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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    Lets see. GTX460 GTX560 GTX570 Power 100% 118% 122% Speed 100% 140% 157% I'd say they consume about the same power, but the fps gain is significant (should be in ArmA2). Although if you fear about 500W not being enough, it would be about time to get 700W anyway since running a PSU at its peak all the time isnt advisable.
  2. COD has become the McDonalds of all FPS tbh. Everybody knows it's bad to go there, but they go anyway, since most of your dumb friends are hanging out there and have a nice chat.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    Go for an overclocked version of the GTX570, almost same performance for less money. If you overclock it yourself you can safe even more, but then you take all the risk if it goes tits up. Ppl with an i7 and a GTX280 have no idea what they're missing tbh, ArmA2 needs a perfectly balanced system to run good. CoD or BC2 won't show you if you have a bottleneck in your system, but ArmA2 does. I can honestly say that going from a GTX260 to a GTX460 to a GTX570 to a OC GTX570 always gave me more fps. ArmA2 is not solely CPU-bound. Also, an SSD is needed too and i think most ppl diss the idea of buying that 'just' for ArmA2 (since COD or BC2 doesnt need an SSD). Balance your system and ArmA2 rewards you for it. Also: don't kill the messenger. Don't blame ArmA2 for showing you the problems.
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Frozen Synapse

    Sound interesting. The 2 keys & soundtrack edition on Steam for 22 Eur atm. So its now or never.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    Isla Duala

    Lol, Chaostika the advertising bot of Icebreaker ;)
  6. -)rStrangelove

    WIT & DOMINATION: uname projet

    You're joking right? Can provide some this WE :)
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Phantom Six's Terrorist Hunt

    Sounds good :) R6 used to be awesome.
  8. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution for Duala

    Gonna DL this WE & pay a visit :)
  9. -)rStrangelove

    Make spawn "centers" or realistic vehicle spawn points

    Good ideas. Things you are missing: (imo) - a person should not spawn every set amount of time, but whenever a player is near enough to the area. Whenever that person has left the spawn spot (after the behaviour script kicks in) the spot is free again to spawn more persons. - all spawn spots need to be centralized to some sort of main area. that way you could manage the maximum number of spawns near it to prevent massive fps drops / server lockups. - masses of civilians don't need to be spawned as a mass. something i did in the past was to give spawned civilians a behaviour that would make them go to certain markers, in your case it would be easy to make them search for the nearest 'market' marker and simulate talking / walking behaviour there. - spawn spots could be easily marked as 'person' or 'vehicle' or 'vehicle_empty' spawns. I made something like this in the past (ArmA1), but without the spawning part. Basically i gave every person a role, that role had defined behaviour scripts and these scripts made the person go to specific markers and show some specific behaviour. Worked pretty good, but was never finished / used in a mission.
  10. -)rStrangelove

    BIS, add more usability to mission editor and mod tools

    While i agree that a decent mission editor handling everything as a project (briefing, scripts, custom files, etc) would be great to have in ArmA3, i think its a mistake to think it would make things easier. If i get this right the OP wants something to be done with the press of a button which for the moment is only possible via proper scripting. Here's your mistake: A tool doesn't make you creative and it doesn't safe you from having to learn how to use it. No tool in the world can do what hundreds of scripters would want, too many possibilities.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    Xbox 360 Controller

    Wired? Batteries? Time for a morning coffee! :D
  12. -)rStrangelove

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    I dunno why you think BIS would keep the fan community from buying a highly optimized version of ArmA2 if such a version would exist. You almost sound like you believe ArmA2's performance is held down by BIS on purpose. Cmon mate, think again: BIS releases patch after patch for several years now (OpF, Armed Assault, ArmA2, ArmA2: OA), what tells you that? Btw: if you didnt buy OA its all your fault, as you cut yourself off from optimizations. Optimization is done by working staff and they need to earn money. So to make you feel better the only thing you care about is a setting in the options menu that says: 'maximum' ? Reminds me of the SpinalTap joke with the 'custom' Marshal top which featured a '12' for maximum volume. All others go to 10, but his went on to 12. Cool, huh?
  13. -)rStrangelove

    Xbox 360 Controller

    Yes, my wired 360 controller works in ArmA2 without problems. (WinXp SP3 here)
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Limit map size

    And you base your personal opinion on which facts? Seriously, the game doesn't populate the world with 'enough' units (how much is 'enough' ? could you see them all at once if there would be enough? ) because it doesn't need to. The mod community came up with AI spawning scripts to counter that, i think the earliest i can remember came up in 2003 (for OpF).
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Best SoundMod

    If you want to sh!t your pants try JSRS. I know i have.
  16. You played Doom1 when you were 6? :D
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Ghost Recon: Online

    To be fair, a good amount of newjoiners are veterans who made new profiles rather than remembering / reactivating their old ones.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Isla Duala

    Was about the say the same thing. In PvP the bridge was so unforgiving. Great times. :)
  19. Thats actually a very good idea. You'll have almost the same experience as the guys playing it / watching bots do the work, but you wont spend a single penny on it. I'm in. *gets popcorn*
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Ghost Recon: Online

    Yup, GR & R6 are dead and long gone. Get over it guys. Todays 'tactical shooters' need to have scripted cover points, cloaking systems, see-thru-walls sights and 100 other things just to look cool. And draw the kiddies in.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    mission makers, please, for the love of god!

    I bet (and hope) eggbeast won't hesitate to port this Evo versions to ArmA3 when it's out. @MadDogX: wishful thinking i guess :D
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Remove the blinding sun in A3 please

    +1 Its the HDR system which is so annoying i think, just walking forward or looking into the ocean sometimes gives you a flickering screen. Toned down sun blinding and HDR would go a long way.
  23. Actually, just a double click in the mapscreen would've helped, it places the player and then you can already click PREVIEW on the right side. The rest is up to what you want to do. :)
  24. -)rStrangelove

    Cover system for Arma3?

    Yup, i had this before. It's called Uncharted2. Getting into cover is like being glued there lol. :D Uncharted2 is surely a very good example how a scripted coversystem should NOT be done. God knows if ArmA3 would include this system i'd put my order on hold until i read somebody makes a mod to get rid of it. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1078-Uncharted-2-Among-Thieves
  25. It might be easier to dislike because ppl know there are alternative shooters coming up, BF3 and GhostRecon Online for example.