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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Why not have this?...

    I find myself disagreeing point blank there. In my opinion, an aspect of the game that leaves you or AI significantly less capable to fight when an explosion as occurred close enough, SHOULD be considered within the "concept of ArmA". The people that have made such requests in this thread are not all asking for effects that other games have and ArmA lacks - they have simply used examples from other games to show how they have portrayed the true-to-life feature in a functional way.
  2. Daniel

    Why not have this?...

    Well said Mandrake. Perhaps BIS didn't have the resources to include such effects, but no doubt they would increase the immersion. It can only be a step in the right direction.
  3. Daniel

    OFrP/Arma - Fist contacts

    Yep, good stuff, love the little famas logo too.
  4. Daniel

    Goodbye Placebo

    Great work Placebo, you'll be missed. Good luck, Merry Christmas and have a good new year!
  5. Daniel

    East Wepons vs West Weapons

    Well, they are using Vulcans. I don't mind if the East side weapons are worse then the Western weapons, as long as the attention to detail and realism is consistant.
  6. Chain of Command (CoC), mod for OFP, made artillery, mines, swimmers, command systems amongst other things. Mapfact also made a set of mines with claymores. Although both systems were very performance intensive due to all the ball bearings being generated.
  7. Daniel

    Call the EOD Module I

    Who cares? Anyone that looks up Mods as opposed to Addons on OFP.Info, thats who. Nephilim's definitions sound spot on.
  8. Daniel

    Desert MarPat

    Besides, making his own would only add to the confusion. Looks really good Wilco, good to see you co-operating and keeping things consistant.
  9. Daniel

    Do you like this look?

    Don't forget the US has to supply a much larger amount of M4s than the Saharani's would G36s. I suppose they could splash out a little to get something top notch for their small special forces units. I like the idea of making a more casual general military/police presence without helmets too.
  10. Daniel

    AH-64D (Longbow) Apache

    First of all, I'd like to say well done for stating your request in such a detailed manner. Second, I'd like to ask why the hell everyone is discounting this so easily? Hell, if we implement a weapon, why not give it all its tactical capability? BIS are a programming team after all. Especially if a mod team has already proven its potential in an out dated engine. Its like saying hey, we've made an M16 that can only fire one round at a time, but it doesn't matter, it can shoot can't it? That's what matters... I personally would like to see everything that is officially added to Armed Assault have all the features that tactically affect its use in real life. If that means having quality over quantity so be it. Obviously I agree with the guy that motion trackers would be over looked for common sense sake, likewise it would be a little insane to simulate warping of the barrel or sand getting in an M16. But if the longbow system affects how Apaches are implemented in combat, it deserves to be reproduced in Armed Assault. Love the idea of the Cobra hellfires joining in aswell.
  11. Daniel

    F35B US Marine Corps MAW

    Clever bastard. Awesome. Can't wait for ArmA to finish downloading.
  12. Daniel

    Multiplayer potential

    Easy as pie if you know enough people and someone has the know how to create a mission. First I'd try a co-op server and see if any of their maps suit what you are after. If not, look into joining some of the clans that are on the go. Combined Arms is definately the way to go in my opinion, just waiting on getting ArmA...
  13. Daniel

    New fire texture beta 0.2

    The smoke does indeed look a lot thicker, heavier, dirtier. Good job. I'll try this out when I get the game. Just judging from the screenshots, is their any way you can make the flames look as hot as possible? There might be a danger of them getting "too" detailed and looking more like extremely detailed textures rather than fiery hot flames. I suppose an added "glow" effect could help.
  14. Daniel

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    If this thread is just for throwing concepts down, how does this sound. It's a scenario based on a book called Brother in the Land (I think written in the 80s) about post-nuclear-war England. Basically a teenager goes out for a bike ride down some country lanes when it starts raining. He takes shelter in an old WW2 pillbox when full scale nuclear war breaks out and his town is hit. He survives the blast, but a man walking past at the time isn't so lucky - the boy sees his body and pukes. If I remember right I think his bike gets melted. Anyway, he makes it back to town and his brother and Dad have survived in their family shop's cellar, his Mum was killed out in the house. Some days later mysterious soldiers come to start rounding people up into labour camps, and a resistance movement starts among the survivors, who ambush  convoys of these unknown forces and build up weapons caches. Eventually, they gather enough weaponary to attack the work compounds and take over the facilities. However, things don't turn out to well. After the initial victory over their oppressors, the crops fail due to radiation poisoning. Its a lot deeper than that, but these are the basic points that might make it worth creating. -Its fairly unique -It has a strong emotional storyline -Missions would include working for the resistance: = ambusing convoys = rescuing survivors = raiding air raid bunkers for supplies = attacking outposts and eventually the work camps = watching out for: the "purples" - survivors that have resorted to canabalism; the soldiers that are starting a new world order in the aftermath of the holocaust; and looters. If done right, this scenario could be really atmospheric, probably best made on a "destroyed" island akin to Kolgujev. If anyone remembers Bambi's brilliant BlackOp troops with the gas masks, they would be perfect for the oppressors.
  15. Ah, should have been clearer, I meant his second post. The bug report.
  16. Go to page 23 in this topic, scroll down to a post by a guy called fuzzhead.
  17. Well like Kyle said, even if it isn't hard coded, it can be simulated really easily and used to very convincing effect. Remember Mapfact's power switch for OFP?
  18. RO is a pretty good game, but can't compete with the OFP series in my opinion. For me, the feeling I get when playing RO is that it's a game between OFP and Call of Duty. RO isn't that realistic, nor is it hard to play (it's easier than America's Army in my opinion). What I miss in RO is the atmosphere, what I miss are the planes / choppers. I don't like the tanks in RO, they're too well weird for me. Although driving is pretty cool in those tanks. For me OFP / ArmA are the ultimate realism games, superior to RO. RO just doesn't seem to cut it, I miss the "war" feeling, the being part of an army feeling. He didn't compare the two as games, he stated the free aim in Red Orchestra is better. No one doubts that a combined arms sim like ArmA wipes the floor with a round by round FPS like RO in terms of scale and atmosphere, they are completely different games. Childish accusation tone? Inflamatory remarks What are you talking about? That... its a very rude and ignorant statement. The game seems atleast stable, something many higher budget tittles cant brag about. Go back and read my post if you didnt understand it. If you feel that the current amount of issues is too serious for you to enjoy Arma, wait for it to be patched before you consider purchasing or dont purchase it at all. Im tired of all this negativity about small, minor flaws that makes it look like there isnt anything good about Arma... Just to stick up for Shash, I agree with his view on the situation. I didn't see his remarks as rude or ignorant, and far from childish especially. I think we all expected a little more finess to this product. You can't ignore the current amount of people complaining over the same things. In my opinion, all of Shashman's points were valid, and this quote kind of sums it up. As I say in all my posts like this: hopefully I will get to eat my words when i get the game. But I for one expected a little less graphical sheen and a much stronger game in areas like AI and flight handling over OFP. The best bug report I've read so far is by fuzzhead on page 22.
  19. Daniel

    First ARMA impressions

    1. It is still easy enough to fly helicopters. True, it became harder. Not any noob can jump in and be a master "pwnage" pilot now. It takes practise. Hmm, from the sounds of it, the physics are pretty wrong no matter how "hard" it is. 2. If you go fast enough, yes a tank will plow through a forest. If you go too slowly, you'll have to slowly push every individual tree over. Hopefully true, but it sure as hell looks wrong on that video the way the abrams steamrolls a forest at full pelt. It should have a concequence no matter what the speed. 7. Err, yes, well might that be because he was TURNING THE TURRET? In ArmA the vehicles with gradual speed turret traverse will have to rev their engines to turn the turret. This is done automatically and plays as a background noise when you turn the turret. The faster you turn the turret, the higher the engine will rev. It's a realistic game feature, not a bug. He said tracks turning, not engine rev. 7. I have not noticed any mouse lag. Probably client side. That has been reported numerous times on this forum.
  20. Daniel

    ArmA Photography

    Yeah, I was kiddin.
  21. Daniel

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    Oh, you make it sound shit hot!
  22. Daniel


    Because the future of online gaming is quite obviously being part of a combined arms strike with all your buddies, being utterly immersed in the game, fearing for your player's only life, and trying to hold ground until your allies playing on PCs in a different time zone join the game and bolster your side's cause to victory! Â Sorry. Â
  23. Daniel

    OnGoing War - Video

    Bloody awesome. How cool it would be to be stuck on the ground pinned down while that little bird is carting people off above a tank battle... Cannae wait
  24. Daniel

    ArmA Photography

    Ah, that's what that bit's for on the helmet. Was wondering.
  25. Daniel


    Think we established that a few posts up.