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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Will the terrorist pack need QG?
  2. Daniel

    lag nade

    Pretty bad idea really. The effects of stun grenades can be made on people quite effectively. Either by blocking out their audio, their vision, or their ability to move. No need to wreck the server...
  3. Can't echo mr.g-c's sentiments enough.
  4. Awesome initiative! This should be interesting.
  5. Daniel

    CAT Afghanistan, ported by PMC

    Likewise, would this really not work with 1.11? Didn't realise anything had changed in terms of islands...
  6. Daniel

    Fix ArmA choppers now!

    I'm not saying the controls are completely realsitic or correct, far from it. I'm simply saying the current model is in the right direction away from OFP's more simplified model. Baff1's point to me came across as "making the controls more complex has made the helicopters less good at their roles, or less fun to fly". Which i basically disagree with. To me making the flight model "harder", or more complex as I see it, has made it more fun, because once you get the hang of it, your helicopter will do whatever you want. It might not handle the same way as a real life one would - I havn't got a clue how they should handle, and I play with mouse and keyboard. But what the helicopter physically does in game is precise to what I intend of it.
  7. Daniel

    Irish Defense Forces

    Aye, very good quality in game. The same author is working on some British DPM units, can't wait.
  8. Daniel

    Fix ArmA choppers now!

    Baff1, i'm afraid I completely disagree on pretty much all your points! The flight model is amazing. The ability to loop the loop over the battlefield is awesome. The fact I can use a helicopter to do any tactical maneuver I want (ie. Pick up troops, drop off troops, dogfight with another chopper, swing it round a tree line and blat a tank in the chops, pop back down again, autorotational landing) is excellent for what many seem to consider an infantry sim. And choppers were never my favourite part of OFP or ArmA, it's always been advancing to target with a bunch of mates on foot, maybe with a friendly asset pouring rockets over our heads and onto the smoke markers we've just launched. Â Hehe, sorry for the rant but i'm seriously enjoying ArmA again... Â Â
  9. Daniel

    Project 941 Akula Ver 1.2

    Awesome!! Just a thought, but would it be possible to walk around the command deck if there was a seperate interior model somewhere on the map? Not the best solution, but it could be hidden away somewhere. ArmA maps are quite big.
  10. Daniel

    Realistic water

    Guess i've got a bit of a British "not broke don't fix" attitude... The water looks fine. Although shore transitions could do with some work. ArmA brought OFP's graphics up to scratch. Now hopefully ArmA II can do the same for the gameplay.
  11. Daniel


    Hehe, all the work of others by the look of it. I remember that Archangel well. Â
  12. Daniel

    SLX MOD public release

    Yep, fraid it does.
  13. Daniel

    US M60A3 NATO camo Release

    Stick it on the mast! Haha, looking awesome! Keep it up.
  14. Daniel

    A-10 in ArmA way unrealistic

    Hmm, maybe. Although the inabilty of the aircraft to accelerate out of the stall seems pretty undeniable. EDIT: Although I guess I could be talking bull there too. The Harrier has quite a lot of punch in the engines compared to the A10.
  15. Daniel

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Awesome shot Parvus! Guessing that's TDMG's Harrier though, not UKF's.
  16. Yeah, I really agree with you Chops. I've noticed it is weird just gunning groups of "units"/people down in game with no consequence. They don't writhe about screaming, they just "go to sleep". So yeah, it'd be interesting to see if this sort of thing would affect how people fight in game. Just because it isn't real doesn't mean the human psyche doesn't relate to it. Would you hesitate before shooting someone, knowing you might hear recorded screaming noises, or see an animation of someone thats just been shot. Surely if it was realistic enough there would be a shock value to it. Would you go for headshots more? I guess maybe it only seems like a game up to the point where it looks real... True, but that could also be said about a program where you just click on a box with an arrow to delete it. This is a little more involved... EDIT: Also a little off topic, but still in terms of immersion/death... Anyone else not like the way your camera changes when you get killed? It's currently either immediately 3rd person or say in a chopper, slightly back in the 3D model so it looks really weird. I'd prefer it to stay put and maybe snap or fade to black. At least that way one would wallow in one's foolish decision to dash between streets - for a few moments...
  17. Daniel

    A-10 in ArmA way unrealistic

    The ability of the aircaft to hit targets is fine. It's the take-off performance and the loss of speed in turns/inability to recover speed that's being disupted. Regardless if the MAPfact version has an edited config, it will still inherit these issues with the BIS flight model.
  18. Daniel

    A-10 in ArmA way unrealistic

    Yep, it's been mentioned often enough, the A10 basically has no thrust in game. Guess if they fix it, they fix it. Other than that it's an outstanding vehicle in game, especially with AAW sounds and 6thSense Tracers. Â
  19. Daniel

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    I take it by update you mean a new version of the map?
  20. Daniel

    SP Fly Like An Eagle

    If the mission was made using the fix then it'll be embedded in the mission.sqm, and will need deleting after saving in-game. The sandbag fix happened before 1.12.
  21. Yep, if you want a really fast jet to go in and hit something really fast and get out again, you use a fast jet. If however, you want something that's actually slow enough to see its target... Â
  22. Whoa, very nice! Top quality.
  23. Try the latest SLX release and a mounted Mk19...
  24. Daniel

    SLX MOD public release

    Due to the changes in AI and values, everyone will need this mod. "Simple" infantry and vehicle addons should work with SLX. Not sure if they'll inherit all the new features though.