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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Alt Tabbing Crashes the PC.

    Also have the "crash" when alt tabbing from the editor. I can usually get it back by blindly cycling through about 9 times, but it's incredibly frustrating, especially since it was never an issue in ArmA 1. Will look into some of the suggestions here.
  2. Daniel

    Possible gamespy issue

    Thanks guys, much appreciated! Will give it a shot now. Works perfectly. :)
  3. Is anyone working on a mortar system similar to the 52mm(?) portable one made by OFrP for ArmA1? That's the most useful mortar i've seen so far. It's not unlimited like the current standard, it's not point and click either. This means it's much harder to use, but is still realistically portrayed as a weapon. You had to deploy it (perhaps as part of an FSG), select an ammunition type (HE, Smoke or Illum), and then aim at the right bearing and angle, using the range found either by using a map and compass, or the Vector binoculars. I made a short video when it was first released to demonstrate how effective it can be. Certainly beats clicking on the map and sitting around. Hell, a co-op unit could have these as part of a support squad hundreds of meters back from the objective!
  4. Daniel

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    M1 Tank Platoon 2! Kind of nurtured an obsession with all things CAS... Great game though. Original Rainbow 6 and expansion packs. F16 Fighting Falcon, and wondering why my aircraft kept barking "Bingo Fuel!" at me. Lost interest in most mil-games bar IL-2 (and Racers/RTS) once I got a taste of OFP.
  5. Good to hear. Yeah, I meant cause the Rifleman was the only one I saw without them. Badly worded on my part. We're looking forward to these. :)
  6. Excellent! They're really shaping up now, you've certainly nailed the DPM since ArmA. It'd be great to see some more variants like the Rifleman without the kneepads too.
  7. Daniel

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    lol CK! ah, Walker, you're a legend. :D Signed.
  8. Daniel

    Aircraft steering

    To bank left, hold A until you plane is on its side. now hold Q and S to power away until you turn as far as you intend. Now hold D until you level off again. Suggest practising in the AV-8 Harrier as this is the most forgiving aircraft.
  9. Daniel

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Seems like he said first man, not only man to me. We're not talking leet spec ops CQB ftw, we're talking the end phase of a section attack. If you don't do section attacks and closing with the enemy in ArmAII, this thread will be of no interest to you.
  10. Hi guys. I made a few islands back in OFP that never got released. One project I made a start on back in 2005 was the Lake District in NW England. (See"furness+2006"&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk) So to start this again for ArmA II, i'm going to need to buy or acquire a high quality DEM, and start to learn Visitor 3 from the beginning. If anyone has any good links or advice on either, please chuck them this way! Thanks, Daniel
  11. I think an expansion pack per theatre (like Arrowhead) is the way to go. That way everyone gets a lot for their money, BIS has a cash cow for the foreseeable future and the community is as "unsplit" as possible.
  12. Daniel

    Starting from scratch.

    Thanks, but have you got a good link to any UK DEMs?
  13. Daniel

    Bayonet/knife poll

    You'd certainly think so wouldn't you. And yet this strange world we live in proves otherwise. Don't forget when you fix bayonets, it's not because you're low on ammo. It's because you're about to close with the enemy, so when your mag does run out, you've got that 4 foot spear to carry on killing with until it's safe to reload. If you're in a built up area where arty might blat some poor bystanders, and you have buildings to cover your advance, then bayonets might not be such a bad choice. That's on the condition that it's accompanied by the mandatory battle cry of course.
  14. Daniel

    Starting from scratch.

    Haha, cheers. I'm not in any particular rush so I think i'll wait around for a dedicated tutorial. :) Also, if any of the ArmA mappers (people like Opteryx, Nicholas Bell, etc) that used them has advice on acquiring and using DEM maps, that would be appreciated.
  15. Daniel

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    20 here. Played OFP since the demo. Far too many hours. :bounce3:
  16. Daniel

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Exactly froggyluv. Even if they aren't used that often, when the opportunity does arise it only makes it all the more awesome. OFP was full of cries of "Shit! I just bayonetted that guy in the face!". It really was an achievement. You didn't want to be in the situation to have to use your bayonet, but if you had to, you had to, and it was usually awesome.
  17. Daniel

    Why a-10 two hellfire?

    Agreed. I'd say things like the flight model are easily good enough. While they might not be perfect, you can tell BIS spent quite a bit of time on them since OFP. But upgrading the way dumb and guided bombs and guided missiles are employed would have a massive effect on ground forces, so IMO it's worth their time. Air-to-Air not so much. Unguided rockets are spot on other than they should be fired by the pilot a la ACE. The A10, being a dedicated CAS aircraft (which should see a lot of use in a desert expansion), caters for all 4 of these areas, so I reckon it's a good enough excuse for an overhaul of one the main areas that hasn't been changed since OFP. Air-to-Ground weapons.
  18. Daniel

    Bayonet/knife poll

    It depends on your tasking in a mission. You might be fighting from a defensive position where all the dead enemy weapons are in the killing field. Added to that, using enemy weapons might attract unwanted suppressive/indirect fire... "AK47 fire and green tracer coming from that bunker, get some mortar fire on it!"
  19. Daniel

    Why a-10 two hellfire?

    I'm not convinced, it's been vastly improved since OFP. I don't see any reason why BIS can't put more effort into this sector. RKSL have made some decent countermeasures. All I see a need for now is computer-assisted dumb bombing, self-marking guided bombing (using something like SNIPER or LANTIRN, and more lock time and necessary circumstances for guided missiles (so it's not tab spam).
  20. Change the damage slider on the pilot to the desired level. Or use this setdamage 0.3 0 being healthy and 1 being dead.
  21. Sounds like you're wanting to do some tricky stuff without knowing all the basics first. I'd recommend getting cpbo or similar so you can open mission pbo files, and seeing how the authors did it there. You'll learn a lot by looking at other people's missions.
  22. Definitely not sure. I just haven't read it mentioned so far.
  23. Essentially. I don't even think smoke blocks the AI's view yet (did in OFP and ArmA mods - no doubt will in ArmA II soon enough). Though if some crazy scripter was determined enough, he could probably get the AI to react accordingly to different colours. I.e. force an AI helicopter to abort a landing if red is popped, force CAS aircraft to fire upon yellow smoke, etc. IMO if you're that adamant about realism, join a squad where you can see it happen without all the hassle of scripted AI. It's much easier to tell a friendly human pilot to watch for smoke or to get a human squad to pop a smoke than to curse at an AI that was never intended to.
  24. Daniel

    F-22 and US-101 Cancelled

    You'd have to have started the research and design phase decades ago to begin building now.