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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. [aps]gnat

    Adding flares to "UH1Y"

    Config.cpp class CfgPatches { class GNT_AddFlares { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.00; requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir2_UH1Y"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class UH1Y; class UH1Y_f: UH1Y { displayName = "UH-1Y - Flares"; memoryPointCM[] = {"pos codriver dir","pos cargo dir"}; memoryPointCMDir[] = {"pos codriver","pos cargo"}; weapons[] = {"FFARLauncher_14","CMFlareLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"14Rnd_FFAR","60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine"}; radarType = 4; LockDetectionSystem = 8; IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16; }; };
  2. 2 hours !! LOL ..... wow .... looks like BIS Forums need a twitter feed to meet the needs of the new breed of addon makers, those who want to make awesome stuff, yesterday already!! Sorry Giorox, JJ ;)
  3. [aps]gnat

    China's New Stealth Fighter J-31

    Amen. Versus almost any air or ground target; 1x $$$$ Stealth FB vs. 3x $ high speed UAV platforms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_X-47B Guess which I think ultimately (after R&D is done) has a much higher chance of hitting the target. Technology moves on ....... Oh .... and then theres Swarm tech ..... scary!
  4. [aps]gnat

    China's New Stealth Fighter J-31

    Looks like a copy of something else ...........
  5. DO you have Geometry LOD in the wreck interfering with contact? Note that animated parts (like landing gear) can create issues. LandContact LOD in my wreck p3d's I simply remove all animated points etc and mimic the same unnamed points as found in the main models Wreck LOD Does the wreck model have a LANDCONTACT LOD ? Must be something different .....
  6. Nothing obvious .... what did the log say?
  7. [aps]gnat


    Good to know thanks mate, seeing my VBS2 is now on its way to my mailbox ;)
  8. well ..... Door actions appear at points "osa_dvere1", "osa_dvere2", "osa_dvere3" etc (dependant on number of doors in each building) If you grab the nearest building (or biuldings ? ) object, then test the 3D location of each of those points (using "selectionposition" and maybe "modeltoworld" commands ) vs. the position of the charge. Which ever point is closest to the charge ... the likely door. Animation of the door is the same numbering system; e.g. this animate [""dvere2"", 0]
  9. ?? Not sure why you guys are having so much trouble. Running the latest beta and re-doing a bunch of I44 aircraft wrecks at the moment. Not seeing any issues. Make sure the actual proxy is in the 0-0-0 centre of the LOD, and as already pointed out, a couple of "land contact" vertexs in the same Wreck LOD.
  10. What version of the tools are you using? ArmA2OA Tools version 2.5.1 http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2.5 ArmA2 Tools version 2.0 old http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2 ArmA1 Tools http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?60-ARMA-EDITING-NEWS Note ArmA2 tools will overwrite ArmA1 tools
  11. [aps]gnat

    Scientists guilty over earthquake....

    Certainly is! What a joke. What next? Death penalty for police officers for failing to prevent/foresee a murder? Jail for firemen for not saving everyone? Incarceration for Doctors who didn't controlling a Flu epidemic? $10M fine for a electrical worker who didn't foresee a major black-out?
  12. External 3rd person view? extCameraPosition[] = {0.0,3.0,-15}; in meters {left-right , up-down , forward-backwards} -15 is 15 meters behind vehicle
  13. [aps]gnat

    Kuznetsov CV

    Most likely. We'll see what tools I'll need ..........
  14. [aps]gnat

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    3d models are IP and particularly because they can be used outside of BIS games, and even sold for a profile, they need to be controlled and enforced. As for scripts, my comments are that 99% of script code is just a refined copy of someone else's. - code to eject paratroopers from a plane .... dozens based on the same if-then-else and for loop that have been done and distributed - code to check if enemy is aware of you .... done and distributed - code to do a heli LZ ... hundred done and distributed. - etc - etc But the Community expects credit should be give when great chunks are used. Which brings us to special mission (script) packs with a major theme. CTI Battlezone Domination Warefare etc etc This ones difficult. But as the pack can only be used in ArmA, seems selfish to restrict the whole community to just your version, unless you intend to build AND SUPPORT it like DayZ. If you are supporting the current (your) derivative then others should back off. But personally I feel that those who make a BlahBlahSuperMish and then demand no one creates a derivative ever somewhat ridiculous. ..... particularly when they've departed the community 3 months later or no longer updating and still demand no one makes a derivative ! Really! Anyway, derivative should have FRONT and CENTER credit to the original creater. ...... but how far do you take this? Should Doolittle and Mike Melvin be credited for their original gene makers? Probably not. The codes now vastly different.
  15. Not running Operation Arrowhead or not running the ArmA2 assets?
  16. Hmmm ..... well I gotta disagree because that doesn't explain what I was seeing with launch problems with the likes of ACR Not clear? Even more reason to try the Launcher. For example, if it doesn't find the folder in the launcher list, maybe the mod IS stuffed. I don't see how the Vanilla game can be "messed up", its more likely to be ONLY the mod folders.
  17. Glad someone finally said it. I was biting my lip lol :D .... for those who dont know the history, I've been a avid promoter of "no Project directories" for a while .... I was starting to sound like a broken record.
  18. Agree, but if his ARMA2OA.CFG is messed up, there'll likely still be problems.
  19. ArmA2OA.exe and in-game Mod lister changes stuff in the ARMA2OA.CFG Example: E:\Data1\Users\Name.PC\Documents\ArmA 2\ARMA2OA.CFG In there I used to have code like this; class ModLauncherList { class Mod1 { dir="ca"; name="Arma 2"; origin="NOT FOUND"; }; class Mod2 { dir="baf"; name="Arma 2: British Armed Forces"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\baf"; }; class Mod3 { dir="pmc"; name="Arma 2: Private Military Company"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\pmc"; }; class Mod4 { dir="Expansion"; name="Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\Expansion"; }; }; Suggest you open and look. Likely you can copy then delete the content and leave the normal DLC so it looks like; class ModLauncherList { class Mod1 { dir="baf"; name="Arma 2: British Armed Forces"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\baf"; }; class Mod2 { dir="pmc"; name="Arma 2: Private Military Company"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\pmc"; }; class Mod3 { dir="Expansion"; name="Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead"; origin="GAME DIR"; fullPath="E:\Data1\GamesW7\ArmA2\Expansion"; }; }; then re-run the ArmA2OA.exe ONLY once, then recheck the file.
  20. [aps]gnat

    Driver Only Actions?

    Yeh, your right ..... but I still prefer my way ;)
  21. [aps]gnat

    afterburner bug

    BIS have added "setVariable" and "getVariable" since the first days of these AB scripts ............
  22. Yeh Small Game Maker / Developer trying to do their best without the size and shit of other big time (capitalist and self righteous) game company. ...... done good for me for 10 year.
  23. Yep, that was my guess. TIP: The ALL-IN-ONE config from DevHeaven will help you read BIS default definitions, then make your own like them.
  24. [aps]gnat

    Driver Only Actions?

    Thats not going to work. This assumes the player is in the vehicle AND less than 3 meters away from the vehicle. Not what was wanted. @ED, No sure about "this == player" but my code should work. ......... just try it
  25. [aps]gnat

    afterburner bug

    Why would it? first post is Script. Second post is Configs My modified script used on not-my-plane ...... so who knows ...... My guess is the animation is missing from inside the 3d model, so this bit doesn't do anything Or the