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Everything posted by Zipper5
Zipper5 replied to Taryl's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Uh, what are you talking about? :confused: The only thing I can get from what you just posted is you're suffering from a cheater... Or something... God, I have no idea... -
Yes, MehMan is right. However, it's quite funny that most of the pictures CM are now using to promote the game are the pre-renders rather than the ingame footage. Most of the pictures on the new website bar news posts are pre-renders, the pictures used in that Xfire video contest were pre-renders, and even the box uses pre-renders. Guess they aren't happy with how it looks after all.
Not really. The moderators even said that they were in small openable files that were similar to BIS' .pbo system. That comment has since been removed, of course. But it was definitely there.
But how can a game that doesn't even live up to the standards of OFP have the "OFP feeling"? It doesn't make sense. Also, I can't recall either of the OFP demo missions being similar to the first mission of the DR campaign. I wouldn't care what so ever if Codemasters had taken the OFP part of the name out of it, but they didn't. And they produced something that in no way, shape, or form resembles it's predecessor. Yet they continue to market it like that, and even took customers away from the real people behind OFP, BIS, only to have them realize that it's a game, not a simulator, and a pretty badly made game at that. I can understand you enjoying it since you're playing it on the PS3 and have nothing else offered to you in the genre. However, we're annoyed because the true OFP fanbase was completely neglected in order for CM to boost profit off of the console players, such as yourself. Heck, I might have even enjoyed the game more if I played it on a console, but no, I played it on the PC, how it should have been meant to play given it being advertised as a sequel to OFP. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if DR2 is a console only game. Their PC market currently hates their guts, and the console market is slightly less hateful. They made most of their sales off the console market too, since it's much harder to pirate games on current generation consoles. If that were to happen, then Codemasters would officially become my most hated developer of all time.
The answer to that is simple, really. Developers are becoming increasingly lazy, and increasingly greedy. Minimum effort for maximum profit. Best recent example of this was Codemasters with Dragon Rising, which needs no explanation.
ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx
Zipper5 replied to mattxr's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
I never indicated it was. If it's not fixed soon by BIS, people will start to bitch about it. You watch. It's like the muzzle flashes being the same and all that bullshit. I was just pointing it out. Granted this time, however, it does look kinda strange. -
It won't change anything. Picture yourself with a sniper rifle. You can see for many, many kilometers at times. You expect the grass to be rendered that entire distance? That's exactly like what I was saying before. Impossible.
ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx
Zipper5 replied to mattxr's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
I encountered a strange animation bug when throwing grenades, seems to be a byproduct of the new animation changes. Edit: Well, this patch fixed many things that people have been asking for, for a long time. So yes, we can be quite happy with it. It is an awesome patch. -
Well, then it would have to constantly change back and forth, and would add many more calculations to a game that already makes so many, thus it would still decrease performance.
Dude, do you realize how much strain that would put on systems to render it at such distances? No game has been able to do it. Until something radically changes, you're going to have to deal with the grass layer. It performs it's job perfectly well.
Of course I do, but you posted over a month after the last post and made me think that trini had released an update. Thus I was sad to find that you were only posting in an old thread.
Have you watched the trailer? It really isn't a wallhack cheat, it's a motion sensing device built in to vehicles that lets you see motion behind walls and such. The tanks are also not undestroyable, they can just take more damage. And is the automatic detection of IEDs really that different from the bomb squad perk in COD4? I never play without that perk. The pistol is more-than-likely not one-shot-kill, I think they just had it look like that in the trailer for dramatic effect. Finally, the Thompson looks like it's going to be as powerful as the one in BF1943, which I never found to be unbalanced.
ARMA II Beta Builds Released: Latest version/build: 1.04.6xxxx
Zipper5 replied to mattxr's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - BETA PATCH TESTING
Awesome! Been wanting the grass layer to return since ArmA II's release. Thanks ever so much, BIS! :D Edit: Holy Hell! When they say that the performance in towns has been improved, they mean it! When I get close to Chernogorsk my game doesn't start to stutter like hell like it used to, it remains perfectly smooth... Wow... -
Eh? In ArmA II and games similar to it, of course not. But that's the point of these other games. No teamwork at all, get as many points as you can and, in some cases, in the most creative fashion that you can. But that's the point of MP in games like BC2, COD4, etc. and I love it because of that, so yes, it does make sense. I play ArmA II and other games for two very distinct MP playing styles, and I enjoy both.
Lol, jesus dude, read the thread before you make such accusations. The only people comparing framerates are those who are saying that's what makes DR better than ArmA II, and then people reply stating that they get awesome framerates in Counter-Strike, but does that really make it the better game? We're complaining about Codemasters releasing the game under false pretenses. They claimed that it would have so much, and has so little. Plus, it's an obvious console port in the PC version no matter what you say. You'd have to be blind not to notice that. The AI is stupid, the campaign is boring, the multiplayer is broken beyond repair, and CM encrypted the main files, so modding is already dead. It does not have any of the "original OFP feeling", and a part of me dies every time someone says that. It just gives CM more incentive to continue on such a bad path...
What? Of course you are. What makes you think you can't? All trailers so far for BC2 have been MP videos, and this one is as well. And to be honest, it's not that big of a deal. For example, that motion sensor seems to only work when inside a vehicle, where there aren't many of. So not a big issue. Also, what MP game do you know of that didn't have some epically unbalanced rifle that you can only unlock at a high level/buy the special edition/earn an achievement/completing a kill streak? It's a reward for putting that much effort into the game. It only makes sense to give you it.
Wow, people complaining about a realistic heat sensor, but not about IR-seeking RPG warheads... :rolleyes: I think it still looks awesome, personally. Just wish I didn't have to wait until 2010. :(
Oh wow, I only just found out BI != Codemasters.
Zipper5 replied to Griefheart's topic in BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE - GENERAL
I think you might be out of luck in the ArmA II-coming-to-the-PS3 department. The only likely console that ArmA II might come out on in the distant future, is the Xbox 360. If one ever comes out. It saddens me to think that people are thinking Codemasters are the makers of OFP. Glad to see that you figured it out. Also, welcome to the forums. -
Awww... :( Here's me thinking that trini released an update about this, but it's just people posting in an old thread...
ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread
Zipper5 replied to Tonci87's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
For your first question, more than likely not. They should work, or will work with minimal changes. As for ACE2's release, we don't know. Only the ACE2 team knows. You're best asking them that question, rather than in here. However, I think you'll only be told that "it will be released when it's done", as no one really has deadline standards here. -
For Flashpoint fans, how many of you believe that...
Zipper5 replied to webman1200's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
For the love of God, stop saying that over and over... Thankfully, I didn't buy it. My unfortunate friend did, who hated it so much that he was willing to give it away to me. I only wanted it for testing/comparison purposes, anyways. This new AI mod came out after I had (permanently) uninstalled the game, and quite frankly, such a mod shouldn't be as necessary as this one is. ArmA II's AI is lightyears better than DR's is out of the box. DR is not the cousin to OFP. It's the bastard child. The one that no one will ever accept as legitimate. I'm not saying you can't voice your opinion, I'm saying it would be nice if your opinion didn't include blatant lies. Oh, and ArmA II ran perfectly stable out of the box for me, and I run on close to highest settings, and still does so. DR performs better, but that's to be expected. It has to handle a significantly smaller load. I look forward to seeing if you're still playing DR in a few months time, while this community will still be just as active as ever, and will stay that way for years to come. Really? You're going to try and play that? Have you even looked at the CM forums? It's a hatred fest. Not towards people disliking the game, but actually towards CM for producing such a bad game. And: AHEM! http://community.codemasters.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=113 http://community.codemasters.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=1312 http://community.codemasters.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=1311 Compare the number of positive threads/posts to the number of negative threads/posts and you'll see what I mean. Edit: Hm... Given the way that this discussion is going, would it possibly be more appropriate for this to be merged with the official DR thread? Never mind, W0lle thought the same. -
Still no Manhattan artillery bug fix!!!
Zipper5 replied to Psyckiller's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Wow, I'm surprised people are still stuck on this mission because of the lack of artillery. I forgot I was even supposed to have it. Many of the soldiers in the main camp have RPGs, so use those to destroy the armor. And it worked just fine. Heck, if you're getting tired of not being able to pass that mission, then just use the E-N-D-M-I-S-S-I-O-N cheat. There isn't much left to see after that part anyways. -
For Flashpoint fans, how many of you believe that...
Zipper5 replied to webman1200's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Really? When I played it, it felt like every other generic, badly made FPS console port out there. -
For Flashpoint fans, how many of you believe that...
Zipper5 replied to webman1200's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
What? He's right. Most of us here were/are extremely disappointed with Dragon Rising. I no longer even put the OFP prefix to it, as it's not justified at all by the game. -
When I first saw it, I thought "Ok, he's going to try and slag off the people making DR out to be bad" but as I read his entire post (God, I am sad...) I realized that's far from what he's doing. He's explaining the psychology behind the deceit... Wow. Talk about taking a game far too seriously. :eek: I mean, people over here take the game seriously, but very few members go to the lengths that he just did...