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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Same again, see top of the page. You have to use the setidentity command and read the readme for codes.
  2. Daniel

    Project RACS

    Excellent! Any chance of a generic green one us Brits could use?
  3. titletext resource seems like the way to go for the lenses, just need to find a good working example to rip apart. Could you please put that loop code into a wider context? Still a bit of a noob at applying this sort of thing. Mainly: How to make sure it loops once you've applied some damage (managed to kill a player instantly using that code at least, didn't seem to be looping at lower damages). How do I define mask for multiple players? Should I be using an .sqs, .sqf, etc? :p As you can see i'm still boggled by a lot of this, just trying to bring a concept to life.
  4. Thanks for the quick response nuxil! Got my scripting hat on, will report back.
  5. Click F2 (Group) and try again.
  6. Can't recommend enough learning how mod folders work. If you spend time learning anything for ArmA 2, make it that. You'll feel silly at how simple it is once you've cracked it. Saying that I should get round to trying launchers at some point! :p
  7. Nice!! Any chance of a set in plain black to match Schnapdrossel's Black Ops in his Merc pack? If not, no worries, these will come in handy regardless. :D EDIT: Actually the camo ones don't look too far off as is...
  8. Daniel

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Do you mean when used as non-player AI, or as player? I haven't updated yet for MP reasons, but to make the player look like a terrorist you have to use the setidentity command.
  9. Daniel

    UK Special Forces V1.1

    Very nice texture work! Would be great to see you working on some custom models, hope you get a collab going. Screen 1 Screen 2
  10. Absolutely right. Of course simple, good no-respawn missions are few and far between on public servers, but they beat all other types hands down. All boils down to the players and how coordinated they are. On public servers there is always a compromise.
  11. Daniel

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    That's because all the bombs are 'locked' onto the target and guide themselves, despite representing dumb bombs.. If you manually drop weapons that doesn't happen. If you somehow script the B52 to drop bombs at a certain location they'll fall normally. Unsure how the AI would act if you took away the bombs ability to 'lock' onto vehicles.
  12. I believe this is why Smiley is asking for specifics. What do you really want to haul? Then they'll consider aligning the ropes for it. Could be wrong though.
  13. Absolutely Smiley, would work similar to Mando Hitch, but hopefully better visually represented. There are some cargo crates already in game with some sort of cargo netting, but ammo crates with more authentic netting would be superb. If RKSL are planning to re-release their cargo script (haven't checked), then we should be ok with a small range of cargo containers, and drag things in and out of those. If not, some basics like static weapons and generators would be good.
  14. Hello Ali. ROMEO 2.5 is UK based 'platoon' that's focused on realism and tactics since ArmA1, hasn't done us any harm so far. :P Check our forums, PM me for TeamSpeak details and with any questions you've got. Damn, just noticed this is the ArmA1 section. I take it you haven't moved into ArmA2?
  15. Mainly under-slung crates of various types. Big boxes, and loads with several boxes. If you could somehow work out some netting such as this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3092/3175637803_a0ed4c17f4.jpg that'd be great. Main issue for us is keeping the pilots busy, and obviously making sure we don't run dry. So perhaps some mobility and vehicle removal every so often, but mainly resupply work. Whichever vehicles are made compatible (including other helicopters) will be a bonus. Seriously looking forward to this Smiley!
  16. Daniel

    Can not climb ladders

    Some ladders (like the fortification bunker) you have to physically look at a certain part of the ladder, generally the bottom few rungs.
  17. Daniel

    Where do you live?

    On the edge of England's Lake District, surrounded by the Irish Sea, beautiful lakeland countryside and several nuclear power stations.
  18. Can definitely recommend Shnapsdrossel's Merc pack. Lots of good units, including what could pass as militia from various parts of the world.
  19. Sakura_chan was working on a method for ArmA1 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83526 Will add to this as I find more examples.
  20. Those are the lines I was thinking along. I'll have a rummage around for an existing demo.
  21. There have been a few "shoot from vehicles" scripts over the years - perhaps don't give the Snatch a gun at all and have a script execute that allows the 'gunner' to stand, rotate and shoot but not move? Could be a more proven method. Again include a 'Rifle to LMG' only limit if possible. If there aren't any solid methods available for ArmA2 then disregard, haven't looked.
  22. Daniel

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Might check this out. What do Zues have their AI settings set to on their server cfg? Or does this override them?
  23. Daniel

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Bayonets are fixed prior to closing with the enemy. Hence the command "Fix swords/bayonets". There have certainly been plenty of up closing and personal bayonet stabbings in very recent (read: ongoing) conflicts. ;) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/6178044/British-officer-wins-two-gallantry-awards-for-fending-off-Taliban-attack-with-bayonet.html
  24. Daniel


    Check under Empty > Targets
  25. Has anyone tweaking with the GUI ever considered removing (or making invisible perhaps) the team icons seen from the Team Leader's perspective? A nice simple client side .pbo would be epic. :) Our team leaders know who's in their squad and don't want to see some icons floating at the bottom of their otherwise immersive screen.