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Everything posted by -SW-Tybo

  1. -SW-Tybo

    Ww2online-great game!

    They just patched WW2online and it looks, sounds and feels even better. You get the first month free so anyone can try it out. [sW]JerseyDevil and I have been playing it for a while. Its an awsome game where u meet tons of new people and have great comradery, not unlike OFP squads it is always running 24/7 server. CHECK IT OUT! WW2online main page www5.playnet.com/bv/wwiiol/index.jsp Tot (JD's and I squad-best way to play is to join a squad)www5.playnet.com/bv/wwiio...cggichhl.0 www.waffen-ss-1st-totenkopf.tk/ TOT website www.okw.wwiionline.com/ph...m.php?f=24 Tot Forum WW2online main page
  2. -SW-Tybo

    Ww2online-great game!

    True the money is an issue, but what do we waste $13 bucks  a month on? lots of stuff, a candy bar here, a movie here , beer etc. All crap  You can't put a price on joy...ROFL!
  3. -SW-Tybo

    Ww2online-great game!

    yeah it is $12.99 now, but it's worth it.
  4. -SW-Tybo

    Multiplayer?  its for the birds!

    Yeah what is the deal kermit? Does anyone know of Stoners, Radishville or MTCO, or even MOD server? On Stoners and MTCO they have Teamspeak set-up, so you can cordinate with some excellent players, maybe not all but some of them. OFP is not CS-they are way different. True some players act like the CS metality, but that does not mean the game turns into CS. I personelly think MP is the best gaming experienve i have had gaming-period. The games are so varied and the options are vast for tactics...everygame is different. Anyway, the original poster had some good points especially about Cadet-I am kinda sick of these n00b haters out there who insist on Vet. Like many experienced players I can play with Vet fine, but cordination, activity of combat and overall fun take a hit. People are lost, can't tell who is who, shoot guys in captured enemy vehicles etc. Its just a better expereince with cadet on, no enemy tags of course. I will say the signatures left bu enemy is kinda cheap, but overall Cadet is the way to go Thanks.
  5. -SW-Tybo

    Public master server for ofp:r

    ASE RULZ! Gamespy is okay, but the adds and the bogus pings are annoying. I think the chat room is nice to meet other folk or play games, but sometimes ya get some stupid ass children spamming in there.
  6. -SW-Tybo

    Best multiplayer player

    Who in your opinion is the best OFP player out there? IMHO I would have to say Wes Craven, Enron Exec and Bloodhound87, those are my top three.
  7. -SW-Tybo

    Best multiplayer player

    I would just say best overall, the guy who is continually dominating map after map. Tex, you don't want to run across Wes, unless you are on his team. Wes is a fellow Shadow Warrior from Germany who plays on MTCO mainly, he says his ping is too high for Stoners. Wes dominated like no other. He avrages 16 kills per match, next closest guy has like 9 per(i have a humble 4per :}) Bloodhound frustated the hell out of me when first started playing but i haven't seen him around in a long time. Where did Blood go?
  8. -SW-Tybo

    Ofp with 3d glasses

    I am also thinking of buying these, probably ED glasses($70 bucks) but i cannot see those images you guys have posted in 3d. I wear glasses and have a lazy eye that makes it dificult to focus. Thus most objects (often without me noticing it) are blurry or come in double. I was wondering if this would negate the 3d effect of the glasses? Thanks.
  9. -SW-Tybo

    Roger wilco anyone?

    Hi, Iwant to play on All Seeing Eye or Gamespy using voice, RW or even Teamsound I play around 10 pm PST on any given day. Let me know if anyone is interested. Im sick of typing everything
  10. -SW-Tybo

    Roger wilco anyone?

    Thanks for the feedback
  11. -SW-Tybo

    Roger wilco anyone?

    Yoeverend i remember u. The reason I can't use in game voice is because it DOESN'T WORK I have tried severall times and the Wizard does not pick up my sound card. I am using a SB Audidgy live-brand new card. It has has problems though, like data being corrupted. One question whaty was the deabte about? RW Pro/Con? Thx for replying