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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Too bad that the OFP name has to suffer. They've taken away almost everything that made OFP... well, OFP. Can't believe they'd think it a good thing to not have the ability to create new models or addons for the PC version at least. Oh well, that means BIS will still retain the milsim developer crown.
  2. Pressing Backspace brings up the traditional interface, just on the right side instead of the left. Press the corresponding F key to the unit you want, then 6 for Action, then the corresponding number for Weapon RPG/M136/etc... For example: F2 - 6 - 1 2 selects his M136. It should work for you too so long as the unit is under your command. If not, the command selectWeapon may be of use to you. Set his combat mode to Danger to have him bring out the M136. (F2 - 7 - 2) Edit: I just realized that you're right. The command to tell the AI to switch to their AT weapon is gone from the menu. Wtf? Well, tell him to target the vehicle (F2 - 2 - 1) and then set his combat mode to Danger. He should bring out his AT and say "Ready to fire".
  3. So far, there is one extremely comprehensive guide: Dslyecxi's ArmA II: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Guide Unless you want to start mission editing, that should be all you need. For mission editing, you have OFPEC and the Community Wiki. You can also find tutorials and explanations for almost every other form of editing related to ArmA II at those sites. Also, OFP didn't take very long to get used to for me, and I was 8 at the time. ArmA and ArmA II have felt very much like logical progressions since.
  4. Zipper5

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't know whether to laugh or bash my head against the wall... On second thought: :banghead: Edit: Actually, if the Mission Editor turns out to be a bitch to use compared to ArmA II's, then I would actually see how this could be a good thing. Even so...
  5. Mega respect for this, guys. Awesome community effort. 2 huge thumbs up.
  6. Zipper5

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Because if you really wanted someone to help you with what's wrong, rather than just complaining thinking it makes a difference, you would post your issue and your system specifications. Which you still haven't done, even though I said it in my original post. And how could your problems be well documented? You have 2 posts, both in this thread. Really? You're going to take that route? :butbut:
  7. My advice is not to start with any of the following: Evolution Domination Chernarus Life They give a totally wrong impression of what ArmA II is like. Unfortunately, most people seem to like playing them. Guess that's because they're so similar to other games...
  8. Well, that was pointless. Guess someone has a beef with BIS/moderators, and decides to display it in a... video. Well done? :confused:
  9. Zipper5

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Please point me to where someone from BIS has said that. Judging from the fact this is your first post, and you haven't posted any of your system specs or what patch you're running, and you have only posted a vague report of your issue, you don't expect nor want people to help you and thus have only come on to complain. So meh.
  10. The only issue that could be fixed there is the grass. If you notice, in the one you took from ArmA, the grass is completely different. That was implemented with the beta 1.07 patch for ArmA. The one which the CAA1 team have ported to ArmA II does not contain that new, less demanding grass and instead has the more demanding grass from earlier versions of ArmA. I'd imagine, then, that this Sahrani was taken from an unpatched ArmA.
  11. Again, if you had read the thread, you would know they've been working on this since before ArmA II's release. :rolleyes:
  12. They're not worth replying to anymore. They're just lazy.
  13. If it does, it's hardly ever significant enough to notice. I never did. But comparing Crysis to ArmA II is worse than COD/BF. :rolleyes:
  14. People are suggesting such drastic engine changes for an expansion, not an entirely new game all together. I've never seen such a situation. :butbut:
  15. It's a shame that, despite that being a welcome improvement, some of the sounds are now cut short, as you can hear in that video. Otherwise it'd be perfect.
  16. Zipper5

    Unable to join some 1.03 servers

    Maybe you're using the beta patches and they're not? Or the other way around?
  17. Zipper5

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Once more, isn't the impressions thread more suited for such discussion?
  18. Zipper5

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    No, I could have sworn he's said: At least once. :p
  19. It's something that's been there since OFP. It's just them using it to scan for enemies. I agree, it's annoying, but to fix it just remove the Binoculars from their gear via the map screen.
  20. First step to improving it is not including it in the SP modes what so ever. But I think they already got the hint. @Killerwatt: it was a BMP in UN colors. And you bring up something interesting for me. I live in the Middle-East myself, though I am not a native of it, but I could see this causing AO to not be sold here. COD4 was banned because of the nuke scene where it appeared in the game that a nuke was blown up inside Saudi Arabia. This part of the world doesn't really want to take any risks I guess. I hope they don't do the same to AO... :(
  21. I believe unemployed applies they no longer work for the company, which is certainly not the case here. Despite the wrong choice of words, I agree with what you're saying. Though I was quite young at the time of OFP's release, it was indeed unplayable online. SP wasn't terribly better either. It's great now, but look at it's version number (1.96) and how close that is to 2.00. :eek:
  22. Many have been made, but it would appear that the majority of the player base are in fact people who enjoy playing modes such as Evolution, Domination and Sahrani/Chernarus Life. And server owners are always wanting to have the most people playing on their servers as possible to justify their costs, so they put the modes on that most people want to play: modes that are archaic and encourage no team work what so ever. Reason being is that most other games' multiplayer is exactly like that, so it's no surprise.
  23. Zipper5

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Lol wut? That's just... Well, I'll use the same smiley you did. :eek:
  24. Zipper5

    Crysis 2, new trailer!

    Eugh. Now, in 2006 or whenever it was, and they released that Crysis trailer of them showing off the detail of the Nano suit like this one, my response was "Well ok, that is pretty damn detailed and realistic looking." But now, Crysis and Crysis: Warhead have come and gone, and yet they do almost the exact same thing with a slightly modified Nano suit. 2006 it was awesome, 2009 I couldn't care less. I still liked Crysis and Crysis: Warhead, but I'd much rather see the game than one model.
  25. Zipper5

    Why my Multiplay so ugly?

    Unless you change your graphics settings, they look exactly the same as they do in singleplayer. Missions can control the view distance and amount of grass you see, but that's about it.