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I´ll be back - Terminator stuff in ARMA II
-)rStrangelove replied to Marccom's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Another machine type i've noticed appeared in the specials of the T2 DVD. There was a report of Cameron helping put together a Skynet show event at a theme park or something. There were actors and stuntmen acting in front of a huge screen where rendered scenes were shown, like the inside of a Skynet factory. In the trailer for the show there was Arnie fighting little machines following him through ruins - like little helicopters with guns. I'll see if i can get a screenshot if you guys are interested. -
Vegetation replacement - support needed
-)rStrangelove replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Not all trees are really that important in a 1stperson shooter imo. I noticed that when playing around with the Farcry editor. The amount of trees is insignificant if the 'wrong treetypes' are being used. Place lots of thin trees on a flat ground and you have no cover at all. That and it looks plain boring. We've got many very thin trees in A2 which don't give cover anyway, you wouldn't notice if they were gone gameplaywise. I agree we still need bushes and thick trees for view- und hardcover. -
Thx for the infos, DLing now. Here's the link to the police car btw: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=746
Vegetation replacement - support needed
-)rStrangelove replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Nice thread. So when i make a custom plants2.pbo with the appropiate palmtree p3ds of ArmA1 will all trees on Chernarus be replaced? Would love to play on a jungle island. And in terms of saving performance - how about replacing some trees & bushes with empty p3ds? -
Hey that's similar to a detective mission i'm planning. Nice! :) 1. How do you handle showing pics of suspects and spawning those models only 1 time? It would be a problem if the suspect-model is used randomly for normal civilians also. 2. Suspect image self-made?
Guerilla Warfare: Liberation (interested?)
-)rStrangelove replied to JonasRC's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Nice concept. :) 1. Are all players together in a group or 1 grp per player? 2. You can't have active villages with civilians and government forces all across Chernarus. How do you handle / forbit all players to spread out to several villages at a time? 3. So there are several possible objectives in each rank. If i don't like my new objectives, can i still get ranking points for objectives from lower ranks? 4. If 1 player with a high rank 'activates' an area with his objective (ambushing a convoy for example) how do you handle that another player can't do his objective there, screwing everything up? -
General smoothness in a mission has been increased. As already mentioned a more enhanced graphics options menu with more specific sliders/switches would be much appreciated for mixing different effects. What i still hope you guys will include some day is a new switch in the options. If that switch is ON then a server setting or a mission cannot override my gfx settings. No matter what the mission is i can play with my personal settings. Of course this brings up the problem of playing with nograss on a PVP server. So we also need a server setting that forbits ppl to play on a server that have that 'no override' switch enabled. I'd rather play on no server at all then to be forced to play with 15fps.
ARMA 2 Adult content
-)rStrangelove replied to ARGold's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
what do you mean .... my parts are showing? :D -
[Command Interface] The three button solution
-)rStrangelove replied to nkenny's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Sounds all well thought out etc but in OpF/ArmA the AI has always been the most stubborn thing to fiddle around with when it came to combat situations. You can give them move-commands, standup and formation commands, you can tell them to disengage etc etc but the truths is they will do their own thing. They'll happily ignore all your move commands, crawl right in front of you blocking your line of side, or push you in the back and around the corner you tried to get some cover from, all the while spamming the com channel with messages about numerous targets. It's a start though. -
Alright, so can servers prevent people from turning grass to 0?
-)rStrangelove replied to Typheus's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - MULTIPLAYER
I honestly think the gfx server override is complete BS. I carefully set up my gfx details, make up costum missions in the editor to measure my FPS in different situations and then finetune the details to get the balance of gfx quality and FPS. And once i found the perfect balance for my pc i go on a server and BOOM - 15fps again. NICE! :P Gfx settings should be dependant on what my pc can handle and not what the server admin / mission developer think looks cool. -
yeah me too. although opera only let me download a htm file of 4MB lol. I renamed it to ZIP upon downloading and voila that worked.
Do You find ArmA Infinite Land Spooky?
-)rStrangelove replied to walker's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
If there's one thing i can't stand then it's visual boundaries where i can't go or where i just die after a few seconds. So NO this is the best thing since sliced bread. -
So what bring performance down? GPU Test.
-)rStrangelove replied to garack666's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Just place x groups in the editor and give them waypoints. 3 "move" waypoints and 1 "cycle" as last one, so they loop. There are plenty of editor tutorials out, the tuts for ArmA1 can also still be used. -
Uhao Island in A2
-)rStrangelove replied to Helmut_AUT's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Why do you need to reBIN the config at all? Just leave it as config.cpp and rePBO the folder. Not sure this works though. :P -
I´ll be back - Terminator stuff in ARMA II
-)rStrangelove replied to Marccom's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Yeah, looks perfect to me. I hardly see what's left to do with your T800 - looks like ready for release. *hint hint* :D -
Stop breaking your game installations guys, just wait for the next patches. They said the change-language-feature will be enabled in 1 of them. :) I have no problem with the German version because most of the game IS still english. Don't be so picky ffs.
So what bring performance down? GPU Test.
-)rStrangelove replied to garack666's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
AI scripts are loaded dynamically depending on how many AI units are active and what they do, so judging performance in an empty mission is just 1 side of the coin. You should compare fps with the same gfx settings and... a.) NO AI b.) 10 groups following patrols c.) 50 groups following patrols to get fairly reasonable results. My 2 cents. :) -
I think the 1.02 patch is for the German version, to make it on par with the UK version.
I´ll be back - Terminator stuff in ARMA II
-)rStrangelove replied to Marccom's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
As much as i like SciFi / Fantasy / Horror addons, i have to say they mostly don't fit because you need a whole modpack (islands, missions) to create a proper movie atmosphere. That's why i think it's not enough to just release a T800 and/or a HK Tank. It's a start though. -
Not in helicopter check
-)rStrangelove replied to kocrachon's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
unit1 = is a group Soldier1 = is a unit means you need to change the syntax to ({vehicle _x == bird1} count units unit1) < 1; -
I´ll be back - Terminator stuff in ARMA II
-)rStrangelove replied to Marccom's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
It's the same with the Aliens movies btw: Cameron's ALIENS was awesome, every other Alien title is a desaster storywise and totally lacking atmosphere. About the unit converting: i'd wait until either somebody figures out how to do it or BIS releases the official ArmA2 tools. Do what you can do now, do the rest when the time is right. How about discussing mission templates for Term. scenarios? -
I think it's a server setting. just disabled the score board.
Can't we totally turn off post processing?
-)rStrangelove replied to Helmut_AUT's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Have you tried the noblur addon by Kegetys yet? -
Who's going to resist buying on the 19th?
-)rStrangelove replied to charliereddog's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
First thing you guys should do after installing the demo is to switch terrain details to VERY LOW. This switches off the grass and is the only way to play with game right until they fix the UBER AI. :)