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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Editor Question

    I wouldn't sync them, i can't say if it causes problems.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Surrendering module

    In OpF/ArmA this used to be done via setCaptive command.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Editor Question

    Then you need 2 different names for the 2 planes, and use the 2nd name with the same commands again.
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Cheating AI from ArmA1 is back?

    I play with AI skill set to 0.5 now, it's fun that way. If you think it's too hard then you should go into the options menu rather than posting about AI cheats. I witnessed they kept shooting a corner of a house from where i just fired on them, so they clearly use supression fire - makes the game far more enjoyable but you have to use cover until they're calm down a bit.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    what script is this?

    You also need to unassignvehicle each unit otherwise they'll chase after their plane once landed.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Editor Question

    I tested it, my example works. Here is my mission: http://www.file-upload.net/download-1685882/test_Airdrop.zip.html
  7. -)rStrangelove

    German 1.01 Patch is final.

    I also got the 'already installed message'. The files that Sickboy mentioned have been updated so i guess all is well. :D
  8. -)rStrangelove

    Editor Question

    1. Give your C130 a name, like "myC130" 2. Select the leader of your paratrooper group and paste this into the init field: {_x moveincargo myC130} forEach units group this 3. Give your C130 2 move waypoints. Paste this into the OnActivation field of the 2nd waypoint: {_x action["EJECT",myC130]; unassignvehicle _x} foreach (assignedCargo myC130);
  9. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    If you take a look into the dePBOed dir structure at modules\ambient_combat\data\scripts you will find there are 3 scripts: air_drop.sqf, air_patrol.sqf and ground_patrol.sqf. Seems like air_drop.sqf was planned to be in the 1.00 release, but it's empty. I guess we get more with the next patch. There's also the init.sqf which tells us how to register(sync) a group with an ACM object: BIS_ACM setVariable ["grp", group player]; {_x setVariable ["acm", BIS_ACM];} forEach (units group player); Not tested yet, but i guess that's how you could sync an ACM with the player group dynamically in a mission at any time. For example, once you reach an enemy territory. Should come in handy. [EDIT] Ok, it seems BIS_ACM_removeGroupClassesFunc and BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc work only with the CUSTOM pool of group classes, means the groups you made up in your own class definition file. This only works with scripting, can't be done with pasting txt into an init field alone.
  10. Nice script. So a commandStop doesn't make them stop inside the building? Can't believe they always try to come out. If you tell them to halt when you're the leader it works ingame. I tried that with 2 of my heli crew members on a skycraper. Just dont tell them to mount the chopper again, they will gladly jump from the building lol. [Edit] Looks like it works when every unit has its own group: [_unit] joinsilent grpnull; _unit setPos _buildingpos; _unit move _buildingspos; They dont get a command to return to formation afterwards, so they dont leave their pos in the house.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    Hmm maybe we also need to deactivate the air_patrols, like this: ["air_patrol",-1, this] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; I can't check now, off to bed. NN everyone :D
  12. -)rStrangelove


    A server can change your gfx settings. I had this, lost all my fine tuned values due to the server admin forcing everyone to play on very high. Really annoying to get around with <20 fps. :P BIS should fix that tbh. Missions or servers shouldn't dictate gfx settings.
  13. -)rStrangelove


    Now how many times i have read that since the early days of OpF mission design, and the ppl who said that were always wrong. You can't replace gameplay with realism. There are always things you need to work around in order to create a good mission. It's far more harder to create a fun mission than a realistic mission. Many official missions from OpF/ArmA are straight fun but only semi-realistic. I have played the classic 'Ambush' (mission from the OpF demo) 2000 times and it's still fun now i can play it again with CWR. You are transported around in a truck to the front line, just 200m from the first enemy contacts. You would call that realistic? The key is to find the best balance of realism and gameplay, right at the point where the fun starts. Nuff said.
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    So, if i only want Infantry to spawn i use: [this, ["Motorized", "Mechanized", "Armored","Air"]] call BIS_ACM_removeGroupClassesFunc; right? Because that would remove all those GrpTypes ? [EDIT] Oh btw, i managed to get the ACM to work when you put this into the init field: waitUntil {!isNil {this getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {this getVariable "initDone"}; [1, this] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; [this, 300, 500] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [["USMC", "RU"], this] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [0.4, 0.8, this] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; [0.2, 0.5, this] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; ["ground_patrol", 1, this] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; this in this case refers to the object itself, so no need to give the Logic a name.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    selecting weapons? how?

    1. Place your soldier 2. Look up the weapon name (middle one) and the magazine name (right ones) you want to use >> here << 3. In case for an MP5, put this into the init line of the soldier: removeAllWeapons this; removeAllMagazines this; this addMagazine "30Rnd_9x19_MP5"; this addWeapon "MP5A5"; this addMagazine "30Rnd_9x19_MP5"; this addMagazine "30Rnd_9x19_MP5"; this addMagazine "30Rnd_9x19_MP5"; this selectWeapon "MP5A5"; You add the mag first, then the weapon so that the unit starts with a reloaded weapon. Then you can add additional mags. If you want to force the unit to use a specific weapon, use 'selectWeapon'. That should be all.
  16. -)rStrangelove

    What happened to setSkill array?

    setSkill array? Like {_x setskill 1} foreach _myarray ? [edit] Ah i see. Yeah, it was far more specific in ArmA, wasn't it? Never used it though. :P
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Online coop campaign?

    I'm sure you need 2 versions. With ArmA1 i tried to run 1 version over LAN and got kicked from the server with the message: 'Original games do not fade'. If you want to host an online coop campaign with good performance for all clients you need 2 computers and 2 game versions. Your local server only hosts the session but you don't play on it, with gfx settings all on very low to reserve cpu resources.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Sound using hardware acceleration?

    Did somebody test different start parameters for ArmA2 concerning sound settings? Like: -dsound Use DirectX sound. -openal Use OpenAl sound.
  19. -)rStrangelove


    Lol, can't wait. Defending your farm against wild dogs/wolfes would be UBER creepy, esp at nighttime. Arrrr - or how about a werewolf sim? >)
  20. -)rStrangelove

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Hmmm, looks like CoD4 being played on a huge island, no more, no less. It surely will appeal to action gamers, but plz don't compare this to ArmA2 any longer. Apples and oranges really.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    You can write single commands into init fields, it's the same as putting them into a script. Problem is you can't do wicked stuff like loops. Well ok apart from the 'forEach' command , which is kind of a loop too. Init fields are what they name suggests: you can manipulate variables on the unit/object when it's initialized, but that's all. Typically you would only do that when you can't edit a variable through the object dialog directly or you want to easy workload by passing command to a whole group of units ("commands _X" foreach units group this) etc etc. Init fields are NOT like scripts.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Tree/Vegetation Graphics problem

    Noticed improvements to ArmA: 1. Sound Gunshots & echo, walking, breathing, talking - everything sounds to much more realistic. No need to rush for a quick soundmod to make things better, they already are. Great work, whoever is in the Sound team at BIS. 2. Mission gameplay You get orders what to do but not how to do it. You're left in open terrain, with lots of support units and lots of dynamic things going on. You need a plan, you need to pay attention to your surroundings, you need to adapt when something happens. You're not following a strict 'path' the mission maker has thought out for you, you're writing your own mission while playing. Emergent gameplay at its best.
  23. Q: "What does Armed Assault 2 have that Operation Flashpoint 2 doesn't? " A: Open, dynamic campaign gameplay (sandbox approach like GTA), unlimited online coop, a huge community making new content to play with, the everlasting effort of the BIS developers to optimize ArmA2 for years to come
  24. -)rStrangelove

    A question about the german version.

    2 choices: 1. Buy the german version now and play with it until the patch is out together with the 505 release. The patch will add the english language and other optimizations to the german version to make it similar to the 505 release version. PRO: no need to wait, you can play now. CON: you have to cope with german gibberish for the time being. hell, you might even learn something by accident. :D 2. Wait until the 505 version is out. PRO: it's english. CON: while waiting days seem to take ages, you get nervous, your coffee rate goes up, your friends are wondering why you're surfing around on forums.bistudio.com all the time.
  25. -)rStrangelove

    Just how buggy is it?

    ArmA2 isn't for ActionGamers, it's a MilSim. Giving ArmA2 a 4/10 in terms of fast action gaming is actually a compliment lol. I've got mixed feelings about ArmA2. The missions in the campaign seem to take longer to be played through due to the open, dynamic gameplay, eating up my sparetime a lot. To make it worse the editor and the new scripts open up a hole new world of possibilities for mission makers & scripters, so i'm constantly struggling between playing and editing. Argh! :D [edit] Oh, the bugs. One time i lost control of myself while trying to crouch on a crate and got shot. Another time i saw some garbage objects floating above ground about 30cm. That's all, surely nothing that ruins the game. Gfx wise it seems ArmA2 has a lot of potential to be optimized. 1. Personally i think the blur/moving effects are a bit overdone to be realistic. I rush 20m to the next house and step over the fence - and my screen is blurred and my aim is shaking? Too many USMC pizzas lately? Would be cool to have a jogging path on the carrier where you can boost your fitness parameters. ;) 2. Bushes in the distance seem to be pixellated on normal detail settings. When i use high settings i get better bushes but the fps go down, esp when zooming in, so aim goes down the drain. I play with pixellated bushes now, but it looks ugly. OpF comes back to mind. ;) (and i switched off the grass completely. You can use shadows on very high that way and the game still looks kinda great.)