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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    True. Something that would be even more of an issue would be the reviving part. Some player dropped unconsious with ragdoll fx, so he could end up in a totally different position on his local pc than on the server / on somebody else's pc. When a medic comes along he might have problems finding the right healing spot.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Steel (ahem..take inspiration) from the popular mods!

    While i respect all the brainpower and work which Sickboy and his cronies have put into ACE, i gotta say ACE is not for everyone. At the end of the day some guys just want to play realistic missions without fiddling around with bandages, earplugs and weapon resting features that accidently lock up your aiming in the worst possible moment. So plz, some mods should stay mods without going into the vanilla game. It's like saying ArmA3 should boost PvP. Plz stop with your elitism.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    If you could decide the author of A3 campaign

    James Cameron. And after you played through the campaign you get a tshirt from BIS saying 'I SURVIVED ARMA3' ! :D
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Cover system for Arma3?

    Not if my chosen cover is a wall 2m high and i want to shoot around it. :D Which happens to me 90% of all situations i use cover in ArmA2 tbh, but maybe i'm sexually attracted to walls and therefore its a personal thing... :rolleyes:
  5. -)rStrangelove

    mission makers, please, for the love of god!

    Not atm, but the OP is afraid that it will be.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    mission makers, please, for the love of god!

    Oh, one of _those_ threads again. Looks like it has become a habbit of dooming all servers running missions which end with <*tion> in their name. I think these CTI missions are widely successful because: - ppl can choose how to approach an AO freely rather than following exact orders about timelines, special equipment to be used, ordering scripted Ai support at specific times. - AOs are switching around when cleared, so you get to fight all around the island, not just in a specific area the mission maker thinks is looking good. - you can do something with your earned score so there is some sort of 'levelling' or reward or whatever you want to call it. Basically the mission rewards you for playing it, and the longer the better it gets. Hence the 'getting the score back after reconnect' scripts. - can be played alone or in huge teams. no more waiting for somebody to show up. no more restarting the mission because 50% of the main attack group just dropped out due to random crashes. Don't blame the server admins, ask yourself why these missions are successful. :)
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Cover system for Arma3?

    No special cover system is needed. Imo all cover systems that use a special button or gameplay object (crates & stuff for looking over) are just an easier way for the AI to notice the player is actually in cover and is not 'allowed' to be seen until he fires. As an fps programmer its far easier to provide a key to the player for going into cover rather than make complicated AI - player - line of sight checks to find out whether the AI can see him or not.
  8. Seen worse tbh. Been crawling around guardposts in the dark and felt really smart to make it behind a wall so the AI couldnt see me, then all of a sudden a guard teleports to my side of the wall as if to say: "HA! Our teleport equipment beats your nightsight equipment!" :D
  9. -)rStrangelove

    WIT & DOMINATION: uname projet

    Where can i download it?
  10. Just saw the trailer by accident. LOLed so hard seeing all this chaos. My impression is that COD is stuffed so full of smoke, collapsing buildings and loud explosion sounds in order to hide the fact that the developers are totally and finally out of original ideas. Already had the feeling i'm gonna avoid it, after this trailer i know exactly why.
  11. What, no shark paintings? ;)
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Lucky number :) ... and i voted YESH!
  13. -)rStrangelove

    LA Noire

    Played whole saturday & sunday, what a great game! :) Only things i'd improve: - cockpit view for cars - more reactions from bystanders - values for health, so paying for hot dogs & coffee would actually make sense - going undercover in a group would be awesome. just before a big coup is going down you phone your police buddies and help arresting on the scene. - i miss random cars full of hit men trying to kill me while driving around - a better ordering of all clues connected to locations, events and people. some more complicated cases would be awesome, but with this currently simplistic truth/doubt/lie & proof stuff it would be a bit harsh. All in all, i had a great time. Looking forward to more cases via DLC. :)
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Stealth Kills?

    Point is that ArmA3 should have an AI built with stealth attacks already in mind so the player has a chance to use stealth as a tactic rather than the mission designer using dodgy scripts.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    Chainsaws in ArmA3 would be great for another FarmA campaign tbh.
  16. -)rStrangelove

    Streamline the game this time please

    ???? Weird, i use my S key in a way that i can switch between stand / prone position, why didnt you? Just try to bind your Z key to several commands at once and try it out.
  17. -)rStrangelove


    I'm going with a 50:50 approach here. I love buildings i can go into, but seeing the lags in Zargabah i think one must be reasonable and admit that in a warzone not all buildings will be open. Ppl could have fled the area before the conflict and you find their places locked up. Other ppl were forced to leave their home because of damages, etc etc. Ppl said in a poll they wanted bigger urban scenarios, but you cant have it all. Guess why the very big Fallujah runs so great? Most buildings are blocks and it still looks good.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    rah-66 commanche?

    Whats wrong with flying an unrealistic helicopter in a fictional 3rd WW ? The whole conflict is totally made up lol
  19. -)rStrangelove

    melee combat

    +2 .... and rideable horses plz :)
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Physx _ hell yessss !
  21. -)rStrangelove

    LA Noire

    I watched about an hour of gameplay stream on justin.tv, it looked pretty decent. One thing i didnt know: there are garages with secret bonus cars (experimental / extreme sport types) which you can find hidden all over the city, so there is a bit of free roaming that makes a bit sense. :) Can't wait.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Cover System and Urban Combat

    To be fair i think the latest patches have done wonders for the enemy AI. Everytime i see some guys leaning around corners and starting to shoot i could swear they're human players. Its still a long way from the heavily scripted CoD experience (i can understand why ppl think its fun). I guess to do something like this in ArmA2 you need to remodel all buildings / obstacles with special waypoints and totally redo the whole AI system. Would take 1 year if you know what you're doing i guess.
  23. Postpone release of the troops? :( How about release them now as they are and update them later / or as 2 seperate editions (with and without shouts)?
  24. -)rStrangelove

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Was about the post the same thing. If pc games would be like reality you'd need ear protection for ArmA. Whats the point of getting numb & deaf from a game?
  25. You add an event handler into the config of the units, i guess the init-handler is what you're after: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#Init BigDawg is right, a sound script for every active unit might create performance issues. Personally i'd stop all scripts for units which are not leaders in their groups, so you'd have 1 active sound script for each group. Dunno if an init-handler fires if a unit is spawned though. I could help with testing, im getting back to scripting atm. [edit] Also, those ppl playing with the DSAI mod installed will want to switch your script off, so the script needs to check if a DSAI global var is defined.