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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Wow, thanks for the support here guys.

    Yeh, I took your earlier directions and did a claim. Between that and your own submissions, must have worked, because its GONE from Workshop.

    I missed what Very Presidential said but I'm sure I'm not missing much 😉


    Gunter, Steve, Vengeance, Goat,  FallujahMedic, Beno, StBurr, Sir BadNade .... and .... TankBuster? . ... Thanks again 😄


    I'm undecided on the complexity of making further Mods or YouTube tutorials, but still love playing Arma3.

    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1

  2. If you make a quality terrain, the time you spend on making it will be a drop in the ocean compared to the time people will be playing on it.


    But of course the number of extra long hour you need to do a quality terrain .... Is much much longer.

    I didn't do my first terrain until long after I'd done a few vehicles .... Otherwise I'd lost interest years ago.

  3. Great kicker for the community thank Jakerod! Well done.

    It worked for me, after a couple small hiccups. A couple of your steps seem to be missing/are silent on a couple clicks, but I guessed my way to the next step.

    I also dropped the author root folder and ran the project in the root of P (in line with everything I've done past). I also saved all material (like the project file) within the same folder. Seemed to work fine.

    I assume everyone else sees the Stratis road network and names overlaid ingame ....?

  4. Dont model the missile upwards.

    Used the FIRED EH to run this script example

    // ------------------------------- 
    // ArmA Multi-Missile Proxy Launch
    // --------------------------------
    // Script by Gnat
    // 3D pos help from Mandoble
    // if you use it, credit me as appropraite
    private ["_array","_weapon","_ammoname","_ship","_missobj", "_acount", "_lift", "_dir", "_vx", "_vy", "_vh", "_vz", "_ux", "_uy", "_uz", "_ur","_zzs","_target"];
    _array = _this select 0;
    _weapon = _array select 1;
    _ammoname = _array select 4;
    _ship = _array select 0;
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    if(_weapon == "GNTHarpoonLauncher_LAS") then
    _missobj = nearestobject[_ship, _ammoname];
    _acount = _ship ammo "GNTHarpoonLauncher_LAS";
    _zzs = ((getposasl _ship select 2) * -1);
    _missobj Setvelocity (velocity _ship);
    _missobj SetPos [(_ship ModelToWorld [-1.7,42.4,-12]) select 0,(_ship ModelToWorld [-1.7,42.4,-12]) select 1,2];
    _climb = 89; // Initial elevation
    _array = _ship weaponDirection "GNTHarpoonLauncher_LAS";
    _dir = (_array select 0) atan2 (_array select 1);
    _vz = (sin _climb);
    _vh = (cos _climb);
    _vx = (sin _dir)* _vh;
    _vy = (cos _dir)* _vh;
    _missobj setVectorDir[_vx, _vy, _vz];
    _uz = sin(_climb+90); // 0.940
    _ur = cos(_climb+90); // -0.342
    _ux = sin(_dir)* _ur;
    _uy = cos(_dir)* _ur;
    _missobj setVectorUp[_ux, _uy, _uz];
    sleep 2;
    _dir = 1;

  5. I wouldn't call Russia a democracy though.

    And I would suggest neither is the US these days ......... (a good example of democracy)

    It's government org. spying on domestic and OS citizens ..... sounds like something from the Soviet era.

    It's gap between the super rich and "average" poor (not even counting the dirt poor) becomes the biggest in it's history. A gap is essential for "growth" but experts are saying the size of the current gap is unhealthy.

    So when you start judging "democracy" and even "dictatorship", you might want to double check what bench-mark you're trying to use.

  6. Cant comment about A3, but NOTHING I've seen or read in these forums over the last 18 months suggests you'll get different performance compared to A2.

    Which means, bigger than 50x50 unlikely to work for players or AI.

    Petes suggestion is what I've always done for A2 models. Try to keep it to 50x50 max with a little extra ROADWAY lod to avoid gaps. PATHWAY lods are unfortunately tricky (hit/miss), but doable.
