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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5


    You do know that those are supposed to be secondary explosions? As in the ammunition being ignited and exploding? It's exactly how it happens in real life.
  2. Zipper5

    Arma way over scripted!

    You are obviously not listening to what you're being told to do in the mission. It's worked perfectly well for me every time I've played it, and I've played through the campaign maybe 4 times now. And to be honest, after 4 playthroughs, I haven't encountered any bugs. :confused:
  3. Zipper5

    Mapfact.net releases Editorupgrade

    I don't get any of those errors either. Works perfectly fine. However, the names are indeed a bit off.
  4. I'm quite the loyal fan and I love ArmA II, despite the bugs. In fact, I haven't encountered a single bug in the singleplayer campaign yet, and I've played it through many times to get the different endings. I don't regret purchasing it at all.
  5. Zipper5

    Arma2 musics

    That would depend on if he were to use them in a way that breaks the EULA, marcodarco. Many people have taken the music files from the game. You can find all of the music files in .ogg format in the music.pbo file located in the AddOns folder of your ArmA II installation. You'll need to depbo the file using a tool such as Kegetys' cpbo. Then, to convert it to .mp3 format, you need to download an audio editing program such as GoldWave. Hope that helps.
  6. Zipper5

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I'm wondering about the way soldiers move to. It looks really stupid. I wonder if CM are trying to "pay homage" to OFP by making that animation look like a sped-up version of OFP's slow-walk. And yes, those voices are definitely added-in post production. If they really think they're ingame... I don't know what to say. :butbut:
  7. Zipper5

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    New DR video released: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/operationflashpoint2/video/6212876/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-fear-and-anticipation-trailer?hd=1 Personally, there are many things I find wrong about that video. 1. What were the SF team actually doing? Was that convoy the target since he said "Eyes on" while looking at it? They didn't do anything to it. 2. Why did they shoot people who obviously would not see them if they continued in the same direction they went? 3. How did they get spotted? And when they were, why, even when the guy had clear shots, did he not shoot the PLA engaging them? The AI couldn't shoot for shit either. 4. Why was that helicopter so damn quiet? In fact, were any of those sounds ingame? Because they were all quite out of sync. May just be that uploaded version though. DR still looks terrible for me.
  8. Well, the many different endings to the campaign are worth viewing, and they come after the last Warfare mission.
  9. Zipper5

    Lots of problems

    Why are people still not using the impressions thread?
  10. Zipper5

    Red Dawn: Endgame Arma 2 Trailer

    I'm incredibly pleased to see you are in fact continuing this, Trini. Great work! :D
  11. Zipper5

    BIS Customer Service

    You haven't played many games, have you? Again, this is something that is common in all aspects of business. But in this case, BIS had contractual agreements with publishers of when they had to release the game and have it in a state that is able to be sold, which ArmA II was, granted being buggy. BIS has employees who originally came from the community, such as Str/Gaia and Placebo. Plus, there's the issue of NDAs and other legal matters to prevent the game being leaked or pirated. I am reaaaaaally starting to lose respect for this post... I think the majority of people here will all agree that BIS has some of the best customer service out of the many developers around today. Plus, I don't think it could be much clearer to indicating their team than the words and pictures stating "Moderator" and "Team", or statements saying their position in BIS, next to their posts... If you really are a veteran player, like you state below, then this is not really the attitude I'd expect if you've stuck with BIS' previous games. No of course, nothing has been done. Just a complete overhaul of the sound engine, the animations, the AI, the campaign, controls, bug fixes, graphics and all of the new content that has not been in previous BIS games. Nothing at all... I wouldn't recommend discussing piracy of the game on the developer's forum, especially after a post like this one. You may end up on a one-way ticket to Bansville.
  12. Wow, that's pretty cool, walker. Hope they do continue it. :eek:
  13. Zipper5

    Better sound design Please

    Sound was not a low priority for BIS in ArmA II. It wouldn't have been as important as the AI or campaign, but it was still damn important. Heck, they revamped the entire sound engine for the game. Instead of 1 or 2 sounds for a vehicle like in OFP and ArmA, there's many, many more. Granted it's not perfect, but it's definitely an improvement.
  14. Zipper5

    Cant install patch

    Have you attempted to reinstall the game? That file shouldn't be missing by default. Sounds like it may be a botched installation, or some corruption on the DVD, unfortunately.
  15. For your disembark issue you could do the following: unitname action ["GETOUT", unitname"]; unassignVehicle unitname Obviously, replace unitname with the name you've given to the unit. This will make him disembark and hopefully not get stuck. You may have to put a space between GET and OUT, I'm not sure if it's the same in ArmA II. In terms of the ACM you could do the following: helicoptername setCaptive true Again, replace helicoptername with the name you gave the helicopter. This will make it so that the units fighting will not fire on the chopper at all. To make them do it, you simply swap true with false. I'm not entirely sure how BIS did the conversations in the singleplayer missions, but the way it's been done in OFP and ArmA before ArmA II still works. If you don't have voices, then simply do the following: titleText ["Text you want to have them saying", "PLAIN DOWN"] That will have the text appear at the bottom-center of the screen. Hope that helps.
  16. Zipper5

    No SecOps?

    That's why. ;)
  17. dvolk's always whining about ArmA II so don't listen to him. ArmA II's campaign is vastly superior to ArmA's. But in terms of AI ArmA II's is also vastly superior to ArmA's. In the simplest of areas, they now lean, strafe, dodge and roll. But in the more complex areas, they cover one another, use real-life tactics like bounding overwatch, make very good use of cover and can outflank you very well. They also get suppressed by sustained fire, but that also means they can suppress the crap out of you. Especially after you've revealed your position. One of the AI in the squad will take up a covered position and keep an eye on where he last saw you. Or, if you get shot and move to cover to heal, I've had AI sneak up on me and shoot me in the back. Simply put - ArmA II's and ArmA's AI are not even comparable.
  18. A cold December day on Utes island... Credit goes to Rellikki for finding it out. Set fog to full in missions and this icy effect appears. No addons were used.
  19. Zipper5


    Are these friends of yours who you've given the same ArmA II copy to? That would most likely be the reason then. I saw something like this the other night on another server. People were using the English patch so when signature check was turned on, they were instantly banned as the files that the English patch modifies are key ArmA II files.
  20. Zipper5

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    This issue must be related to something that the player has, not something that is wrong with the game. you posted, Leopardi, is not at all what happens to me even if my FPS drops down below 10. Frankly I've never had an issue like that in ArmA nor ArmA II, and my mouse is a Logitech G9. So I'm wondering if BIS actually even has the ability to fix it.
  21. Awesome, have been waiting for this for a long time. It's unfortunate they don't work with ArmA II, because I don't have ArmA installed anymore. Can't wait to see these in ArmA II though. Great work! :D
  22. Zipper5

    Having a ton of fun with Evolution!

    Was exactly the same with ArmA, and unfortunately it's continued into ArmA II. Though I can't say I'm surprised... :butbut:
  23. Yes, I can confirm that it works. I have a single nVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 and I tried disabling it in the nVIDIA Control Panel. Worked like a charm. My FPS increased by about 10 to 20 FPS.
  24. CDF checkpoint and troop convoy ambushed by ChDKZ insurgents. Click pictures for higher resolution & quality
  25. Zipper5

    I bet OFP runs great now

    I still play OFP quite often, and it runs like a dream on my system. I get over 800 FPS at times. It rocks, and is still as great of a game as ever.