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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. The only balancing should be done by mission designers and players. All weapon and vehicle specifications should be as true to life as possible. There is no need to "nerf" any aspect of the game. That's the only reply I can offer to the thread starter. I would have thought the original post far too vague to be worth this much discussion.
  2. Daniel

    Androids are getting very realistic.

    They should really be building robots for jobs humans can't do, such as working in disaster (read: nuclear) situations. Not for jobs humans could be employed for. I was kind of surprised Japan didn't have something robotic up their sleeves to help deal with Fukushima.
  3. Have hope, if it goes the same way as the target footage, you'll have ten AI team mates all living out their scripted little lives sniping hostages and throwing NYPD cops off bridges...
  4. I was kind of interested until it turned into Just Cause style abseiling down Brooklyn Bridge. Posts 39, 40 and 41 sum up my feelings.
  5. Daniel

    MechWarrior Online

    Fair comments. I'd just feel more comfortable paying up front for a quality game than worrying about what I might or might not be missing out on. I'd gladly pay full price for a blockbuster MechWarrior game. Loved MechCommander, MW2 and MW2 Mercs to bits, never really got into the others. Guess i'll wait and see.
  6. Daniel

    MechWarrior Online

    Hmm, bit concerned about the whole Free to Play / Pay to Win aspect. Although it is nice to see a new Mech game in the works all the same.
  7. Some classic pics in there Macadam Cow. Nice music too.
  8. Daniel

    Marco Simoncelli killed in Sepang

    You can always choose to say nothing when the alternative is to piss people off.
  9. Daniel

    Marco Simoncelli killed in Sepang

    Sad news. Just goes to show how dangerous motor sport still is, guess we take the bravery of these competitors for granted. According to the BBC report he was in cardiac arrest when the medics reached him, I wonder if that caused the crash in the first place.
  10. Daniel

    Colonel Gadaffi found

    Also blamed for the bombing a German night club full of American troops, and the death of a policewoman shot dead in London from within the Libyan embassy.
  11. Daniel

    Singleplayer with epic plot

    I'm also an advocate for the "just tag along and hope for the best" experience. Much more immersive and believable than playing the role of a leader at any level. Even when playing in multiplayer squads, LCpl / Fireteam Leader was my favourite role; any higher up the chain and you tend to spend more time on the comms and looking at maps than you do actually getting stuck in.
  12. Daniel

    Quantum levitation.

    That is cool. It's crazy how it can be put on an angle and still stays locked in place.
  13. Daniel


    Not the worst idea in the world. I mean, who would have believed anyone would ever go into battle in gliders had the Allies not done just that?! Well, actually Germans first. But yeah, could be a return of the Glider Infantry given the drastic nature of Arma 3's conflict. Pretty sure Take On Wingsuits has been suggested too.
  14. Daniel

    Wall Street Occupation

    That's incredibly creepy.
  15. Daniel

    New Metallica and Lou Reed track

    By gum that's bad. He is the table. Good for him.
  16. I absolutely agree with you PELHAM, hit the nail on the head with "understanding the law they are trying to enforce". It should be crystal clear to them, that's their job after all.
  17. Does seem silly. That said, a couple of years ago we were shown a terrorism related public safety video at work, much of it focused on reporting anyone seen to be "suspiciously" taking photographs at public places to the police. However, under UK law: 'Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel' and 'The power to stop and search someone under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 no longer exists.'
  18. Daniel

    Heroes and Generals - MMO

    http://www.heroesandgenerals.com/community/game/game-overview Graphics look great for an MMO!
  19. He could be the sole surviving SBS operative in the whole world for all we know at this point. All his allies may well be US. We'll have to wait and see.
  20. Daniel

    War with Facebook

    [Offtopic] I have no problem with that troll being jailed. Don't get involved in other people's bereavement unless you have something nice to say, simple lesson for life there. I do have a problem with those bastards ripping up people's basketball poles. Hope that video goes viral or something. [/Offtopic]
  21. Daniel

    US Drone fleet infected with keylogger virus

    Yeah, I kid mostly, you're probably bang on the mark. Although I still there might be an element of audacity to it.
  22. Daniel

    US Drone fleet infected with keylogger virus

    I think they see it as a bold statement. Sort of like: "You might think you have all the fancy toys, well now so do we!".
  23. Daniel

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    Real life examples aside for a moment, I think there are too many potential unknown variables for "taking your victim's uniform in order to trick further enemy" to not in some way appear gimmicky, especially in the open battlefield that is Arma.