always can get back into the game after 30secs by ALT-TABbing out of ArmA to desktop and back. My gfx are flickering, freeze, sound is looping, but game still runs after returning. And runs quite well btw - i had 2 freezes in an hour or so, after that i played along some more hours and it never happened again! I never even restarted windows or ArmA! With ProcessExplorer (SysInternals) i could see system info from 12minutes ago and it showed ArmA.exe was using a lot of CPU power, then gets back to normal. (the delay until the game recovers could be linked to the power of your cpu, so on single core pcs it could take longer - i got a dual core and it takes about 30secs) I suspect video drivers tbh. Had a 8800GTS before my GT and it never happened this way. (just solid crashes lol) Also: Rainbow6 Vegas II really fucked up my PC. Dunno why but since i threw PunkbusterB out of my win services, my PC is more stable than before. Idiotic anti cheater tools! Â
  3. -)rStrangelove

    ArmAlib v1.0

    I guess this addon adds the potential to ArmA AI scripts that the AI can actually 'remember' how the last mission battle developed / what tactics were used by human players, right ? Imagine an Evolution session where the AI already knows what you'll do - surprise surprise. Thx Keg mate, great addon
  4. -)rStrangelove


    I paid a visit to the zone again lately - now the mods are getting better and better it's great to fully re-enjoy the game cause you know where to look for things to find. (just found out about that stalker suit in your start village) Did you know you can open all locked doors ingame by dropping / throwing a long rifle between the door and its frame? Seems like a bug in the physics engine. (google for youtube vids) Atm i'm searching for a mod that features free AI roaming (monsters walk around more, higher number of neutral stalkers) and the weapon repair mod. Best mod i've ever played with is the little hack that gets you rid of the head movement while walking - caused my headaches really!
  5. -)rStrangelove

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.12

    1. I'm with ACF on this one - zoom / concentration mode is rediculous now. Only thing that hinders you from 800m sniping with a normal M16 ironsight is the drop of your bullet. There should be a higher difference from ironsight weapons to scoped weapons imo. 2. Running animation doesnt stop in time - i keep bumping into things and other players lol.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Uhao island

    Great screens, ill love this island.
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Another thing to consider is that ArmA custom addons are compared to the high quality addons that ship with the game. In Opf you could have low/medium quality and it still looked not that bad and surely didn't stand out against the original game. If you're making low quality addons in ArmA they'll look totally out of place. I guess the result is that many modders from OpF never actually will try to do anything for ArmA since they think they lack talent. (actually its not my point of view, but its true) @1.09 feedback: The AI is much more fun to play with i think. Had many great combat situations in Evo since 1.09 was out. It seems one can actually last longer while under fire and rush to nearest cover for example. Before 1.09 you'd never make it running across a street if they spotted you before that. Now you can. Turning rate with M136 on a shoulder is much better than before. I'd like to see animations like switching weapons / etc to be faster in general. Also: is it just me or has the running/sprinting speed increased a bit? Recoils? Hmmm. Dunno why they were changed tbh. Not a big deal though.
  8. -)rStrangelove


    ...you didn't say which monday, so i guess not before Xmas, heh? Nice tut btw, greatly appreciated
  9. -)rStrangelove

    What ArmA Needs

    FSMs follow static code. Scripts are static code. So FSMs are just like scripts, but in another form - it's all static. In the same situation an FSM will run the same code every time. An alternative would be FSMs with FuzzyLogic which would appear to make dynamic decisions because normally it uses more information for the decision-making process. Takes more processing power from your CPU -> lower fps. Real dynamic gameplay would mean to have a learning game with neural nets or genetic algorithms, but that's quite heavy on your CPU and memory. (very low fps i suppose) Personally i don't give anything on HOW an AI is done in a game, everything depends on the fun / the gameplay. And good gameplay comes from good ideas. If you think classic coop becomes boring after a certain time why not make a mission like evolution where 1 human player has control over the AI groups ?
  10. -)rStrangelove

    8800GTS CTD'ing...

    (CoreDuo@3 Ghz, 2GB, 8800GTS 640, Audigy4) ArmA crashes every once in a while but i found that the chances for a crash get pretty high when i ALT&TAB out of it for Teamspeak or other things. Also, fiddling around with the controls & gfx in the menu during a mission is a very bad idea. Just yesterday i was on Ramadi (in editor) so i could try out some new controls with my right mousekey... and guess what happened? 3mins of testing & in & out of config menu got me crashed to desktop again. On the other hand if you just leave everything alone and play on a server it doesnt happen for 2-4 hours straight. ArmA runs best for me with most things on medium, except shaders (low but with LOWPLANTS installed), postprocessing (low) and of course, antialiasing OFF. It takes some test session to find a good balance and then stop fiddling around with it and just play.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    Lowplants v1.1

    I haven't measured fps but i play Evolution almost all day long, and with shaders on 'normal' i get the same lagfree gameplay now than i got with 'very low' shaders beforehand. The next big thing to do would be to have trees and plants that totally disappear after collapsing so AI cannot shoot you through it. *crosses fingers* Â
  12. -)rStrangelove

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    The latest screens look awesome, very nice buildings indeed. If i got this right, everything is on hold until ur island is finished ? You should overthink that approach, imo releasing seperate addon packages (us troops, rebel troops, some vehicles, a demo mission + ambience soundpack, weaponpack & sounds) would be far more better than waiting for the whole mod to be released beginning of 2009. As far as i'm concerned, some rebel battles in southern sahrani will actually look close enough to the BHD movie, so i'd release the troops first. Just my opinion though. Can't wait for this mod, hopefully before ArmA 2.
  13. -)rStrangelove

    medieval mod?

    To use a simple attack & defend system with just 1 attack (left mouse) it would be enough to have: Attack: attack whoever is in front of you (45° cone) and is not defending Defend: stand still and look at attacker makes you block automaticly. That system defeats ppl attacking all the time, since you can't block when you're in the midst of an attack-animation and your attack doesn't hit anything if you're running backwards to dodge. Would REALLY love to see that system coming to life, but - let's make it a PIRATE mod plz. I wanna blast beach fortresses with my ship, then storm in and take what ya can HAR HA!
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Civilians in Cars

    I think there's a civilian addon out for ArmA where the 'modded civilians' are acting differently from normal civilians, more like soldiers. You don't see soldiers getting out of their truck just by gunfire so i guess chances are high it might work.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Sahraniville ROLEPLAY Server

    Any idea when the infamous money bug is fixed? It destroys the main reason to play the game i think.
  16. -)rStrangelove

    Sahraniville ROLEPLAY Server

    Can someone report what kind of things are going on there ? What's allowed, what's not? What makes it so much fun? What exactly makes it RPG ? Thx
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Tired of clans?

    Where's your server - in US ?
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Thx for clearing that up mate, much appreciated. I'll tell others how to do it, cause i saw a lot of ppl doing it wrong (now i know it was). 1. If i were you i'd write this into the Notes section of the briefing. 2. Are you sure a tower goes down with 1 detonated satchel ? Is the distance tower <--> satchel an issue maybe? And i agree with some ppl here, this evo version is the best so far. I had quite an adrenaline rush some seconds before we planted the satchels at the tower - few games today can give that feeling. Nice work.
  19. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Yesterday we were able to use a large ari attack and a quick surprise operation with a hummvee to great success. (success means: we were able to get within 2m of the tower without getting shot) However, we planted 1 satchel with 30sec timer and another with direct trigger. I heard the satchel explode and was killed by the blast of course. The tower wouldn't go down. I know you want to encourage ppl to work together (and it really works! but if the tower doesn't go down after 1 satchel it really starts to frustrate ppl. And btw i didn't hear my 2nd satchel going up after 30sec. Could it be your satchel is inactive when you don't stay alive for 30sec ? Â
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution and the fate of multiplayer

    Can't understand why ppl say 'We need more COOP missions, not Evo' - Evolution is Master of all Coop-missions. Depends how you play it and with what kind of ppl.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Great new version, no lags & all that. However, it's too hard to get to the radio tower , reinforcements are too strong now. My opinion.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Vietnam Island

    Mondkalb, i'd just replace all those jungle plants with normal ArmA palmtrees and bushes until someone makes plants with decent LODs. If you wanna make a jungle island then remodeling plants is not on your list. Make a cut and finish that island with objects that work. My 2 cents.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Has Anyone Got Queens Gambit?

    Imo it's not like you have much of a choice. There's already a custom island out yet which is using some objects from QueensGambit, and i'm sure they'll be other addons in the future. So, anyone without QG will most likely have problems using custom addons in the future. Btw: QG may be not as great as i've expected it to be, but it still makes for a nice change.
  24. -)rStrangelove

    ArmA Gamers fight real Soldiers in VBS2

    Honestly: if these soldiers try to use real combat behaviour in this game, chance are high they'll all die while switching weapons and waiting for the animation to end. That's what's killing me all the time. Even if they win against the players what is there to learn from ? So, yeah - a marketing gag basically.
  25. -)rStrangelove

    mapmaking. How big is big?

    So if we want a large landscape it would be best to not have any hills at the edges, right? That are great news indeed. A desert world would actually look like going on forever.