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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Rogue Warrior

    I was about to say. I watched a couple videos of it, and not only does it look bad aesthetically, but the sounds are horrible, especially for the weapons. But I do like the song. Definitely not going to bother with the game. I am indeed surprised Bethesda published it. I am equally surprised that Rourke agreed to voice act for it.
  2. Zipper5

    MoH Receipient Can't Fly A Flag

    Wow, talk about disrespect. The guy won a Medal of Honor, and is obviously a Patriot, and you're telling him to remove the flag pole where he flies his countries flag? To me, that sounds utterly pathetic, and it should be those people ordering such a thing who get legal action taken against them. I can't believe people would be so heartless... Wait, actually, I can.
  3. Zipper5

    Few questions to devs.

    I don't see how you expect BIS to test the game with Windows 7 when Windows 7 wasn't even released when ArmA II was. The beta or release candidate may have been, but it's very unprofessional in my eyes to design a game around unfinished operating systems. And Vista... Well... Is Vista. It's nearly impossible to make a game flawless with that operating system, or any software/hardware for that matter. Perhaps you'll be able to play ArmA II at medium settings with that laptop, but not too well. ArmA II doesn't perform badly on all systems. For example, mine runs almost constantly between 40 and 60 FPS on very high settings. In fact, it performs to a reasonable level for most people on this forum who have a mid-to-high-range system, so don't make such wrong generalisations based on your own performance, and the performance of those who have mid-to-low-range systems expecting to max the game out. Yours is falling into the mid-to-low-range category. Here's my system specs in case you cared: nVidia GeForce GTX 280 Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz 2GB DDR2 RAM
  4. Zipper5

    VopSound 2.1

    The Armaholic link works fine: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5884 The only one that doesn't work is the SpeedShare one.
  5. Zipper5

    lol whups! page this file!

    Biggest problem is that most people have said it's nothing more than Vista with a new theme and some gimmicks thrown in. After all, what radical changes could Microsoft honestly have made in such a short time-span? I tried the release candidate myself before it's release and wasn't impressed. XP seems to be where I will stay, even if Microsoft stop supporting it.
  6. I'm probably getting BC2 as well, but don't be fooled by DICE's ploy to make them out to be the messiahs after what IW did. It's no more than capitalizing on IW's mistake. They honestly could care less about PC gamers. After all, BC1 was a console-only game, which people seem to forget. Just because MW2 has matchmaking doesn't make it a bad game.
  7. If you actually tried the game instead of writing it off as bad due to it not having dedicated servers or a short campaign, you'd see that the matchmaking actually works incredibly well in it. I have the worst possible situation, latency-wise. I live in the Middle-East and have a crappy ADSL connection that generally gets me pings of 100ms+. With the matchmaking, I'm actually being put with people close to me who are also playing, and there are more than I thought. This means that I hardly ever get into a laggy game. It's quite fun. What makes this game special in my eyes is it's multiplayer, though, for me, the campaign was far above par. It may not have made all the sense in the world, but it was executed in such a fashion that it never mattered. I was never bored. And to be honest, it didn't matter that it was short. It hardly seemed that way, and not just to me, obviously. However, the multiplayer section of the game is the best multiplayer I've ever played. Really, the only two games I play on a regular basis now are ArmA II and MW2. If you won't accept a game because it's far from realistic, then don't bother with MW2. If you're holding off from trying it because of lack of dedicated server support and the like, but you would actually enjoy the game itself, then try it. You'll more-than-likely enjoy it. Alas, we are derailing the thread.
  8. Zipper5

    Must ***** Die????

    He's talking about I believe. Moderators must have removed it as the title spoiled it. As far as I know, and I've played through the campaign multiple times to get the different endings, you cannot save him. Nothing you do will. It's part of the story.
  9. Modern Warfare 2 is hardly crap. Some people here just can't accept games for what they are. Then again, people here are playing BIS' games to get away from the mainstream, so it should be expected that they automatically label every mainstream game as crap. I play both, and I love both.
  10. The reason showCinemaBorder false might not be working is because you need to have a delay after the script has been executed. So essentially what I do is I keep the screen black for two seconds, and one second in I have it use showCinemaBorder false. Then after one more second, I fade it in through black. If you make it so that showCinemaBorder false is used right at the start of the mission, it won't work. Needs to have a delay.
  11. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The game itself is flawed. Even with the inclusion of dedicated servers, if it really is that, I still won't have any motivation to play it. It's not good enough of a game.
  12. Zipper5

    SP Mission *First War* v 1.0

    You'll have to decrease the file size of the pictures. They're mostly all over the 100kb limit. Also, why is your first picture from Modern Warfare 2? :confused: Edit: Scratch that, you changed them. But the question still remains.
  13. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Broken link, but no. I don't think anything can help DR anymore. I actually hope nothing does. CM hardly deserve it.
  14. Zipper5


    Wow. That certainly makes me want OA even more. Awesome news, Marek. :D
  15. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Lol, I just noticed the spike in people playing ArmA II on November 5th. That's when DR was starting to decline. According to Xfire at least. That's not just a coincidence. :p
  16. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Of course they don't. They're making it out to be that way. But he has indeed signed a NDA, and it's incredibly obvious that's the reason he's still supporting the game. I really don't get how you can support it, even if the company is favoring you. It gives you a bad reputation, and forces you to play a game that you know deep-down is just a money grab.
  17. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    What more can you expect from someone who was about to come to ArmA II but was quickly snatched up by CM themselves? They're using someone who's become their community icon (after Sir_Polaris deserted) to continue milking the poor soles who are still thinking CM give a crap. That's what's going on. Only reason he's still supporting DR. Heck, they made him sign a NDA, and I bet he's now working on patches for the game with them. His AI tweaks aren't even that complex, which hints at the inferiority of the developers.
  18. The stealth isn't perfect but that doesn't make it broken. In fact, it's pretty realistic from what I've seen. Enemies are virtually blind at night without nightvision goggles, silenced weapons work as they should (shoot them in the head and they don't make a noise. That's what attracts nearby soldiers, not the shot) and even with nightvision goggles they aren't godlike. It could benefit from some improvement, but I wouldn't say it needs it right this moment.
  19. Zipper5

    Machinima - Whats Your Favourites?

    I also used to watch Arby 'n' the Chief a lot, before it took a turn for the worst. My favorite episode: LbbRpN2FNmw
  20. Zipper5

    Machinima - Whats Your Favourites?

    VxnXVQwY9Q8 Best and last of the series. My favorite Machinima series ever. Watch the first 4 if you want to understand what's going on more.
  21. Zipper5

    Arrowhead needs a Czech troops campaign!

    Modern Warfare 2. It would be nice, but I doubt BIS will have one. However, we might see the Czech forces involved in the main story somehow. We'll have to wait and see. Though I'm sure someone will make something like this. Perhaps the CSLA team.
  22. Zipper5

    Dynamik water [Feature request to BIS]

    How about you put all of your suggestions into one thread instead of spamming the suggestion forums and not listening to moderators? It would get you into less trouble. Unless you're only looking to raise your post count, or just to troll. All 30 of your posts are from threads you've created, meaning you've created almost 30 threads. You can't see how that's wrong?
  23. Most of the time they aren't hacking to get good at the game, they're hacking to piss people off. They get pleasure out of people getting pissed off at them. Most of the time these people have ADD, mild or serious, so it's better to get bad attention than no attention at all. At least, that's my theory. But best not to talk about hacking much further, as it's against the forum rules and is derailing the thread. Yes, BIS are not only one of the few remaining PC-only developers, but they're also one of the few remaining developers who actually care about and listen to their community. Genuinely. Not like this DICE crap where they're trying to capitalize on their competitor's mistakes. Therefore, BIS will always get my cash if they continue on this path.
  24. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Yeah, even if it is in units, that's still quite a large failure for a company as large as Codemasters, is it not? Especially since that's total sails, not just release day.
  25. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Hm, I found it on a thread in the CM forums where they were comparing MW2's sales to DR's, and the figures were all being tossed around as being monetary, not the number of units. Including those ones that I posted. But I'm not so sure.