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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    First ARMA impressions

    Jaffo Don't get that last bit, you mean other than OFP's default "X" and "C" keys that controlled rudders? I've got mixed feelings over the sluggish movements. It's a huge issue to debate, and momentum would have to be extremely skillfuly implemented to get away with it.
  2. I remember watching a documentary on the RAH-66 prototype. It mentioned one of the features of the chopper's onboard computer, which is to correct the pilots control of the stick. Apparently most choppers only require extremely sensitive movements of the stick - if you slam the stick to one side in real life, chances are you've broken something. EDIT: Love the banking in that video of the UH-60!
  3. Daniel

    First ARMA impressions

    No, it really doesn't. No one had any complaints about OFP's system of movement, seems they've fixed something that didn't need fixing.
  4. Hope BIS change the AI so they are still "smart" even on the lowest skill settings. "Skill" shouldn't affect how well the AI works, it should affect traits like how fast they can run, how well their aim is, and how well they conserve ammo. People should have generally similar vision and reaction times no matter what their military finess.
  5. Low performance seems a very strange excuse for AI like that. I would have thought it would be AI bringing down the frame rate, not frame rate messing up the AI.
  6. Daniel

    No radio activation commands in mission editor?

    Just a stab in the dark: have you got advanced mode on?
  7. <s>Just had a thought concerning aircraft, and the lack of an OPFOR counterpart. Has anyone tried a dogfight against another harrier with an NS pilot in it?</s> EDIT: Scratch that, just remebered the bi-planes.
  8. Daniel

    ArmA Photography

    The amount of debris is fine. Â I want to be able to run this game at more than 4 frames per second. Yes, cause making that debris model twice as big would melt your CPU. Like someone said, even leaving the walls behind would be cool. Looks like there's plenty of modabilty on that front though.
  9. Daniel

    ArmA Photography

    Nice...but where the hell did all the bricks go?
  10. Daniel

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

    Hmm, true. But Shashman's point still stands. We miss various critical pieces of equipment while others get repainted.
  11. @Hustler_Baby True, but until someone does, knowing what you need to buy for ArmA is a hell of a lot more useful than torturing yourself by reading how much others are enjoying it. Â
  12. Are you sure about this or can somebody else give his opinion about this? I have a similar system and I would buy another GB of ram if it will improve my ArmA experience... Nope, don't take my word on anything system related. Hopefully someone in the know can come along and support/tear down my suggestion. I'd like to know myself, want to get an ArmA worthy PC ASAP. But in my opinion RAM seems the cheapest way to make a definate performance boost in most games.
  13. All I've heard so far is there is no VTOL. No one with the game has reported it so far, BIS havn't mentioned it (I assumed using a harrier would automatically imply a working VTOL system in the engine), and if it's the vid i'm thinking of, it was edited to slow the harriers down for a stylish effect. Here's hoping it's added in a patch.
  14. So what section does need improvement? Is that the graphics card? or maybe the CPU? Not an expert on the subject but you could probably knock the fx card up to 512mb. Everything else looks good. Â Another Gig of RAM would help get up to the higher settings aswell. Couldnt give a rat's arse about BIS co-op campaigns, we'll be inundated with high quality community co-op missions. I'm more bothered by the current lack of BIS VTOL.
  15. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    Hey, if you fancy detailing it, go for it! I think for good quality elevations the limit is around 40x40 km.
  16. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    Yeah, but those islands, while being extremely well made (St David being one of my favourites), they didn't venture too far from the original Nogova in terms of style. I don't see the point of making islands that replicate the terrain of Sahrani. Just because we can make 1600 sq km islands, doesn't mean we can't create an extemely detailed tiny island as Elliot Carver's islands demonstrate. Likewise, it isn't mandatory for huge islands to be as detailed as Sahrani. We just need to be dynamic about it.
  17. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    Yeah this is all getting more complicated, but I don't really see it hindering island releases as much as some people seem to be saying. Hell, if we want an isolated scientific outpost in barren arctic wasteland, that isn't going to add up to much more than some simple elevations, a simple snow texture and a few scattered objects, no matter how complicated things get. We can build up from there, the same way we built up from retexturing BIS islands in OFP.
  18. Daniel

    Balschoiw goes Gamestar

    Ditto. VTOL is almost my main interest in this game, and yet it hasn't been mentioned as far as I know.
  19. Daniel

    Armed Assault videos

    Don't suppose you could show what if any VTOL capabilities the Harrier has? Would be much appreciated.
  20. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    That would be cool.
  21. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    To be honest, for the size of islands possible in ArmA (I "think" up to 1600 sq km IIRC), the DEMs don't cost that much. I suppose Google Earth can help for satellite data in some areas. Hell, I looked up my mates house in Yorkshire the other day and zeroed in on her freakin treehouse!
  22. Daniel

    Terrain editing

    Parts of the real world have already been transferred accurately into OFP, check out Smiley's Afghanistan map. The trick is to get all the scaling right so that everything is as close to 1:1 in game. But like you say, not much we can do for ArmA until we get the tools.
  23. Daniel

    ArmA Photography

    Looking at that rockface I can just imagine what a good addon a hand glider would be. That would be pretty breath-taking for a video game.
  24. Daniel

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    That's so bloody true! A North-Sahrani armpatch would be cool too.
  25. Daniel

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    - Starforce-free ArmA DVD - Detailed Map - Military guide for North and South Sahrani (Good idea ) - Track IR Discount Coupon