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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Rainy Day = No Shadows? Help

    This has always bugged me slightly since OFP. Look under a parked car on a really dull grey overcast day. You still get a dark blob of shadow under it. Maybe a different style of shadow for use in overcast conditions would be a solution? Sounds very tricky though.
  2. Daniel

    PMC WRP Demo islands released!

    True, but say I got hold of a DEM of the Lake District, whacked a texture on it, added a few detailed bits and released it. It'd be useful for RAF style training at the least. I could then add more detail and landmarks, and requests from British players and units, and just keep releasing a new version every time a sizeable chunk is detailed. I'd never aim for it to be finished, but I reckon it'd be pretty cool to see in game.
  3. Daniel

    PMC WRP Demo islands released!

    Although it takes 4 mins to load using 204km x 204km, according to Google Earth, something approaching the size of Wales could be made. Â I definately can't wait to get my hands on a DEM of the Lake District.
  4. Daniel

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    @karantan Sorry, I don't usually join in with this, just got a bit tired of seeing the same old (and it is getting old) discussion in what feels like every page I look at on these forums. Sorry, what do you mean? I think I'm confusing myself here more than anything.
  5. Daniel

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    No, "fanboys" or "fellow posters" as I like to call them MAKE DO with what they have, knowing they have no control over the issue other than to enjoy the game, complain to BIS directly or get their money back. And "fanboys" tend not to flood the forums with utter shite that no-one wants to read. Â On topic: Can't wait till everyone's back to the same level version wise. Would be nice to see the setpos bug fixed though.
  6. Daniel

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    I share Espectro's view on power. Just because we can doesn't mean we should, and I believe this applies especially to nuclear power.
  7. Daniel

    Love SCUD

    The SCUD Missile is no longer in ArmA, but I'd be surprised if someone isn't already working on one. I've got a feeling the team that made the SCUD addons for OFP might be working on one, have a look around.
  8. Daniel

    Helicopter Missions

    Gaia's is pretty arcady, but is extremely well made and good fun.
  9. Daniel

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Nah, I thought the time I had my teeth pulled out was funnier.
  10. Daniel

    Why is OPFOR dumbed down?

    Tried giving 10 west riflemen on full skill and 10 east riflemen on full skill 20 M16s on flat ground at midday?
  11. Daniel

    RKSL Studios

    Wow, can't wait for the choppers!! Good work, and good flying! Thanks for the music too.
  12. Daniel

    Autorotation landing

    YouTube Vid - It's pretty easy to simulate this. Just stick two AA soldiers down on your flightpath, and fly past them. The first rocket usually disables your tail rotor, which doesnt affect the UH-60 too much. The second almost always knocks out your engine, at which point you attempt to glide your way out putting yourself and your passengers into a crater. Â You can definately tell the difference when you don't press Z / reduce throttle.
  13. Daniel

    Autorotation landing

    Aw wow, I never realised I could do that in ArmA! Or OFP. Â Ha, it's pretty fun too. EDIT: I'm using a keyboard, works fine if I whack and hold the Z key as soon as I get hit. If you're practicing, pressing Q turns the engine back on, but Z only keeps the rotors from slowing down too fast.
  14. Daniel

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Maybe it's cause they're arguing over who's the most disappointed whilst we're simply saying what we like about it. I really just love looking at the water out of the window of a chopper sometimes. Can't wait till the next patch brings everyone into line, and I can't wait for the tools to come out.
  15. Daniel

    What ARMA is missing.

    No, there're tonnes of us. We've just teamed up with other like minded players and formed clans. Team battles without respawn is a great concept. Usually when I respawn, I lose a lot of interest for the mission. I like the "keep on your toes or you're dead" adrenaline/terror that only OFP and ArmA can provide.
  16. Daniel

    Making a ARMA Video

    Havn't the foggiest idea how you managed to miss this. ArmA Videos
  17. Daniel

    Despite the rampant disgust of BF2...

    Does seem pretty low, but remember at the moment the worldwide community is split up into loads of different versions of ArmA. We're all waiting for the next official patch release to bring everyone back into line.
  18. Daniel

    I'd play it if you could fix this

    That toggle options already there mate. Â EDIT: Ah, too late.
  19. Daniel

    Music Recommendations

    "not proper "core" music. " Do be honest, I couldn't give a crap what bands are labelled as or compared to. If it's good music I'll listen to em. Enter Shikari seem to stand out as a lot more unique that other bands that get labelled alongside anyway.
  20. Daniel

    Bi forum for life?

    JdB and Tovarish, good points.
  21. Daniel

    Music Recommendations

    Saw Enter Shikari live, probably one of the best gigs my shitty little town's ever seen. Â Didn't expect them to be my cup of tea, so I just turned up cause everyone else was. And now i'm a convert! Recently listening to Oceansize, Pendulum, Enter Shikari and Mark Ronson.
  22. Beautiful landscape pictures Vilas. Is that hilltop castle a monastery? I think i've seen it before.
  23. Daniel

    Armed Assault videos

    What about joint coop?
  24. Daniel

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Barrow-in-Furness, a shipbuilding town south of the Lake District, England.