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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Support a prolific addon maker Support Vilas! http://www.createforum.com/vilas/viewtopic.php?t=65&mforum=vilas
  2. Just AWESOME playing Marks Apocalypse mission set with just I44 on Neaville ....... Its a whole live battlefield, in the air and on the ground. Even just great to watch and listen lol
  3. [aps]gnat

    MV22 Door Gunner Project

    Someone else who will remain nameless (not me) is already doing similar with a whole new C130 model. Not suggesting that should stop someone trying hcpookie's method on the current C130 .....
  4. [aps]gnat

    Credits and Permissions

    Content that is very much only relevant to and usable with this game, like configs, scripts and RVMATs, are not generally .... enforced .... to the same degree. A "remix" is almost always necessary in those cases. Giving credit is always best.
  5. Yes, thats me. OK, before you take another step (imagine someone tells you your about to stand on a mine .... ) What is this? My guess is youre new to the OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 moding scene, so if this is what I think it is .... take some advice. Stop right there. If you are trying to pull significant content (p3d model) from the game and redistribute you have broken a whole bunch of rules. Same applies to all the other ArmA vehicles youre reskinning. Many vehicles have "hiddenSelectionsTextures" and thats what you use to reskin via scripts. And yes, unfortunately some vehicles, like the MV22, don't have hidden selections. Sad fact, but no reason to break the EULA. Without permissions, same rule applies to user created content.
  6. Oh! Goodness ! I just jizzed in my pants !!
  7. [aps]gnat

    Loud buzzing sound near boats, carrier

    Noticed the same noise once before myself. And yes, wrong forums !
  8. wow Macadam Cow, you always seem to make something real different. Nice work. Good rendition of what the RL internet's full of.
  9. [aps]gnat

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Bugger .... wrong time of the month for my personal budget, even at half price! *sigh* Happy Birthday guys
  10. Code Tonight; Found a T72 Found a downed Mi17 Was attacked by a Mi24 Is this the 3rd side or independent ? In the first screen I change nothing except the start time. The third option "Resistance" I leave as THIRD SIDE ..... which I assume (as I didnt select enemy or friendly) means NO THIRD SIDE starts ? Wrong? If so, how do I get just 2 side only?
  11. Patience I think Vilas, more will come ;)
  12. I'm not in the same league as many of the 3d modellers here mate ;) ..... but from what I saw of your model, nothing of note, was all good from memory. Don't worry about it, we all have our turn.
  13. Or better still, PHP tags because you get colour
  14. [aps]gnat

    Exciting new developments for the electeric car!

    While I agree with "been done already", there is one factor you haven't considered, the largest auto-mobile consuming country in the world. Mass production, mass consumerism. Well, thats the aim. I wish them all the best. I'd love to own a Model-S But we won't see its like in my country for a very long time. H20/HHO ? That will be used for all the other energy demanding things like trucks, boats and even planes. Oh, Elon's the CEO ?! That guy needs some elocution lessons. For a "historic moment" that wasn't very professional.
  15. [aps]gnat

    MRAP Cougar

    Looks great
  16. [aps]gnat

    Dirty water infection

    From my comment above, I found water was being re-written in Fayshkhabur's config, but no others (in that particular mod folder) class CfgMaterials { class Water { ambient[] = {0.27, 0.2, 0.09, 0.1}; diffuse[] = {0.27, 0.18, 0.09, 0.1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0264, 0.03, 0.013, 0}; specular[] = {1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0}; emmisive[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; ... ... Unfortunately I have about 10 Mod folders full of peoples terrains, and another folder for "common" objects ...... and I've noticed in some the water changed, but not as dramatic as above. ..... the dirty water does suit the 'stan terrains but.
  17. Welcome to terrain editing ;) But there are VERY simple in-Bulldozer sculpt tools. Check the manual. Bulldozer is definitely not the primary interface for editing.
  18. [aps]gnat

    Dirty water infection

    OK, thanks It seems to be Fayshkhabur (Faysh khabur) by =KCT=BlackMamba Might do my own config to fix.
  19. [aps]gnat

    Custom Islands Missions

    Plenty of sources to search; http://www.armaholic.com/ http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?86-ARMA-2-amp-OA-USER-MISSIONS If you don't find a campaign, search for a "Dynamic" mission set, nearly as good.
  20. LOL .... you can say that again. pfff Support a prolific addon maker Support Vilas! http://www.createforum.com/vilas/viewtopic.php?t=65&mforum=vilas
  21. Donation Done! Look forward to your fun .... and ours ;)
  22. Thanks Mark, great pack! .... except when I try to I44 a game and ...... Jets and chopper wipe the battlefield!! Is this normal? I only select 1 faction of infantry for US and Germans along with 1 faction of vehicles each. All just 1944 Then in most attempts at a game the jets and choppers spawn and wreck the play (and "1944" atmosphere) Also, why when I select (1) faction of US infantry for example is there a (1) also appearing in all USMC "country" ? Is that normal. Barely understand all the features, anyone done a video? For example, how do a start in a vehicle (other than a paratrooper) or at least spawn a vehicle?
  23. Problems relating to just 1 LOD ? Nothing ! Despite what others might suggest, I have yet to find 1 only Resolution LOD being an issue. I can see that it might, if common sense didn't prevail. If your model is very high poly and/or sections then sure. But if your model is only 3k poly and 3 sections ..... not going to be an issue on game performance or appearance But, common sense says if theres an easy way to make a second (or third) resolution LOD you should do it. Examples are removing small object/poly details that you'd never see from 1000 meters away. Or replacing a bunch of detail with a new texture that makes it look like that detail is there. Example a wall of windows with many panels, take a screenshot then use that as a texture. Trying keeping as many of these textures together. ie least amount of texture swapping. Some may say that's lazy, but its all a Cost-Benefit equation to me. I'm not going to waste 200 hours making a half dozen LODs that a) doesn't improve performance b) very few people will ever notice a difference Hope thats what you were asking LOL Generally poly count consideration (what people quote) is the 1st Resolution LOD. But, I can see how the 1st Shadow LOD should be considered also, as it can effect performance at in-close viewing. Consider using proxies/separate p3d's for interior detail. i.e. desks, chairs etc (many already exist in ArmA2) Will help performance and make modeling easier.
  24. FYI For placement in Visitor/Terrain making, buildings can be scaled. Geometry etc generally works fine up to a point. (i.e. ingame testing required)