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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Fed up of Morons

    They did? 1) Signatures 2) BattlEye BIS hasn't bought a liscence for BattlEye in ArmA II yet, but I bet they will eventually if there's enough demand for it. It only appeared in ArmA with much later patches.
  2. Zipper5

    Favorite Campaign chars

    It'd be between Cooper, Sykes and Shaftoe for me, because they're the only ones who have half decent voice actors. :rolleyes: And EricM, you realize that Shaftoe's face is Marek's face? :p
  3. Don't you see a point being made with that...?
  4. Great idea, love it. Definitely going to test it out and report back if I have anything to report. Perhaps it would be good to have a "Beta Build Feedback" thread?
  5. Zipper5

    VopSound 2.1

    It's not allowed on those servers, that's why. Most servers have all addons disabled because it stops a lot of ArmA II hackers. It should come up with a message saying just that.
  6. I'm slightly concerned about the whole stand-alone idea. I've read through the thread and have seen that it is still possible to use ArmA II content, but through use of the expansion .exe in order to get all of the expansion content as well. Now to me, that seems... stupid. I'd much rather have the same setup as Resistance and Queen's Gambit, I.E. a mod folder that can be enabled and disabled. But, I guess that would make it sell less than having it as a stand-alone. Ah well, I'll wait and see. If people say it's good, I'll buy it. If people say it's another Queen's Gambit, I won't waste my money this time. Though I am happy to see that this won't slow down ArmA II fixes what so ever.
  7. Zipper5

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Rifle-butting and a Marine-grade combat knife (since it's ArmA II) would be awesome, in my opinion. Provided they work.
  8. Zipper5

    BIS got the Kord recoil wrong...

    I think he was making a joke, Rhodite. I thought the same as you did at first.
  9. Zipper5

    ArmA 2 Sound Design

    You and me must have two different sound files with our default ArmA II installation. For me, the weapon sounds far exceed ArmA's and DEFINITELY OFP's. OFP's weapons sounded like typewriters and lacked sonic cracks, ArmA's were just "ugly" sounding. ArmA II's now has many different sound files for such small things as even distant muffled explosions. But I dunno, you must have something different.
  10. Most people in this community regard ArmA II as a game too "hardcore" to play competitive modes in bar PvP. Usually, when you mention playing DMs, CTFs and SCs in ArmA II you'll have some member come in and say "Why the hell do you play those? You shouldn't in ArmA II. Go play Call of Duty."
  11. Zipper5

    You're Fav one-liner

    "You got that Marine? Now stand the FUCK down." Even though it was said by a crappy voice actor, I liked the line. Made me smile at such an inappropriate time for smiling. :p
  12. Zipper5

    Vet mode with infinite save?

    Change to Regular mode and modify the difficulty settings so that they're the same as your Veteran ones, but keep Unlimited Saves Enabled.
  13. Awesome SgtAce. Can't wait to play on Everon in ArmA II. :D
  14. Yes. It's even recommended to be used.
  15. Zipper5

    Sound Of War v1.0

    Excellent sound mod. It's very much like the sounds for the FDF mod in ArmA, hence why I like it so much. Thanks Goeth.
  16. Since when does Vanilla BF2 have that? News to me. :eek:
  17. This is awesome, absolutely awesome! Despite the errors and issues, which I'm sure will be fixed, these look great. As a fellow Canadian, I love to finally see an official ONS release. Hope you guys can keep up the good work! :D
  18. Those look awesome. Can't wait to finally have some good Canadian units in ArmA II. :D
  19. Charlie Foxtrot We have upwards of 100 people playing each week on PvP S&D maps designed solely for the tournament. No AI's involved what so ever.
  20. Might want to use this thread in the future.
  21. Zipper5

    Expect more bugs.

    Well, I can post my specs. Worked perfectly fine for me and continues to, unless I try the coop campaign. Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz 2GB DDR2 RAM 1066MHz nVIDIA GTX 280 Windows XP Professional SP3 Hope it helps. Um, you just asked me to prove something about a sentence in which it's already proven... What? :\
  22. Zipper5

    Expect more bugs.

    So you can't accept the fact that the game works for the overwhelming majority? There may be a lot of people posting issues, but out of the number of people who bought the game, it's definitely the minority.