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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove


    A very simple approach would be to use the score of every player as a money alternative. That way you don't even need to use any triggers or unit lists, the game itself takes care of 'earning' it. There are the "score player" and "player addScore x" commands you could work with. Problem would be you can't easily deny the player getting money for specific enemy units and not for others. Also, if you kill friendlies and your score drops below 0, everyone will start firing on you.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Admins: PLEASE ALLOW @ACEX_SM!!!!

    There is nothing wrong asking to allow certain addons on a server, but this is the wrong place. You should ask the admin of the specific server where you play often, not all admins at once. Take a guess how MP would be affected if 1000 ppl had 1000 suggestions which addons to allow and which not. It would be the end. :D
  3. -)rStrangelove

    what new has been done / improved since 2001?

    Like every other troll the OP is contradicting himself. There's simply no way in hell one can be a die-hard fan of the original OPF 2001 and on the other hand state that he buys games because of the visuals lol. Don't feed the trolls i say.
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Unidentified something

    Plz calm down everyone. There is nothing on that video. Even _IF_ there would be, your government will protect you from anything evil. And i was never here. ;)
  5. -)rStrangelove

    The End of the Tactical Shooter.

    The game industry produces large quantities of those games which they know will sell in large quantities, dead simple. More and more ppl become gamers (casual gamers at first) and only a small percentage play simulators that give you a brutally realistic experience of war. So we SIM gamers are a minority. There's nothing you can do about it other than telling all casual gamers to stop buying colorful mainstream crap and hope that mainstream will eventually eat its own legs and collapse one day. They're doing good so far imo: - game can be played through in 8 hours - game single player forces you to be connected online (hello Ubisoft) - game forces you to run 2 other applications in the background (hi steam, hi games-for-windows) - game costs 70 eur - game performance is lowered by copy protection (hi .....) - games are just console ports sharing problems like dumb ass menus, one-button-for-everything-controls and smeared low resolution textures - games are pushed out while still in beta, making your new i7 & GTX480 PC cry a river - direct-x features on your gfxcard are used in a game 2 years later - game follow up titles bring no new features, just slightly better textures and all the bug-fixes you're dealing with in the old title - games are released with half-content so they can make more $$$ via DLC - even if promised, all DLC is released for consoles first. PC gamers can wait 1 more year. Rant over.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Does OA have original domination MP mission?

    Put the pbo into your MPmission folder.
  7. Warping is not client interpolation. An object is teleported to the correct position (server is always right) as soon as the latest TCP packet arrives which holds this new position. Prior to the position update the object is not moving while the animation still runs. (like soldiers walking in 1 place)
  8. What class does the vehicle have you want to spawn? "myvehicleclass" doesnt work on its own.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    open conventional warfare

    Just use a replacement config, you can make the game look like you want.
  10. -)rStrangelove

    Latest Beta Patch: 72197

    Win7 SP1 is due 2011. ;)
  11. Got my MSI GTX460 768MB yesterday (replaced EVGA GTX260 800MB) and installed the new nvidia 258.96 WHQL. Some things i've noticed: 1. The GTX460 is far more silent, very pleasant now 2. MSI has afterburner software included, can be used to overclock the card within 1 min (which i did). Works like a charm and you get running statistics ingame, very nice. (powered by riva tuner) 3. The ArmA2 benchmark 2 seems to be entirely CPU-based. I had 20 fps with my gtx260 and now i have ... 20fps with the 460. :p 4. ArmA2OA benchmark results in 71fps, but i use 1920 x 1080 with custom settings (low to medium for most things, AA & postfx off) 5. Textures in ArmA2 are loaded much faster. I see bushes & trees switching to the right LODs as soon as they enter the screen, with the 260 they changed 2 seconds later (in the middle of the screen, very annoying). I had about 17200 marks in 3DMark06 (default settings), now i have 18200 marks. It's not a night and day difference, but all games 'feel' much smoother now. I can recommend the 460, bought it for 200Eur. Best price/performance balance atm imo. :)
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier trailer.

    If Ubisoft keeps up throwing specific game features out of the window we'll end up with a GHOST-RAINBOW-SPLINTER in 4 years and the only thing player needs to do is walking around invisible and press the A button when near an enemy or the objective lol. End of gaming, beginning of brainless entertainment for the masses. Need brain plugin?
  13. Left click on mouse & drag a box around the circle center. You should see the circle getting selected (less see-thru).
  14. Everything is possible to script, but a more realistic approach (if thats what ur after) might be to make a medevac script. And generally let a script run for all friendly groups to recognize & heal you if a medic is still active.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    When will ARMA2 be up to OA standards?

    I suspect they just release the model sources and let the community do it. ;) *hint hint*
  16. -)rStrangelove

    command/script help

    Nice :) Tip: if you use the command in the init of your guy anyway, theres no need to name him. Just use 'this': this moveingunner MyPickup;[this] orderGetIn true;
  17. -)rStrangelove

    What's the sign you play too much ArmA?

    I can't help it, when i go to the supermarket i keep checking rooftops for snipers. Problem is others start to take notice and look at you lol. I better look at my feet.
  18. Errr just hack the mission.sqm file and delete all required addons from ArmA2? Havent looked into it yet, so im just guessing.
  19. -)rStrangelove

    command/script help

    Example from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignAsGunner : _soldier1 assignAsGunner _tank; [_soldier1] orderGetIn true; So in your case you could try: MyGuy assignAsGunner MyPickup; [MyGuy] orderGetIn true; But you need to name your unit 'MyGuy' and your vehicle 'MyPickup' first.
  20. My 2 cents: AI is local to the server, so the scripts dealing with AI groups should work in SP and MP most of the time. One thing i see a problem with is that one of the groups you delete ingame could already be in sight or fighting with a player, it would kill the atmosphere if somebody sees groups disappearing into thin air. Depends when and how you delete groups though. Players could drop out of the session during gameplay, so you would delete groups while the mission is underway, right? SO maybe before deleting a group check whether they're in combat and have a target.
  21. I'd just put into the trigger act area. It's like if (truckpresent) then ... isnt it? If everything else fails i'd put truckpresent = true into the init field of a unit.
  22. Woah, that browser is awesome, thx for the heads up. :)
  23. -)rStrangelove

    (Probably) An easy question.

    Welcome keat, 1. This should be posted in Mission editiing / scripting forums mate 2. You should use a threattitle describing your problem 3. Did you try this command?: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/say
  24. -)rStrangelove

    new to editing

    Hey tandy, What your tool can do: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor How you do it: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Warfare_1_-_Editing_Guide http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Design Tutorials for ArmA1, still ok: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1157
  25. -)rStrangelove

    Faded Area Marker Script

    Great infos: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG#Order_of_Initialization