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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Server Host Recommendations

    Thanks for the replies. Got a 48 hour demo server off Clanwarz, seems pretty good so far.
  2. Daniel

    We want KOZLICE!

    Indeed, we really do need Kozlice. Â
  3. Daniel

    Weapons Revealed

    Caaaaaaan't see that happening somehow. Would have been nice to see the 155mm M-777 howitzer. But then it'll be even nicer to see how BIS give us hard coded artillery. Plus the 105mm is a derivative of the Light Gun. Â
  4. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Works fine for me now. Using ACE 1.06 and a bunch of other addons.
  5. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Brilliant! Will try to convince the lads to upgrade and report back.
  6. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Yep, you can do shed loads with them if they work. It's like being given a free Ferrari and finding someone's snapped the key.
  7. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    They still don't fire on me. I placed about 20 ACE Spetznaz and Russian Infantry on ACE Rahmadi. Along with 3 US Army Woodland ACE units and an empty GPMG Jackal. I can drive right up to the OPFOR group and sit there in front of them and they wont engage at all. They aim at me but will not fire. With or without the crewvulnerable config addition.(But I was under the impression from Q that he didn't say that would fix the issue with ACE. Maybe I just read his PM wrong.) Now I'm wondering if it's that FFN mod causing the issue. Damn I wish that thing was modular. Aw crap. I somehow doubt it'll be FFN though, that's exactly the problem I had. And there wasn't any mention of the fix being implemented in ACE changelogs.
  8. Daniel

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Dan securing the target compound perimeter. The veterans: (L-R) Scotia, Dan, Hendrix, DannyCon, Jamie and Rasa. (Myself behind camera, and yes we really are filling up on Dans now...) Addons: Stalker GB Troops, UKF Weapons, ACE, Opteryx Afghan Village.
  9. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Thanks, that was the only issue. Â
  10. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Has anyone tested the Jackals with ACE 1.06?
  11. Daniel

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Scotia tending to wounded while Hendrix covers. Addons: Stalker GB, UKF, ACE, Opteryx
  12. Could you expand on that? EDIT: Could those have anything to do with this?
  13. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Thanks Aushilfe, much appreciated!
  14. Daniel

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Good to hear. Subs are always gonna be wet unless they're sitting in port, just depends how it turns out in game. And Rock's correct on the tiles. Of course it seems avoiding detection can work too well sometimes...
  15. Daniel

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    They can have a bit of a shine to them, but they're covered in wet rubber tiles. So it should be more of a glassy shimmer, similar to ArmA's windows perhaps. See pic: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/688-keywest.jpg
  16. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Thanks CK and Snipe! Saw your posts on the ACE forums too Snipe, will look into that. I take it that since most AI is server side, it should only be the server's files that need changing? EDIT: Ah, that doesn't help. The problem lies with ace_config_vehicle, which is essential for ACE. It's down to the devs now.
  17. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    And that's with ACE 1.04 running? Hmm. Is anyone else stuck with enemy ACE AI not engaging the Jackals with small arms fire, or is it just us?
  18. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Hey RavenDK. Could you recreate exactly how you got enemy to use rifles, machine guns or heavy machine guns on the Jackals in ACE 1.04? Also regardless of whatever the Jackal's damage resistance is set to, it's engaged without ACE but not with. It'd be great to hear from ACE on if they changed things in this respect and why.
  19. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Is anyone else using ACE and noticed practically nothing fires on the Jackals? This might turn out to be a real pain for me because: Dushkas fire on the Jackals and mess up the crew in standard ArmA. Dushkas will fire and wreck Humvees but not Jackals in ACE. Seems like some value got changed in ACE and the Jackal is just outside the band. Opened a ticket for it anyway: http://www.acemod.net/forums/project.php?issueid=1246 Just half way through making an epic patrol mission and realised I can rag it right up to their noses as long as I dodge the occasional RPG. Â
  20. I find the TOW and the default Hellfire mode always work fine with the laser on and enough distance to target. Some of the other Hellfire modes seem to work at long ranges, but some don't work at all, or hit way off the mark. As I said, the TOW and whatever the first Hellfire setting is work fine for me every time. Gotta love firing off your fourth Hellfire before the first one's even reached the target, then dragging the rest onto nearby targets. You can completely blat an enemy position in seconds from miles away - brilliant. Â
  21. Daniel

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    The commander's gimpy is really fun! Just perfectly tweaked. These are gonna go down really well in missions.
  22. Daniel

    Air Combat..

    And here's the Eaglets campaign for that MiG-15. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=680 Brilliant campaign, very well done and suits ArmA perfectly. Works especially well with 6th sense tracers.
  23. Daniel

    BMD 1 Pack

    Havn't had a crash yet - so excellent addon, thanks! Hope this worms its way into ACE.
  24. Armchair time! Apache's, for example, are "designed" to take rounds at less-critical areas, but have tough kevlar around the pilots. Having read Ed Macy's Apache, it seems pilots acknowledge this when there's a risk of taking fire and prefer not to expose themselves through the less armoured cockpit windows. So at least helicopters are often armoured around critical areas.
  25. Yeah, don't go there. Having the jams fairly random, so that sod's law applies and you don't get a jam all day on the range until your run up the Taliban's arse is what it's all about. I wouldn't get any more complex than that. And have some weapons more likely to jam than others (cough, M4s). Â