Name: 23rd Ground Division
Website: 23rd Ground Division
Info :
23rd Ground Divisio has been around since September 2001. Originally led by GEN Raynor, on the 23rd of July 2003 COL Questor joined the 23rd Ground Division in October 2003 he took over command from GEN Raynor and created the 23rd as it was back then.The success and reputation comes from stern leadership, organised training and the dedication of its members. As the years have passed by times and tastes change. The 23rd Ground Division have seen many people come and go, but they always have held the Division with great respect, even in their passing.
In April 2007. Captain Terror reformed the 23rd Ground Division with former members such as: Jimbo, Smookie, Smiley, Jonny, Redhouse and some more. We try and create the old 23rd as it was but with a new twist to it.
The 23rd Ground Division focuses on realism and roleplay, trying to create a good balance between both of them in order to achieve the greatest possible gameplay. Based on US Army tactics 23rd Ground Division brings you through combat training programme, teaching you the most essential skills, in order to prepare you for full combat duty.
Contact Info:
Captain Terror:
[email protected]
You can also PM me for more info
2nd Lieutenant Smookie
[email protected]
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