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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Of course I'm moving some of my old stuff and some new stuff to ArmA3. BIS made is almost too easy. But more so once the proper tools are released, and I can sleep at night knowing the models are not quite ArmA3 standard ..... by telling myself its not always a high poly count and uber textures that make a good addon ;)
  2. [aps]gnat

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Nothing, just proving source. Once or twice? I get those screens ALL the time. Logo? You don't interact with a logo. A GUI is the WHOLE front end the bit us humans have to use. I'm not saying is shit. We're covering ground done before in your threads. I'm not being drawn into a lynching that isn't actually happening. PwS is well liked. It fills a big gap. A gap this thread is trying to discuss. *done*
  3. [aps]gnat

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Sure is, but a little different if more than a few are saying the same. Not expecting perfect. Perfect is impossible anyway. When it's being done for free, can't reasonably expect more. This thread is about the "next" version or generation. Surely there can be obvious design flaws, and limitations, and we will do our best to improve where-ever we can. Its a GUI. It IS hard to change a GUI because its birthed right back at the very start of the project. Changing/evolving a GUI can take a huge amount of work. And 1000's of words/suggestions in a forum or a bug catcher won't effectively convey concerns and wants. I learnt that much in Software Engineering before I dropped out ;) Sure ... updated again. Some of the windows ....
  4. [aps]gnat

    Ikar's F-14 Tomcat v1.6

    You probably aren't reading the forums much maybe. Too many people think it's OK to rip content from ArmA2 and republish themselves in ArmA3. Its not OK. If you have permissions from Ikar or Ikar has stated the F14 is free for others to port to ArmA(3) then all's well.
  5. [aps]gnat

    Ikar's F-14 Tomcat v1.6

    fine, but both answers avoided the details ..........
  6. !! :confused: Huh? You will always have to name the gates. The game and script are not psychic, they can't guess which objects you're wanting to pass to the script. If you had just 2 gates on a map, maybe a special script could search the terrain for the gates, then pass those gates to a script ..... but not as simple obviously If you have more than 2 gates then the script has no way to guess which 2 gates you want to use. Maybe it could guess one gate is the one youre (player) is closest too, but it won't know which is the other. Unless you have some global defined matrix/array that matches pairs of gates ..........
  7. Define before the Class Turrets; memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety","usti hlavne"}; memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety","konec hlavne"}; or memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety L","spice rakety P"}; memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety L","konec rakety P"}; or memoryPointMissile[] = {"rocket_begin",""}; memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"rocket_end",""}; Which ever point you decide to use then have to be inside the MEMORY LOD. And double-defined so they rotate/move with the turret.
  8. [aps]gnat

    Hungry Planet - What the world eats

    LOL ... missed them. Yep, more food replacements that will kill you !
  9. [aps]gnat

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    Not sad if you're updating it. Good to here. Awaiting your change log. GJ
  10. [aps]gnat

    Ikar's F-14 Tomcat v1.6

    Good to hear, but do you have permissions?
  11. [aps]gnat

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    +1 Hope a result can be achieved. Collaborative would be good too !
  12. [aps]gnat

    Zachs Full-on guide to Custom Weapons!

    Looking forward to the Tut Not looking forward to the result of you fishing for infractions lol
  13. [aps]gnat

    Hungry Planet - What the world eats

    Australia (and our somewhat similar sister country Canada) seems about right, Fresh foods sort of half way between US / GB (lots of processed) and 2nd/3rd world countries with lots of fresh (and little choice). And the softdrink situation (whole window sill !! ) is unfortunately the norm. Its clear these days that shit will kill you.
  14. Seems overly complicated script. Maybe try; (untested) _fromGate = _this select 0; _toGate = _this select 1; { _fromGate setObjectTexture [18, _x]; _toGate setObjectTexture [18, _x]; sleep 0.1; } forEach ["\SGImages\gate\init1.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init2.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init3.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init4.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init5.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init6.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init7.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init8.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init9.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init10.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init11.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init12.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init13.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init14.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init15.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init16.paa","\SGImages\gate\init17.paa"];
  15. [aps]gnat

    FSFLauncher A3 Edition

    Nice ..... but too confusing on install (PISSED it didnt ask where I wanted to install !! ) and then it tried running ArmA3 as root administrator ...... Uninstalled
  16. [aps]gnat

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Agree, again. Not at all intuitive. But the author has heard this feedback from me before. The principle and general background mechanics / implementation of PwS is GREAT, just the GUI and user messaging leaves me cold. In general, nothing wrong with ArmA2/3's GUI design ..... combine and we might get close.
  17. Ship, Big Ship, Truck, Car, Bunker etc etc are just Parent Class placeholders. They allow BIS to define 95% of a config for particular types of objects, leaving the last 5% for definition of the real object/vehicle They arent (and never have been in OFP, ArmA 1 & 2) visible or even usable vehicles or objects
  18. [aps]gnat

    Automatic Mod Downloading

  19. Does anyone know whether the "normal" distribution (PwS version? ) on Mando Missile is EXACTLY what Mandoble left us some time back? Getting reports from other people that torpedos and various don't work with my subs anymore.
  20. [aps]gnat

    Submarine Pack - Subs

    Sounds like someones been fiddling with Mando Missiles, and now doesnt work properly. I'm using an older version. Suggest you try the same, and post/report the problem in the Mando Missile thread.
  21. lol ... sorry, my comment was to Blondak. I agreed with you.
  22. hmmmm ... I've been running a game EXE instead for a long while, maybe the others posting screenshots are too. Maybe try that.
  23. you actually running the bulldozer exe or a ArmA2 exe ?
  24. Jesus, how fucking disrespectful is that ..... and yes, your original post, and now this one, was flaming .... at this rate you are not long for these forums mate!
  25. That was my understanding too. But maybe only if the simulation is "carx" Nice model Blondak