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Everything posted by Zipper5
US PC GAMER December issue, just a heads up.
Zipper5 replied to Soldier of Anarchy's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Want. :eek: Definitely going to see if I can pick it up over here. -
Hey, if you're pessimistic, you'll never be disappointed! :p
Well, I've been keeping DR on my hard drive for a little while now to see if any notable improvements would be made to it, or to see if I would actually start enjoying it. I've experienced neither, and it's no longer wasting space rotting on my hard drive.
No, DICE doesn't support PC gamers as much as they are making it out to be. It's obviously a PR stunt taking advantage of the recent MW2 news. After all, the first Bad Company was a console exclusive. It should actually be "DICE uses dedicated servers". :rolleyes:
Yes, but as I said earlier, it is being toted by CM to be the official sequel to OFP. And because of that, I don't think it should be judged in any way other than that. They were confident enough in their game to take the OFP name from BIS, and produced this crap out of doing so.
Nothing can come close to replacing the original OFP. ArmA and ArmA II are great, but not as good as OFP. However, DR is never going to come close to replacing OFP. I feel saddened when people say such blasphemy! :(
Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?
Zipper5 replied to Sniperdoc's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
The game is far from mediocre. Given that you've just made that statement, you've just confirmed what DMarkwick said - this game is not meant for you. If all you're looking for in ArmA II is a "graphically whole experience" then you could do much better. Also - you may have a rig above the recommended specs, but on quick inspection I can tell that you can't blame poor performance in games with your specs. You have many configurations that are known to have compatibility issues with many games, not just ArmA II. SLI, for example. -
Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?
Zipper5 replied to Sniperdoc's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Fair point. But for me, multiplayer is a very, very small portion of the entire game. Modding is where most of the action is at. Be it mission making, or addon making, or both. Fiddling with the game is what I enjoy to do. -
Campaign - Mission 6 - One Week Later problems
Zipper5 replied to pr0j3ct's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Well, that's basically the gist of the mission. There isn't anything left to see after that. Since that's the case, you can use the endmission cheat to end the mission before the Osprey crashes. Just hold Left Shift, press numberpad - (minus), release, and type E-N-D-M-I-S-S-I-O-N. -
Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?
Zipper5 replied to Sniperdoc's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Jesus, why does everyone think that the number of players playing a game makes it better than one that has less people playing it? Must be something to do with disgruntled users of the CM forums coming over here to vent or something, bringing their ideas of what makes a game good (yeah, we all saw how that turned out) with them. BIS got extremely good sales with ArmA II as far as I am aware. Higher than ArmA got in the same amount of time after release. Don't know if it's gotten more than OFP did, I doubt it. But I wouldn't doubt it eventually selling more either. But that's beside the point. What makes a game good is the game. Not how many people have bought it and are playing it. :j: And BIS fix their games more than any other developer. Period. I don't get why you think they don't. Maybe it's because your specific issue hasn't been fixed. Not like BIS can cover everyone's problems. Edit: Oh, and people aren't tired of the game. Maybe you are, but many others aren't. The BIS community is probably the most active modding community there has ever been. People are still making mods of OFP, 8 years after it's release. ArmA and ArmA II are also continuing the trend. -
Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?
Zipper5 replied to Sniperdoc's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I wouldn't call my rig top end, but it's a damn good rig. It runs ArmA II excellently. Never goes below 30 FPS on full settings (view distance not included, obviously). I think the issue is more on the users end, not the developers. Though, of course, there is still some improvements that need to be made, and will be made (knowing BIS), to the game's performance. If you came here expecting your rig to produce 70 FPS+, then of course you're going to be let down. It's a much more demanding game than other mainstream titles, not because of coding, but because of what it is calculating. Edit: Lol, forgot to include my specs. Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz nVidia GeForce GTX 280 2GB DDR2 RAM Windows XP Professional SP3 -
I agree that by looking at DR as it's own game and not meant to be a sequel to OFP, it could be average to some. But that's not what we're supposed to do. We've even been told just that from CM themselves. The game's been called many, many times the "official sequel to OFP", and as such, we should judge it as that. Not as it's own game. And in that regard, DR fails heavily. So saying that a sequel to a game is good as long as you don't judge it as a sequel to the game... Makes no sense. :confused:
Real NVGs don't come that cheap. They're not "real". And lol @ the 1 star reviews on Amazon. That's what you get when you piss off a fanbase such as theirs. They all go to the extremes. :p
Ah yes, I see what you mean. I've always hated the way that consoles do MP. Trying to play in it does my head in every time. If Uncharted 2's MP wasn't worth the hassle, I'd have stopped playing a long, long time ago. Or never even touched it for that matter. If that's exactly what they're going to put in the PC version then... Well... That still sucks! And really, I don't play these games for any sense of community. I play them to blow off steam and have fun. I'm also a natural at them. :p *cough*
Aw! What? Why can't us PC users get the same as console users? Is it really that hard? Or are developers just getting lazier and lazier? I don't know how well this IW.NET thing will work, but why not just stick to the traditional method? And how can MW2 be so radically different from COD4 that they can't have dedicated servers for the PC? Still going to buy the game, but maybe for my PS3 instead... And I hate playing shooters on consoles. :(
Not me. CM don't deserve any more money. At all.
I voted on Metacritic and gave it a 3/10. Don't have to repeat the already said-to-death faults of the game, but the only redeeming factors that I find with the game are the radio system, the "Fire on my lead" command, and the performance (which, even then, can be bad at times). It's an obvious console port and by no means worthy of the name "Operation Flashpoint". Edit: Oh my f*@&ing god. Just found this on the CM forums. You've got to be kidding me...
The editor only allows 5 units to be grouped to a parent Echelon AI system. That means you can only have a max of 5 units directly controlled by the player. And no, the vehicles do not have freelook when in 3rd person view, and a very limited one in 1st person. Every thing else PuFu answered.
I wouldn't call you an a-hole. I completely agree. CM took away the main thing that has made BIS' games great, including the original OFP - modding. Without that, the came can't possibly survive. Especially not with the community it's gathered.
The reason you're getting kicked is either 1) because of your ping. 2) because you're using mods. 3) you have a different version of the game. 4) they just don't want you there. Points 1) to 3) are things that only you can fix. Point 4) is in every single MP game. Just because you don't get kicked can't mean one game is better than the other, surely. :confused:
Here's my Fraps test video. Disable the annotations if you don't want to see my "commentary". :D WjzLKTyatgs Dragon Rising SP Mission 5 - Encampment (Fraps test)
Sadly, I wouldn't even say it's much of a show-stopper in the gaming world full stop. The design choices make it hard to deal with, mainly in the form of bringing up menus in game stops player movement, but that's only one of the many issues it has. The campaign, SP missions and MP missions are also rather uninspired and generic. Plus, the MP is also broken, but it doesn't matter since there's only really 4 maps. It's not that great of a "game", even.
CO12 Heroes Of Chernarus - Large-scale mission with freedom of choice
Zipper5 replied to KingN's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Awesome, always loved your OFP work, King Nothing. Revolt 1998 was one of my favorite campaigns. :D Will test it out soon! -
Yes, I really hate their throat singing approach to some of the songs. Apparently it's a traditional form of Chinese singing, but it's sung in the soundtrack by an American family, believe it or not. Apart from the songs with the ugly throat singing, the rest of the sound track is quite nice. I downloaded it all from that pack they posted on the CM forums. Can't see how it's a soundtrack, though, since none of them are really used in the game...