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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Question on Reducing Grass

    I have a feeling we'll soon see somebody making a low detail grass addon. Cause i'm not against grass on purpose, but it really lags my game esp when you try to hit something with zoom. It's horrible.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Smaller Warfare missions (SP & MP)?

    Sad to hear that mate. :( *crosses finger that next patch solves it*
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Greetings Arma 2 Community.

    The shiny new ArmA2 MicroAI wants several cores, so i'd advise to go for a Quad CPU, with 4 GB ram. 4850 should be fine i guess (me -> nvidia user).
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    No, you don't normally respawn just like that. You have to specify respawns in the description.ext file in your mission directory. (Respawn delay, respawn as bird or team member etc things like that) The description.ext tutorials for ArmA1 can still be used, just use search.
  5. I'm not familiar with VBS2, but i'd say there is no object which classname is "Civilian" - Civilian classnames have to be different in VBS. ALso, i'm not sure this is the right forum to get support for VBS.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    Yeah, as an example. What he meant was to gather all your template scripts in a nearby folder underneath ArmA2, so that copying them into your various mission folders isn't that much of an issue.
  7. -)rStrangelove


    According to the comref you'e moving units via domove: unit doMove position Taskforceone is a group. So you could try to use: (leader taskforceone) domove (getMarkerPos "attackmarkerone");
  8. I'd like to see more different machines like those from the game Terminator-FutureShock back then >> time-travel-click << Seekers: were flying mines, waiting for you behind rubble. (30cm) Raptors: 2 legged mechs with a cannon (2m high) H/K Scout: little patrol version of the flying H/K (4m?) Something like that. Can't wait to see some things in ArmA2. :)
  9. -)rStrangelove

    Question on Reducing Grass

    I believe a mission could enforce to have grass on, couldn't it?
  10. To make it slower beforehand just increase the distance 300 to distance 500 or so. Happy testing! :D
  11. -)rStrangelove

    The Unsung Release 1 (Alpha)

    Great mod tbh. The jungle looks perfect imo. My experiences (havent read all posts here): - even with a powerful pc you need a drawing distance of about 550m, making flying helis kinda hard without GPS - fights in the jungle suit the AI more than the player for you can't see anything since you need to stay low while under fire. I checked the line of sights of my AI buddies and there was no way they could've seen the enemy - still they called out 'enemy soldier 100m 12 oclock'. Sorry but this kinda kills the immersion. You just send your AI buddy forward and he'll gladly call out all contacts for you. Where's the fun in that? - finding dead bodies and reporting MIAs is a great addition to the general gameplay. however, it's really annoying trying to find all of them. Less bushes would be nice and would boost overall FPS - Flying around in a heli over riverbeds is killing my PC at some points. Had several crashes. When i'm on a foot patrol i was able to walk around for more than an hour or so. Overall: Easily one the best mods for ArmA, but too heavy on the CPU. Use 50% less bushes and grass and this would be perfectly balanced, FPS- and AI-combat wise. Great job :) [EDIT] I WANT JUNGLE EVOLUTION! :D
  12. #EXIT _chop domove [0,0,0] _chop FlyInHeight 35 _chop setSpeedMode "FULL" exit As i see it, your heli will fly to 0,0 after it was boarded and that's it. You'd need to send it to the pos of your carrier or hangar if you want to trigger your endmission - like you said in 1st post. something like _chop domove getpos mycarrier (if your carrier is named mycarrier)
  13. Fiddling with helicopters and landing behaviour was always tricky, so be patient if it doesnt work at first. Exchange the code underneath the CONTINUE and END labels with this code: #CONTINUE _chop move [((getpos _gl select 0) + 4),((getpos _gl select 1) + 4),0] _chop FlyInHeight 50 ? (_chop distance _gl < 300) : goto "END" ~10 _gl setPos getPos _lead goto "CONTINUE" #END _chop setSpeedMode "LIMITED" _chop FlyInHeight 50 ? (_chop distance _gl < 70):_chop land "LAND";[_lead] allowGetIn true;hint "Board";goto "VERYEND" ~0.01 goto "END" As i said, you can never be sure it'll work so you need to test a bit and see how it goes. If _chop land "LAND" doesnt work, maybe try _chop land "GET IN" or "GETIN". The distances (_chop distance 300) might also be wrong, fiddle around with both 300 and 70 as well until you think you got it about right. Also, in the last section your chopper moves to the coords 0,0 - does that make sense in your mission?
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Smaller Warfare missions (SP & MP)?

    I haven't played Warfare in ArmA2 yet, but in the warfare that shipped with ArmA you could lock up a number of AI slots in order to let it run with less groups, almost lagfree.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    The Community Mission

    14. Sergey screamed in his bed. Still frightened from the past illusions he wakes Lena, telling "you won't believe what i just dreamed of. I think someone needs our help." Lena: "What are you talking about?"
  16. Hey, i just studied the wiki and came across this interesting thing: "ALICE_threat" = <number>; - threat level of town (-1 = not yet populated; 0 = safe; >0 = danger, where 0-1 is just suspition and values higher than 10 are beginning to be extreme) Does this mean the civilians will carry weapons and starting to fire on the players once the threat level is > 1 ?
  17. -)rStrangelove

    How Important Is FSAA

    FSAA? Couldn't care less. I want every CPU resource i can get to be used for more FPS or other details.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Ambient Combat Module

    No, you need to initialize parameters of the ACM object. You can do that by pasting commands into a txtfile named 'init.sqf' and save it into the directory of your mission. Or you try & put this into the init field of the ACM object: waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; [bIS_ACM, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [["USMC", "RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
  19. -)rStrangelove

    Is Berzerk being transfered to ArmA II

    What are players supposed to do on Berzerk maps? Pvp? Coop? Killing spree without tactics? Just curios
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Foreign Armies DLC

    What you need is already there. Your idea, some motivation, an editor, old ArmA-editing-for-dummies tutorials, a great community helping you to understand the tutorials. You still need time to do it though. That's always the key problem, isn't it? For me as well. :P
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Wirecutters! Let's be able to cut wires.

    Some data devices (CD,DVD,MiniDisc,USB Stick), maybe hidden in a special watch. JamesBond missions, here we go! :D
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Wirecutters! Let's be able to cut wires.

    As a workaround we only need to delete a fence section when the player uses his cut-action from the action menu, right? Can a fence object be deleted when it was placed in the island editor? We dont even need a model, only an invisible dummy object and a config to have it in the equipment. Then you only get the action entry when carrying the cutter in your gear. I don't like the option of a marker adding the cut-action for a player near the marker, because the player should be able to choose his point of entry by himself. However, i agree some sneaky 'infiltrate the base' missions are really needed. Now with the micro AI the chances to do it in a more realistic way is higher than ever. Imagine hiding from slowly patrolling soldiers inside the base and listening to their conversations when 2 meet each other. Lol, i just realized how much i miss playing No one lives forever 2. They had some great russian bases in there. Anyone remembers how hiding worked? When entering dark places behind an obstacle while crouching you saw some progress bar showing when 'hiding' was complete, then a dark eye appeared on your HUD. As long as you didn't move or shot your weapon the AI compeletely ignored you, so you had some time to study the base layout and patrol paths of the guards. I'd love to script something like that for ArmA2 tbh. Sorta 'infiltrate AI routines'. I fear the normal fsm scripts for guards won't work. ---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ---------- A beacon with a blinking LED on your HUD / and /or with a ping sound. Could be used for anything really, like finding hidden equipment which was dropped in the wilderness beforehand. In Farcry2 it was used to find hidden goodies, too. Was fun.
  23. Money is spent on developing the many different things a game consists of. They are put together in a specific way to generate fun gameplay for a targetted audience while playing through the game. You 'navigate' through the game via missions belonging to a campaign. A environment and time period is only chosen as a background and to make playing the campaign more believeable. Therefore it doesn't make sense to produce stuff of the environment in all its glory, you only need the stuff which is used in the campaign. Example: You see clouds in the sky. Hiding your plane / heli in the clouds isn't part of the campaign, therefore its not needed to be simulated in the game. Booking a flight at the airport and flying over to the US isn't part of the campaign, therefore the american continent isn't part of the gameworld either. The whole world could be simulated in todays games, its only a matter of money. It won't be done though because it doesn't make sense in a game. That, and you can't please everyone.
  24. -)rStrangelove


    What i'd like to see would be a terrorist version of Evo. There would be no enemy army waiting for you in a city, there would be terrorists lurking in houses and walking secretly among the civilians. When there are just a few players in the city, nothing happens. The players should be forced to bring in support trucks or other vehicles to help the civilians and so gaining respect. At a random time hell breaks loose and players find themselves surrounded. Should be fun. Also, searching houses for hidden weapons and bombs should be more fun more, due to ArmA2 offering more enterable houses.
  25. -)rStrangelove

    what script is this?

    see my example mission: http://www.file-upload.net/download-1685882/test_Airdrop.zip.html The issue was discussed in this thread also: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73863