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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Happy New Year and Thank You BIS!

    Happy New Year! Can we count this as a full decade since OFP's release? :D
  2. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I'm happy they haven't. They've given up on their least happy customers. Perhaps they'll soon give up on their "second least happy" customers - consoles. Then we can just let the corpse rot.
  3. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The second DLC pack was released. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-game-consoles-1312/401736-21-12-dlc-pack-2-overwatch-now-available-xbox-360-coming-soon-ps3.html I guess they don't realize that with broken MP you won't get anyone playing new MP maps...
  4. Zipper5

    OBE for CM boss.

    Two absolutely terrible games, and yet they're providing a "service to the computer gaming industry"? :confused:
  5. Zipper5

    Just want to play!

    There are no standard maps because the server admins are obsessed with 1) ACE2, which is a large and popular mod for ArmA II, and 2) large, dynamic missions like Evolution and Domination. Many servers use mods. That's why you're getting kicked, because you don't have them. Many servers also don't allow any mods at all, so you'll be kicked if you're using one. Same as it is in mostly every other PC game. You'll have to deal with what missions they play, however. I haven't played ArmA II MP in a long time since mostly everything played publicly are huge, dynamic coops that are awesome when you start off playing them, but get really boring when it ends up being all that you play.
  6. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    The next mission in the campaign is nearing completion, and, of course, I figured I should give you all a small teaser image of things to come. Expect to see the mission soon.
  7. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    He's not done a great job. He's done better than what CM could produce. CM's stuff was shit, his is just "slightly above shit". But more and more I'm finding that playing anything in DR, even if it was "t3h best missionz evar", is shit just because.
  8. Zipper5

    OBE for CM boss.

    Wow... ... Just... ... Wow...
  9. Zipper5

    Graphics Benchmarks .. v Set Up ..

    That's surprisingly low for such hardware. I'm unfamiliar with ATI cards though, so perhaps someone can say just how powerful a 5570 is.
  10. Jesus. I mean, awesome work and all, especially for a mostly one man project. But what's with the overwhelming amount of bitching in the post? It completely drags down... Well, everything! You can't expect people to want to use your stuff any more if you appear to talk about them in that way. I know I wouldn't. Since I know what this mod includes, I know to choose the opposite and use it, but others won't see it the same way for sure. I hope you're talking about specific people without mentioning names, and not the whole community in general. If it's the latter, then no, I won't use it out of sheer principles. Man alive...
  11. Zipper5

    USMC Corpsman (They're Navy, reflect proper ranks)

    The issue is that the ranks, in the current system, have to remain the same for all units in the game. You can't edit what they entitle. Thus, if you switched to perfect USMC ranks, then Russians would be using them, as well as the ChDKZ, CDF and NAPA. Now wouldn't that be even more odd? Perhaps it's possible that BIS can make it so that when you place a USMC soldier, USMC ranks apply only to it. But I don't see that happening.
  12. The link works? :confused: Here it is again, just to be sure.
  13. I think you posted that first video already... But the second one is new.
  14. Zipper5

    MP5 in larger size???

    I was talking about that mod, not ACE2 or ACE.
  15. Zipper5

    MP5 in larger size???

    If I recall correctly, that mod was for ArmA 1, not ArmA II. To be honest, I believe the MP5 is quite proportionally right in ArmA II. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. The main issue is that BIS haven't changed the animations to look like it's sitting more appropriately in the hands of the unit, so it looks quite odd. A shame, really.
  16. Zipper5

    Isla Duala

    Nice island, IceBreakr. I think you just bested Panthera. :eek: Looking forward to more updates.
  17. Zipper5

    Isla Duala

    I think you missed a file. Says it's missing "ibr_rn".
  18. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Funny, last time I checked, you can't do half of those things on the console because it doesn't come with a mission editor. :confused:
  19. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Well, as promised, here are the first two missions. Really, the only thing that isn't finalized is the sound work. There are no voices, but there are subtitles of what is being said, and I need to find some sound effects. However, the missions themselves, as well as the cutscenes, are finished. So, don't hesitate to report on any issues or (constructive) criticisms you have. I'm very appreciative of either. Without further ado: Mission 0: Cobalt Mission 1: Devil's Castle Enjoy. :)
  20. setCaptive true is definitely still working, I'm using it in one of my missions. They're probably getting caught in the crossfire in that mission of yours. Has happened to me in the past in such situations. playMove and switchMove are also both still working. Again, using them in one of my missions. However, I'm using triggers and scripts, not waypoints, to execute them.
  21. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Allied Assault and Spearhead were my favorite of the MOH series, and remain to this day. The Normandy landing in Allied Assault was just... Wow. I can still remember it.
  22. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Gotta love Templar's post. He's such a sellout. He mentions a heavily modified ArmA II, but nowhere does he mention what exactly is modified. He even complains about it being at night instead of daytime. What the hell? :confused: And then there's this: I play ArmA II most of the time in a vanilla state, mainly due to mission making. He has no idea what he's talking about. It's really sad to see people still clutching on to some glimmer of hope that DR will be anything worth salvaging for Codemasters.
  23. Yes, they are. I would not recommend playing missions that aren't specifically designed for ACE2, with ACE2 enabled. It just causes them to go crazy.
  24. It's funny, I didn't run into a single bug in EW. I've now played it the whole way through twice as well. I, for one, am loving it. It really is a shame that people slag off Karel's work after he spent something like half a year building it, and some haven't even tried it yet to see if they themselves get the bugs. But I guess that's human nature, to complain.
  25. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Now that I'm back from my holiday and finally have access to a computer again, work on the campaign has resumed. Expect to see the first two missions released soon for testing while I continue working on mission three. But of course, I can't let you go without another teaser: Edit: The website page is also up. You can find it here.