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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Noticed some of the weapons are available with and without Manual Fire. Suggest adding this for the cannon and rockets too if possible. Apart from that it's very nice to fly, good job. Bit of OFP nostalgia too. :)
  2. In addition the ILAW, Javelin and the WAH-64 Apache are all catered for (within the realms of ArmA2 anyway). It's also fairly easy to give the Harriers a UK loadout. Although RAF/RN textures, airburst munitions and flechettes would be cool.
  3. That F-18 looks very nice, can't wait to see a pair of them dropping bombs.
  4. Auxiliary sights using the ACE2 system would be mega.
  5. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    It's worth it for the extra soul it will inject.
  6. Daniel

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Easily moddable. :p And yeah, as with ArmA1, there's been next to no advertising. At least none that i've come across. Of course personally, i like that BIS spend more money on game content, but I can't help but feel they'd sell a lot more copies with further reaching marketing.
  7. Just loaded up a mission after updating to find all the ammocrates and the UH-60 have gone. Any official word on this? EDIT: Fixed the UH-60 cfg change, still clueless on the invisible ammo crates on our server. Disregard.
  8. Daniel

    What gun are you using (And why)

    They're awesome once you load em up with ACE2 shells. Even the M79 rocks! Personally a big fan of the ironsighted M16A2 and AKM rifles, though I usually end up on SA80 with or without UGL. Gimpy with M145 scope if i've been good. :D
  9. Daniel

    Shooting tanks with AT from REALLY close??

    Might not be bugged ziiip, many of the warheads in ArmA2 have a very low splash radius unless specifically designated as an area effect warhead.
  10. This. Would say more but Miles Teg covered everything.
  11. No, you're not the only one by any means. Although i've yet to come across anyone that hasn't been able to install ACE at all, most people struggle at first. Most newcomers don't want reams of documentation either, they just want a simple, foolproof page telling them step by step how to install ACE2 and get it running smoothly. It's all fun and games from there. Certainly would have helped me.
  12. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Download MAPFACT Editor Upgrade (MapEU). Under Empty, MAP: EU-Road is an object called M road_invisible. Removes grass from a large-ish area, perfect for building bases.
  13. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    I think mine will end up using the ACE2 FN FAL and M60. And maybe RPG7. Looking forward to some building retextures! Even painting some of the old Sahrani buildings white will give this map a lot more soul.
  14. Daniel

    Remote Control Personal computer or great movie script?

    Exactly that. English only on these forums please.
  15. I was referring to the more detailed terrain mesh (see the little dips in the ground to take cover in) rather than textures.
  16. Daniel

    Remote Control Personal computer or great movie script?

    @boytitanium Well, you might be completely off your box, but at least you've started using paragraphs. Do you actually think this should or will happen? Or are you simply musing the possibility?
  17. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Me too, bad conversions of ArmA 1 buildings. I also get some horrible stretching of textures through certain cities. ATI Radeon HD 4800
  18. Without knowing the real world applications, this is how i've always dealt with tail rotor loss in game (since ArmA1). If you turn off your engine, the chopper should stop spinning, and my aim is usually to stop it facing my direction of travel so I can then fly in that direction. Obviously at speed, the tail rotor is no longer much of a factor and you don't spin. I then use autorotation again when landing to try to avoid the spin coming back. No reason why the Pumas and Lynx can't have this too.
  19. Hell, even I can tell that's blatantly FrenchPoint.
  20. I think that might be what was getting to me. Looking forward to the new models!
  21. After testing, got two requests: 1. Could the excellent pilot sight be made an option for the gunner aswell? The standard gun sight seems awfully limited considering he'll be using the optics more often than the pilot. 2. Flares don't appear to be synced over multiplayer. Otherwise brilliant addition, it's getting a lot of use over here! :D
  22. I don't know about you, but that doesn't strike me as less detailed! I'd love to have micro terrain like that.
  23. Select manual fire, or set gunner to playable and switch positions.
  24. Daniel

    AH64-D Hellfire lockon

    If you have a red target on your radar, you should get a lock by pressing tab. What mods are you running that might affect your Apache?
  25. Would it be plausible to make two versions? For groups that predominantly use either vanilla ArmA2 or ACE2?