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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Just thought I would point out that DR has indeed suffered financially, thankfully. Even though this website doesn't have data for PC sales, it's sold less than $1 million world wide in PS3 and 360 sales. At least that is some form of justice. PS3 sales 360 sales I wonder if Codemasters would be willing to give BIS back the name now?
  2. Make sure you've applied the v1.96 patch. You can find it under "Patches" in the autorun menu of your PC Gamer GOTY Edition disc.
  3. I wouldn't say that BIS really dropped the ball with the release of ArmA II. In fact, I quite like what they did. When ArmA II was released we had an influx of people looking to play the "new best game". This meant that we got a few... Let's say... "Special" people. Many threads popped up asking how to change their name, their face, to get out of freelook... Plus, cheating and teamkilling was also an issue. I couldn't get on to a public server without some cheater or teamkiller ruining the game for everyone. But ArmA II was indeed buggy, and proved too buggy for these "special" people. So they moved on to the next "best game", leaving behind the fans of the game who actually want to play and enjoy it. So now those who stayed behind 1) don't have to deal with said "special" people, and 2) get to reap the benefits of BIS' customer support. I'd say it was a huge sign of BIS showing their concentration and their support of their fanbase.
  4. Zipper5

    Oh I get it!......

    Christmas, apparently, came very early this year. I wonder if BIS have put any Christmas related goodies into ArmA II. Christmas trees on Kolgujev, anyone? :D
  5. I don't get any engine startup CTDs with the latest patch. I think you've done something wrong.
  6. Zipper5

    What you're thankful for.

    She had two teeth removed - molars. Apparently they were very infected. That's both a sad and heart-warming story about your dog. Sounds like she was a strong animal. :)
  7. Zipper5

    Operation Arrowhead Suggestion

    It is optional? Or do you mean that the campaign currently uses it? Well, even then, it is optional, just it's much harder if you don't use it. That doesn't mean I liked having it, though. I hated it. Was a pain to get through those last two missions. But it was possible.
  8. Zipper5

    What you're thankful for.

    That my dog pulled through her teeth surgery the other day. :pet5:
  9. Wow, that looks incredible. The FDF team never cease to amaze, be it in OFP, ArmA or, now, ArmA II. Keep it up, guys! :D
  10. Zipper5

    ArmA 3 and backwards compatibility

    (This reply is all in context if there is to really be an ArmA III.) If you remember back to ArmA's release, there was almost zero backwards compatibility with OFP addons. What did this cause? An outrage to say the least. It took a very long time for OFP addons to be ported to the game. And this was all because of the changes from RV1 to RV2. So if BIS were to do it again, you might all say "sure, remove backwards compatibility" but come the release of the game, you'll all be up in arms for them doing such a "ridiculous" thing. If BIS want to play it safe, I'd say that they should make it backwards compatible. Otherwise that will essentially make peoples' hard work in ArmA II go unplayed as the community moves on to the "newer and better" game.
  11. Zipper5

    Is Fade Permanent??

    I think this thread will be closed soon. It is prohibited to discuss piracy on this forum. Should be common sense. Telling people that FADE isn't permanent as well is quite silly, as that may attract further piracy. Ask such questions on the websites you illegally downloaded it from, not on the maker of the game's forum. :rolleyes:
  12. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    You've played DiRT 2? I personally did not enjoy either GRID or DiRT. However, I can see how they could be better as the EGO engine is a racing engine, not an engine for a military simulator. Codemasters, however, are not a great corporation in my eyes any longer. Nor are they in many peoples' eyes after this money grab they made with a name that has such a reputation. I will not buy any more games that involved Codemasters in any way, shape, or form.
  13. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Fixed. Missed out a "1". Here's the direct download link: http://zipper5.armaholic.eu/missions/loose_ends/downloads/SP_LooseEnds_1-021.zip
  14. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    I've released a small hotfix for Loose Ends based on feedback from testers, bringing it to v1.021. See the first post for more details and the download links. Changelog: v1.021: - Made the mission only end if the Mi24s are also destroyed - Changed overview picture to show off the units better - Other minor fixes and changes
  15. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well, they posted a few days ago on their Facebook that due to funding there weren't going to be any more patches or DLC for DR... Unnnnnnfortunately, that appears to no longer be the case, as Helios recently posted this and that Facebook comment has since been removed. And there I was thinking the game had finally died...
  16. Zipper5

    33BO11OF00's missions

    Here's a link to the addon that is required by the mission, courtesy of Rellikki. You also need the EditorUpdate102, along with said addon. The mission only took me 10 minutes to complete. :confused:
  17. Zipper5

    CLY PVP missions (beta)

    Zombie didn't even make the original Tequila, so technically he's not being original either. Cut him some slack, guys. My personal preference is this Tequila, rather than Zombie's. Not to say Zombie's work is bad, of course.
  18. Zipper5

    33BO11OF00's missions

    Wow. I like your modesty. Then again, it makes sense, since you've already had to change your name once in the past.
  19. Zipper5

    Video Settings - 'Postprocess effects'

    BIS have to conform to the mainstream market in some ways if they want to boost their sales. Thankfully, BIS tend to really only do this in the graphical department. Hence the unrealistic post-processing effects that they've implemented, which are very similar to other mainstream games. They might be unrealistic for normal play, but I find them quite useful for video making in ArmA II.
  20. Awesome! Here's another Filefront mirror if you want it. Playing through it right now, no error messages so far. Seems like quite an improvement. Might I suggest that when joining units you use the joinAs command, so that the leader of the group remains as 1 and not 3? It works a lot better. Otherwise, it seems great.
  21. Zipper5

    Please, Start Fresh.

    Thanks for trolling. Was wondering when someone was going to do so in this thread. To be honest, if there is to be an ArmA III, I wouldn't want a new engine, rather, another improvement to the RealVirtuality one. I mean, the differences technologically between RV2 and RV3 are quite impressive, especially from a company as small as BIS. Therefore, who knows what they could do with another improvement. :eek:
  22. Zipper5

    Modern Warfare 2

    Yahtzee finally did a review of MW2: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1118-Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2 The usual Zero Punctuation gold. :D
  23. Do not do that ^ (can't tell if he's being sarcastic). BIS have still not confirmed a 360 version in the making, and it's unlikely that you are going to see one until later next year.
  24. Zipper5

    Mapfact.net discussion thread

    This is a sad day for the BIS community. I wish all of the Mapfact team the best of luck in the future. Your service to this community has been incredible. It's such a shame that you're closing your doors, but time takes a toll on us all. Thank you for everything.
  25. It's hardly impossible. If it was, you wouldn't have such a large PvP following that the game actually has. It has it's own system of doing things and some of these guys are ridiculously good at it. It's just no like every other twitch-shooter with incredibly responsive movement that it feels like you're floating.